War Diary 4 RHA - 1941 - Transcript

Discussion in 'Royal Artillery' started by Tom OBrien, Jun 23, 2012.

  1. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    Source: WO169/1429 - 4 RHA - September 1941

    1 September 1941
    Location: “C” Battery, R.H.A. 527337. RHQ 706254. “F” Battery, RHA 527337.
    The programme of Training continued. “F” Bty RHA held practice camp from 1st to 6th September. Appx K

    2 – 11 September 1941

    12 September 1941
    Lt-Col J.C. Campbell, DSO, MC, RHA relinquished Command of the Regiment on promotion to Brigadier and Appointment to Commander of 7 Support Group, 7 Armd Div. Major J.R.C. Christopher, D.S.O., R.H.A., assumed temporary Command.

    13 September 1941
    Enemy report proceeding in a S.E. direction through the “wire”, approaching the HAMRA area. The Regt was ordered into Battle Positions. “F” Bty came under Cmd 7 Sp Gp with Concentration area at BIR KENAYIS, 682313. HQ 4/RHA with “C” Bty RHA came under Cmd 1st Army Tank Bde and concentrated in the area 720820. On the withdrawal of the enemy back to their original positions HQ and “C” Bty RHA, returned to RAKHAM BAY, and “F” Battery remained in the KENAYIS area preparatory to their moving into the forward area to come under the Cmd of 7 Armd Bde. Major M.St.J. Oswald, RHA, relinquished the Cmd of “C” Bty RHA and was superceded by Major R.W.L. Cowan, RHA. Appx L

    14 – 17 September 1941

    18 September 1941
    “F” Bty RHA moved to the area 584308 and joined 7 Armd Bde. See Operational Order No.1.
    Appx O

    19 September 1941
    Lt-Col. J.C. Currie, M.C., R.H.A. appointed Commanding Officer of this Regt.
    Appx M

    20 to 30 September 1941
    Nothing of importance to report. Training of both Batteries continued and preparations to move forward of HQ and “C” Bty continued.

    24 September 1941
    Lieut. J.A.T. Sharp joined the Regt from H.Q. 10 Corps. Appx N.

    12 September 1941
    2/Lt. P.L. Crane R.H.A. appointed Assistant Adjutant of the Regiment

    Copy No...7..
    4th REGIMENT, R.H.A.
    OPERATION ORDER NO.1, 14 Sept. 41.
    Ref Map - 1/100,000 SIDI BARRANI AND SALUM Sheets.
    1/50,000 MATRUH Sheet.
    1. The next step in the programme of WDF, is to develop sufficient strength in the Fwd area to defeat the enemy WEST of the general line HUQ HUQ – SOFAFI, should he attempt to adv in force.
    2. 4 IND DIV has in hand the preparation of a mined defensive zone from the coast to incl the escarpment, with FDLs on the general line QARET EL HETEIN 545367 – SIDI MUSA 547362 – ALAM TARTURA 550349 – MINQAR EL QABRIT 547345. This fwd defensive zone is being occupied by 4 IND DIV on 26 Sep.
    3. The boundary between 7 Armd Div and 4 IND DIV is all incl 4 IND DIV – 05 L.G. 609373 – BIR EL INABA 589342 – BIR EL BABIA 574335 – BIR HABATA 559328 excl BIR DIGNAISH 543317 – thence excl 320 Grid to the wire.
    4. 7 Armd Div will move to the area BIR RABIA – BIR MELLA 606330 – BIR KHANSA 582305.
    5. (a) 1 Army Tank Bde is responsible for the move fwd of:
    HQ 1 Army Tank Bde.
    8 R Tanks -----------Sqn 4 H.
    44 R Tanks.
    1 Army Tank Bde OFP
    1 Army Tank Bde LRS
    1 Army Tank Bde Rec Sec
    1 Army Tank Bde Workshops.
    (b) 7 Armd Bde is responsible for the move fwd of:
    HQ 7 Armd Bde
    7 H
    2 R Tanks
    6 R Tanks
    7 Armd Bde OFP
    7 Armd Bde LRS
    7 Armd Bde Rec Sec.
    (c) Div HQ is responsible for the move fwd of:
    Adv & Rear HQ 7 Armd Div.
    One Bty 4 RHA
    143 Fd Pk Sqn RE
    RASC Units
    RAMC Units
    Div RAOC Units
    Pro Coy
    7 Armd Div Postal Sec.
    6. H.Q. Sp Gp will remain in its present location and will have the following units under comd.
    4 RHA (less one Bty)
    Resting Motor Bn
    Resting A Tk Bty
    Resting Lt.Fd. Amb.
    7. F (Sphinx) Bty will move from RAKHAM to area 584308 on 18 Sept 41. This will be completed in one day.

