War Diary 5/7 Gordons and HQ 153 Bde March 1945

Discussion in 'NW Europe' started by alberk, Nov 5, 2021.

  1. alberk

    alberk Well-Known Member


    does anyone have the War Diary of 5th/7th Bn Gordon Highlanders and of HQ 153rd Infantry Brigade for the days 23 March to 28 March 1945 (Operation Plunder)? And if so, would you be willing to give me access to these?

    Many thanks!
  2. ltdan

    ltdan banana counter

  3. alberk

    alberk Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Olli. But I specifically need the details from the war diary. The diaries of the brigade HQ are quite good because they sometimes have an intelligence log with interesting details about enemy activities etc. - at times there is more detail than in the sub-unit diaries. At HQ they also listed all reports from the batallions, a bit like a running commentary of the battle - news-blog style!
    ltdan likes this.
  4. ltdan

    ltdan banana counter

    It could have worked.
    I have a lot of material of many of "your" divisions documented in some form - but unfortunately only from the beginning of April, when it started to get interesting in my "playgrounds".
    But I understand completely what you mean.
    Especially the IntSums are really treasure chests: Only through their entries I was able to determine structure, strength and organization of the Wehrmacht units at my doorstep - so to speak some kind of "reverse engineering".

    alberk likes this.
  5. alberk

    alberk Well-Known Member

    Did the Sturm-Bataillon of the 1st Fallschirmarmee, commanded by Hauptmann Eduard Hübner, still play a role in the battles in April? The war diary of 1st Gordons states he was taken POW in Rees in March, Günter Wegmann writes that he escaped from Rees with 80 of his men...

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