Would it have caused damage? (Muzzle Brakes).

Discussion in 'Weapons, Technology & Equipment' started by Ropi, Jun 6, 2010.

  1. Ropi

    Ropi Biggest retard of all

    Good evening!

    I was wondering that whould it have caused any damage to the Tiger to remove its muzzle break? I read somewhere that the KwK 36 was directly developed from the FlaK 36 with the addition of a muzzle break that reduced the recoil seriously, so the question is that removing the muzzle break (and this way increasing the recoil) could yes or no damage the tank?
  2. phylo_roadking

    phylo_roadking Very Senior Member

    Eventually within x-number of shots the mounts would break/give way! Though the recoil damping mechanism would break first...

    All fixable of course - though on the day whoever was behind/near the gun when it happened mightn't have been so readily repairable! :)

    And of course - depending on how FEW shots would be required to fatigue the setup, would depend how many Tigers were out of service undergoing repair at any one time...

    The need for a muzzle brake would have been confirmed by testing after initial mathematical calculation...?
  3. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    I remember reading the Tigers' muzzle brake absorbed a surprising amount of the recoil, I just can't find the reference now.

    Ah, Tigerfibel gives it as 70% if my sketchy German doesn't fail me, about what my even sketchier memory had it at...

    Page 55:
    View attachment Tigerfibel.pdf

    Sure I had more on it somewhere though.
    In short; very inadvisable to fire without the brake.
  4. Heimbrent

    Heimbrent Well-Known Member

    Do not fire
    when the muzzle brake is loose or shot off! It functions like a sail and absorbs 70% of the recoil.
    von Poop likes this.
  5. Za Rodinu

    Za Rodinu Hot air manufacturer

    The muzzlebrake was introduced to allow for a smaller hydraulical recoil damper to be able to fit the turret. No MB and you'd overstress the recoil damper. Then you get the effect in the third image :)

    Besides, you'd have a lot of trouble to unscrew that from the muzzle, what the heck for?
  6. Ropi

    Ropi Biggest retard of all

    Wow. Exactly like I was imagining. So a Tiger could have been put down by firing the gun w/out muzzlebreak?
  7. Za Rodinu

    Za Rodinu Hot air manufacturer

    Oh, it would be able to fire without the muzzlebrake. Once.

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