    More to follow as I can transcribe it - I'd welcome any corrections to locations or names as the author of the war diary obviously had medical training (i.e unreadable writing!).


    von Poop and CL1 like this.
  2. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    1 October 1941
    Reference maps: SIDI BARRANI 1/100,000. KHAMSA 1/100,000. MATRUH 1/500,000.
    Locations: RHQ and “C” Bty RHA at RAKHAM BAY;
    “F” Bty RHA 10 miles SW of THALATA, under comd 7 Armd Bde.

    2 – 3 October 1941
    RHQ and “C” Bty moved forward to 2 miles W of Kilo 161 MATRUH – BARRANI Rd [Appx A],
    thence, on 3rd Oct to area 564300, where 4 RHA, less “F” Bty, came under comd ARCHIE Coln (567296). This Force consisted of two subordinate colns – CHASE Coln in area 660295 and STEEPLE Coln in area 564300. “A” Tp, “C” Bty, were allotted to CHASE Coln, “B” Tp, “C” Bty to STEEPLE Coln. Major J.R.C. Christopher, DSO, RHA, assumed comd of STEEPLE Coln.
    “F” Bty under comd 7 Armd Bde moved forward about 11 miles to area 560815.

    4 October 1941
    Capt. D.R. Hughes, RHA, left the Regt to assume appointment of Staff Captain of 7 Sp. Gp.

    5 – 9 October 1941
    Period used for digging-in of defensive positions and training of all personnel, especially in the new Signal Procedure.

    9 October 1941
    Lieut. Gen. Sir A.G. Cunningham, D.S.O., M.C., paid a visit to the area.

    10 October 1941
    RHQ moved to close proximity of ARCHIE Coln in area 568295. Major H.W.L. Cowan, R.H.A. took over comd of STEEPLE Coln from Major Christopher.

    11 October 1941
    Both Colns, together with RHQ and ARCHIE Coln moved back with a view to the preparation of further defensive positions as follows:
    RHQ – 575309. “C” Bty, “A” Tp – 576300. “C” Bty, “B” Tp – 569306.
    “F” Bty remained in previous position.

    12 – 15 October 1941
    Preparation of reserve defensive position and continuation of training.

    16 October 1941
    RHQ and “C” Bty RHA returned to previous positions as at 3 Oct 41.
    REORGANISATION OF REGIMENT ON THREE BTY BASIS, each Bty having 2 Tps of 4 guns.
    The new Bty being called Jerboa Bty in the absence of any official notification on the subject. The Tps were named “C” and “D” Tps. The actual transfer of personnel and equipment was carried out on 13th Oct, the final date of reorganisation being 16.10.41. Officers were re-distributed as follows, Major P.T. O’Brien Butler RHA assuming comd of Jerboa Bty, from date of arrival. It was later understood that this Bty was to be referred to as DD Bty RHA.
    The undermentioned officers joined the Regt:
    Capt. J.C.D. Howland, R.H.A. (13.10.41) 2/Lieut. E.J. Dainty, R.H.A. (13.10.41)
    Lieut. A.A. Banks, R.H.A. (13.10.41) 2/Lieut. J.A. Harding, R.H.A. (13.10.41)
    Lieut. I.L. Young, R.H.A. (13.10.41) 2/Lieut. C.E.B.B. Simpson RHA (13.10.41)
    2/Lieut. C.A. Collins, R.H.A. (13.10.41)
    Together with some 120 reinforcements. Appx B
    As a result of this re-organisation, the whole of “C” Bty came under comd of STEEPLE Coln (Comd of Coln being Major H.W.L. Cowan RHA) and Jerboa Bty took up positions under CHASE Coln. Pending the arrival of Major O’Brien Butler, Major Christopher formed and assumed comd of Jerboa Bty.

    17 – 31 October 1941
    Training continued.

    19 October 1941
    Lt.Col. J.C. Currie, MC, RHA, took over Comd ARCHIE Coln whilst Lt.Col. A. Douglas, O.B.E., 2 R.B. was away on leave from which he returned 27.10.41.

