Sgt. James Douglas Duffin, 2nd Battalion The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (2986672) On 18th September 1944 the battalion was holding a part...
The long initial post in this thread has been copied from several posts in the thread The Battles for Point 103 and St. Pierre (8th–18th June...
This month we see the 80th anniversary of the final battles to capture Tunis and defeat the Axis forces in Tunisia and specifically of the...
Rauray Work in Progress ;-) [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Re. Street fighting in Tilly-sur-Seulles... Work in Progress ;-) The Battle Honours of the Second World War 1939-1945 and Korea 1950-1953...
IWM Pictures of Montgomery in Normandy - 10d6m1944 & 11d6m1944 Object - 205374026 THE BRITISH ARMY IN THE NORMANDY CAMPAIGN 1944 B5310 : General...
I am working on the events of the Italo-German attack against Djebel Abiod on 21-22 November. In an post discussing the earlier fight on 17 Nov.,...
Re. IWM Photo series - Prime Minister at Tank Demonstration PRIME MINISTER AT TANK DEMONSTRATION H7222 : Original wartime caption: The Prime...
Hi all, I'm researching the action in which these two Pz IVs of (I believe) HG Div were knocked out at Salerno in September 1943. I'm wondering...
British Army Lieutenant General Arthur Percival meeting with war correspondents shortly before the surrender of Singapore, circa late Jan 1942....
Peter Laycock : Service number: 52970 Laycock, Peter - Lieutenant-Col Peter Laycock, TD The London Gazette : Notices | All...
Personal Number: 26078 Rank: Colonel Name: Edward Orlando KELLETT, DSO Unit: Royal Armoured Corps London Gazette : 2 February 1923...
Pesaro Work in Progress ;-) [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Happy New Year Just wondered how many out there get frustrated using the IWM photo search? Although a great online resource I have a big beef with...
IWM Photo Series - Breakfast time with a Tank Crew Item/object/205203720 THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA 1942 E9785 : Object description - The...
Today is the 80th anniversary of the initial attack by the 2nd Battalion The Coldstream Guards on Djebels Ahmera and Rhar (Longstop Hill) which is...
9th Lancers : Fighting over the Santerno - April 1945 [ATTACH] Battle of the Argenta Gap - Wikipedia - The Royal Lancers Museum at Derby 12th...
[ATTACH] 9th Lancers : Defence of the Lamone Bridgehead Italy 1944 (9th December 1944) In order to capture the Italian town of Faenza, the river...
Tanks Arrive at Tripoli - March 1943 THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 1940-1947 E22949 : Object description - Original...
To start to supplement the wish to reflect properly the 1st Army's outstanding contribution to victory in North Africa, I add some photos here...
Separate names with a comma.