    22 October 1941
    Major P.T. O’Brien Butler RHA arrived and assumed comd of Jerboa Bty and Major Christopher returned to R.H.Q.

    24 October 1941
    “C” Bty Practice Shoot.

    26 October 1941
    “C” Bty, relieved by L/H Bty of the 2 RHA, moved back for training purposes under 22nd Armd Bde in a bivouac area in vicinity Kilo 153 Alex – Cairo Rd.. Appx C

    31 October 1941
    Jerboa Practice Shoot.

    4th REGIMENT, R.H.A.
    1 Oct 41
    (a) The Ammunition supply will be maintained from 20 F.S.D., area QADR EL MALKI 605333.
    (b) An A.P. for 25-pr ammunition is being established by H.Q. 7 Armd Div at pt. 220, 567305. This will include a half refill of 25-pr for Btys with ARCHIE Coln or Sp. Gp. An R.A. Officer with No. 11 Set netted with Coln H.Q. is being attached. The A.P. and ammunition with “B” Echelon will be maintained by continuous chain by R.A.S.C. second line.

    2. MEDICAL
    (a) 151, less 2 secs, will move to BIR WESHKET EL KHAMSA, 535315 and will open an M.D.S.
    (b) The following additional moves of R.A.M.C. take place when Sp. Gp relieves ARCHIE Coln:-
    A.D.S. Staging Post opens 576315
    A.D.S. Staging Post opens 573323
    M.D.S. opens 616326.

    (a) Detachment 7 Armd Div Provost Squadron will travel with Adv. H.Q. Sp. Gp. and will mark Sp. Gp. centre line onwards from nearest point at which Adv. H.Q. Sp. Gp. passes 41 F.S.D. area 632306.
    Sp. Gp. sign is a dark red cross made from a petrol tin, on a thin iron rod. The cross is about 4 ft from the ground.
    (b) Rear H.Q. 7 Armd Div remains present location, area 606322. Adv. H.Q. 7 Armd Div moves to area 576315 at a time to be notified.

    4. ACK.

    Time of Signature...1230 hrs.
    DISTRIBUTION (As for Operation Instruction No. 2).

    Appx B
    Nominal Roll of Officers
    4th Regiment, R.H.A.
    as at 16.10.41

    Lieut-Colonel J.C. Currie, MC, RHA C.O.
    Major J.R.C. Christopher, DSO, RHA 2nd i/c
    Capt. R.D. Judd, RHA Adjt
    Lieut (QM) F.C. Studley, RHA Q.M.
    2/Lieut. P.L. Crane A/Adjt.

    “C” Battery, RHA
    Major H.W.L. Cowan, RHA B.C.
    Capt. J.C.D. Howland, RHA Bty Capt
    2/Lieut. E.A.B. Fletcher, RHA “H” Truck

    “A” Troop “B” Troop
    Lieut. J.A.T. Sharp (T.C.) Capt. A.B. Wood (T.C.)
    Lieut. E.D.G. Simmonds (G.P.O.) Lieut. I.L. Young
    2/Lieut. J.A. Harding Lieut. H.L. Cooper (G.P.O.)
    2/Lieut. A. Wilson

    “F” Battery, RHA
    Major H.C. Withers, MC, RHA B.C.
    (Reserved for Capt. J.C. Crowe, RHA Bty Capt.

    “F” Troop “G” Troop
    Capt. D. McVey (T.C.) Capt. G.J.E. Lomas, MC (T.C.)
    Lieut. P. Greenfield (G.P.O.) Lieut. E. Lyte (G.P.O.)
    Lieut. Sir C.I. Russell, Bt. 2/Lieut. C.A. Collins
    2/Lieut. G.K. Booth Lieut. C.A. Collins
    2/Lieut. C.E.B.B. Simpson

    Jerboa Battery, RHA
    Major T. O’Brien Butler, RHA B.C.
    Capt. W.H. Griffith (Capt K.Wood) Bty Capt
    2/Lieut. P. Foden, RHA “H” Truck

    “C” Troop “D” Troop
    Capt F.D. Smith (T.C.) Capt. A.H.D. Barrow (T.C.)
    2/Lieut. J.O.K. Denny 2/Lieut. P.W.E. Currie
    2/Lieut. J.M. Kershaw 2/Lieut. D.F.H. McCormick
    Lieut. A.A. Banks 2/Lieut. E.J. Dainty
  3. Andreas

    Andreas Working on two books

    Tom, can you drop me a PM please? I need your email.

    All the best

  4. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    1 – 16 November 1944
    Regt remained split – C Bty under Comd 22 Armd Bde, F Bty under comd 7 Armd Bde, DD Bty with “Archie” Coln.
    Note: C Bty War Diary appears later owing to separation of this Bty from Regt.

    16 November 1941
    “Archie” Coln ceased to exist and 4 RHA less C Bty moved to 7 Armd Bde area under comd 7 Armd Bde. On this day orders were received for the long-awaited offensive. The Regt was up to strength in officers and men, but far from completely equipped and had many vehicles which were not battle-worthy and for which replacements had been promised but not received. The majority of the vehicles were still those issued in a great hurry to the Regt in April at BENI YUSEF and had seen a lot of service before then.

    17 November 1941
    [No entry]

    18 November 1941
    The advance began. “G” Tp was sent in support of the S.A. Armd Car Regt working on front of 7 Armd Bde. “F” Bty less “G” Tp with one coy 2 RB under comd were formed in “Withers” Coln to be ready if called upon. The advance was slow and uneventful and the night was spent at HAGFET-EL-GABR.

    19 November 1941
    7 H on right reported a large enemy camp NORTH of them and 2 RTR leading reported an impassable bog in front. Some time was spent investigation and F Bty, rejoined during the morning by G Tp, had their first shoot at enemy vehicles. Enemy Tks appeared and the attack planned by 7 H did not take place. Orders received later to move WEST and NORTH. 6 RTR in lead made splendid advance and swept on to aerodrome at SIDI REZEGH, at last light capturing 22 EA on ground and ground staff of about 80. 7 Armd Bde leaguered for night 6 RTR NORTH of aerodrome with DD Bty, 7 H with 2 RTR left with F Bty, Bde HQ in valley.

    20 November 1941
    At first light leaguers of 6 RTR and 2 RTR were both engaged by the enemy having leagured very close to enemy defended positions and having been located in the night by patrols. Several tks and vehicles were destroyed and there was much confusion but both btys withdrew without loss into action, F Bty SOUTH of escarpment, DD Bty NORTH of escarpment in valley. Sp Gp arrived with 60 KRRC and 60 Fd Regt under comd. Observed shooting on enemy position to WEST by F Bty during day. Enemy Inf put in attack on aerodrome from WEST which was completely stopped and broken up by DD Bty.

    21 November 1941
    Combined attack by KRRC and 6 RTR to capture escarpment NORTH of aerodrome was made at first light supported by the Regt. 2 RTR were watching left, 7 H right. Shortly after attack began 7 H were attacked by large number of German Tks and F Bty were ordered under comd 7 H; they turned round and engaged Tks due east. Attack on escarpment succeeded but 6 RTR on left ran into trouble. Capt D. Smith, Comd C Tp, who was FOO with 6 RTR was wounded and was replaced by 2/Lt J.A.T. Kershaw, who went out in armd O.P. and neither he nor any of his party were ever heard of again. 6 RTR now had only 20 Tks left. 7 H had been badly mauled, lost a lot of Tks and were badly scattered. Throughout the day, Tks kept threatening from EAST and S.E. and were engaged by guns of 3 RHA, 4 RHA and 60 Fd and never closed in to attack. 2 RTR put in an attack in the evening and quickly lost several tks and this was virtually the end of the 7 Armd Bde. 4 RHA, less C Bty came under comd Sp Gp.

    22 November 1941
    Enemy Tks were again offensively active all day, but were held at bay by gunfire. 22 Armd Bde appeared to S.W. and 4 Armd Bde were moving up on EAST. 22 Armd Bde attacked at midday and enemy tks withdrew to N.E. In the afternoon enemy tks appeared on WEST of aerodrome and were engaged by gunfire. 4 Armd Bde arrived to put in attack from EAST. It was the enemy who finally attacked and after an indecisive tk battle overrun KRRC and captured the Aerodrome ridge at last light. During this action, Capt A.H.D. Barrow, who was O.P.O. with KRRC remained at his post sending fire orders and doing splendid work and he stayed there until dark when he brought his party safely back, for which gallant action he was awarded M.C. At last light orders were received to withdraw three miles to leaguer.

    23 November 1941
    Considerable confusion at first light as the Regt was mixed up with S.A. Bde who should have been further WEST. Large enemy coln including tks appeared to EAST. Sp Gp HQ left and 4 RHA, less C Bty, were put under Comd S.A. Bde and allotted defence of N.E. sector of what became a square. Enemy Tks had halted SOUTH of this square with soft stuff behind them. 208 Bty 51 Fd Regt came under comd 4 RHA. At 1530 hrs enemy put in attack from SOYTH with tks and inf. Guns were swung round to meet this attack but large quantities of soft vehicles evacuated from middle of the area, so when the guns were turned round there was a gap of a mile between the left and rear of S.A. area. In smoke and dust it was hard to see what was happening, but eventually enemy tks appeared behind the S.A. and some hits were claimed. The S.A. Bde were overrun and majority killed or captured. Enemy tks did not come on, but the position was then attacked by infantry and subjected to heavy MG and rifle fire. All guns were got safely away and few casualties were suffered except in C Tp DD Bty all of whose vehicles less 1 x 15-cwt were put out of action and they were unable to get their guns out of action. 2/Lieut Dainty was killed and Capt. J.O.K. Denny seriously wounded and two detachments were all either killed or wounded. During the afternoon New Zealanders had come up on N.E. and the Regt withdrew to their flank in ase the enemy Tks came on, but only inf came on and when again under heavy rifle and MG fire the guns were pulled out; and eventually after a long night march by means of light signals and wireless rejoined HQ Sp Gp. This was the last occasion the Regt less C engaged enemy tks in large numbers. The gun positions were never attacked by tks (who would not come close) and no opportunity was given to fire A.P. shot at close range. For three days the tks had been engaged at ranges over 3,000 yards, the gun positions having been under constant fire from 75mm gun and 6-prs and often rifle and MG fire. Many deeds of heroism had been performed and the steadiness of all ranks under fire were most marked; many casualties had been suffered to men and vehicles, but no guns were lost except those of “C” Tp. Great work had been done in bringing up ammunition.
    On this day Lt (QM) Studley was reported missing while bringing up a coln of ammunition vehicles.

    24 November 1941
    Sp Gp withdrew for a 24-hr rest. 11 a.m. a large enemy coln was observed moving S.E. and was engaged. At 1400 hrs 4 RHQ less C Bty with 1 coy S.A. and 1 Tp 3 RHA was ordered to protect FMC at Rear Div HQ. This involved a march SOUTH of 18 miles during which the party were fired at from EAST and WEST, but the objective was reached before last light.

    25 November 1941
    Sp Gp arrived in FMC area and colns were formed. CURRIE Coln consisted of 2 Tps 3 RHA, 4 RHA, less C Bty, 1 Coy S.A., 1 Tp L.A.A. Areas of the FMC were allotted to Colns. At 1600 hrs CURRIE Coln was ordered NORTH to engage enemy Coln on TRIGH-El-ABD in area of BIR GIBNI. A most successful evening shoot on enemy MET resulted and some prisoners were taken.

    26 November 1941
    CURRIE Coln moved to GABR FAHRAT – no action.

    27 November 1941
    Patrols were sent out from GABR FAHRAT but no engagements.

    28 November 1941
    Large enemy colns were reported to N.E. This consisted of 20 to 30 Tks and large numbers of MET and some guns – thought to be Italian. The Coln was engaged, driven off and pursued and much damage was done.

    29 November 1941
    A large enemy coln was reported to NORTH. After lengthy investigation, this turned out to be an old camp, which was practically deserted but which in the mirage had all the appearance of vehicles. The Coln was therefore ordered WEST to engage another enemy coln. This Coln was halted in a defensive position covering the withdrawal of large quantities of stuff from GANBUT. CURRIE Coln eventually got into a good position on escarpment SOUTH of GAMBUT, facing WEST, and drove in the enemy coln, inflicting much damage and subsequently did good shooting among enemy MET NORTH of the valley to the WEST.

    30 November 1941
    Ordered back about 5 miles to rest in reserve. At midday ordered forward again but no action.
  5. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    War Diary “C” Battery, 4th Regt., RHA

    1 – 17 November 1941
    “C” Bty remained under Comd 22 Armd Bde – training and preparation.

    18 November 1941
    Advanced through Gap 82 in rear of 22 Armd Bde – no action.

    19 November 1941
    “B” Tp had short action over open sights with enemy Tks. O.Ps sent out for other targets but no action resulted.

    20 November 1941
    Bty went into action at first light with O.P. in observation at GUBI. Moved EAST in support of 4 [sic??] Armd Bde, who were heavily engaged with German tks, A Tp under comd 3 CLY and B Tp under comd 4 CLY. The Bty took up positions near GABR SALEH and towards dusk dropped into action facing N.E. Two O.Ps went forward with the tks. A Tp shot up and dispersed small enemy coln.

    21 November 1941
    Bty advanced with the two Armd Bdes N.E. A Tp engaged a large enemy coln for about 1½ hrs causing considerable damage. The Bty then advanced with 22 Armd Bde westward to assist 7 Armd Bde in area BIR EL HAIAD, line of advance being over ground made heavy by recent downfall of rain. A Tp fired a few rounds but failing light made observation almost impossible.

    22 November 1941
    In early morning B Tp engaged large concentration of enemy tks to EAST with Capt Wood forward in O.P. with patrols of R.Glos.H. After 1½ hrs Capt Wood was killed while taking the shoot. At midday Battery moved NORTH and the enemy contacted in great strength in area SIDI REZEGH. Bty dropped into action firing N.W. but an extremely fierce tk battle was raging in the area during which arty support was often impossible. Both Tps had to withdraw in the course of the day but remained in action until dark shelling concentrations behind the aerodrome and firing a smoke screen under orders of Brig. J.C. Campbell, VC,DSO,MC, to cover a withdrawal of certain guns and personnel of 60 Fd Regt. The B.C., Major HWL Cowan was wounded.

    23 November 1941
    Bty was attacked about 0800 hrs in leaguer area and forced to withdraw hurriedly to SOUTH. Bty dropped into action 3 times but forced to withdraw without firing owing to threat from WEST. Later in the day an enemy coln was shelled and the Bty advanced N.E. to Pt. 183.

    24 November 1941
    Major C.J. Lomas took over comd of Bty, Capt Howland becoming B Tp Comd. Bty moved northwards and throughout the afternoon heavily engaged enemy coln moving SOUTH, but ammunition short. 1 gun and 14 O.Rs from 60 Fd Regt joined A Tp.

    25 – 26 November 1941
    Bty remained in action all day (protecting left flank of N.Z. Div) without firing.

    27 November 1941
    Bty remained in action in same place. In early afternoon Bde moved 9 miles EAST and at Pt 192 Bty heavily engaged the enemy throughout afternoon until dark. During a Tk battle B Tp’s O.P. (in a Tk) received a direct hit and the O.P.A. killed.

    28 November 1941
    The Bty continued shelling the enemy. At midday Bde moved SOUTH and joined forces with 4 Armd Bde. Bty moved N.W. and re-established contact with the enemy and Bty heavily engaged the enemy although observation from O.Ps was difficult as a fierce tk battle was in progress.

    29 November 1941
    The Bty remained in action but firing throughout the early morning was restricted owing to ammunition shortage. When ammunition was received an advance was made N.E. and late in the afternoon a large coln was shelled until dark. A S.African Bty and Tp of 7 Med Regt both joined in.

    30 November 1941
    The remnants of 22 Armd Bde with “C” Bty joined forces with 4 Armd Bde and “C” Bty virtually became a third Bty of 2 RHA. The Bty came into action about midday to guard against any threat to the Bde’s left flank. Little enemy movement was seen and no rounds fired.

    Field Return of Officers
    16 Nov 41

    Posted strength counting against authorised establishment (excl att’d)
    Rfts Req’d



    Lt/2 Lt




    Field Return of ORs
    16 Nov 41

    Posted strength counting against authorised establishment (excl att’d)
    Surplus to
    Rfts Req’d








    * Reinforcements not required. Will be made up by promotions.
    Other Ranks attached from Other Corps
    ORs 33 R Sigs F Tp Sig
    ORs 16 RAOC LAD
  6. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    1 December 1941
    South Africans had moved up to the West and were trying to get feature pt 175 on escarpment. Currie Coln ordered West to protect S.W. flank of S.Africans. Later, ordered to move back at night; news received that enemy Tanks had attacked and overrun New Zealand Brigade and that TOBRUK Garrison who had been reported out had gone back.
    NOTE: “C” Bty Diary appears later owing to that Bty being still separated from the Regt.

    2 December 1941
    S.Africans withdrawn. Sp Gp were given the task of harassing enemy along whole line of escarpment from South of GAMBUT to SIDI REZEGH – moved forward again – no engagement. Succeeded in recovering vehicles about this time which relieved vehicle situation then becoming acute.

    3 December 1941
    Moved further WEST with F Bty facing North and DD Bty West. Both Btys had some shooting and F Bty located strongly held enemy position to N.W. with flank at Pt 197.

    4 December 1941
    In same area, F Bty found a few targets going West along TRIG CAPUZZO, West of SIDI REZEGH.

    5 December 1941
    A great day. DD Bty moved up on right of F Bty to engage MET at Pt 175. F Bty began with a Bty of guns 1,000 yards in front of O.P. in the valley and destroyed them. Another bty was seen near them and engaged and destroyed by DD bty who then concentrated on MET at Pt 175. Engaged by arty from South and S.E., this MET soon dispersed West and S.W. in disorder. All guns were in action; 2-pr guns at O.Ps soon exhausted their ammunition – many vehicles were destroyed including 2 Tks and 150-200 German prisoners captured. In afternoon a party of infantry were seen being marched across the front and after they had been engaged it was established that they were New Zealand prisoners being marched away under Italian escort. A party of Scots Guards under comd 2/Lieut P.L. Crane, RHA went out and overwhelmed the escort and brought back 250-300 New Zealanders who had been prisoners for 4 days and then 2/Lieut Crane went back again with two vehicles and brought in another 6 who were badly wounded.

    6 December 1941
    In same area – F Bty engaging enemy in aerodrome area, DD Bty engaging colns of MET on West moving South and a Coln including tks at BIR EL GUBI which was driven away N.W. Another 200 prisoners captured.

    7 December 1941
    C.O. made early reconnaissance SIDI REZEGH aerodrome and made contact with representatives of 1 R.H.A. from TOBRUK. No targets in this area so Currie Coln was turned to face West and engaged colns of enemy MET and infantry digging in, for several hours.

    8 December 1941
    In reserve and ordered rest and maintenance, but orders received 1200 hrs to move by 1300 hrs S.W. Arrived late in afternoon and found 2 R.H.A. and 1 Fd Regt RA in action in same area; no enemy in position where they were said to be, no targets.

    9 December 1941
    Moved on West to Bir Hacheim. Found this held by enemy rearguard; advance considerably held up by delays in investigating friendly parties, four Armd Car Regts being met on the same front this day. Engaged HACHEIM ridge.

    10 December 1941
    Occupied HACHEIM ridge at first light – moved North 25 miles to be nearer Sp Gp.

    11 December 1941
    Currie Coln with 1 Sqn Glos Hussars in “Honey” tks ordered to move West and then North to cut road West of AIN EL GAZALA. Held up by screen of enemy tanks and guns being engaged vy another Sp Gp coln. Moved South to get round flank. Arrived 6 miles South of road at 1600 hrs. Some small actions with enemy M.T. Capt. D. McVey killed by M.G. fire from aeroplane. Moved back 10 miles to leaguer.

    12 December 1941
    Located enemy leaguer at first light and shot it up. Until 1000 hrs situation very obscure, engaging enemy colns on all sides and doing considerable damage. F Bty engaged coln and captured 7 guns, 20 lorries and 50 prisoners including a Col. of Italian Arty when coln was driven off. Moved forward again to cut road but received verbal orders from Sp Gp that there was a continuous line of enemy behind us and that we must turn about and fight a way out. This was false information. After 2 engagements, in one of which the Glos Hussars destroyed 1 enemy tk and several lorries, the Coln withdrew to area of Sp Gp South of TRIG EL ABD.

    13 December 1941
    In reserve. A complete day’s rest – the first since Nov 18.

    14 December 1941
    Scots Gds left to rejoin Gds Bde – one Coy 2 RB joined CURRIE Coln. Moved South and West – had slight engagement with southern flank of enemy position astride TRIG EL ABD – took 25 prisoners.

    15 December 1941
    Ordered to harass the enemy position, which was a good position covering a valley about 3 miles across which made observation very difficult. Dust storms did not help. Capt. J.R. Barton, making use of ground and cover of dust storms penetrated into enemy position and engaged Bty of 105 mm guns and did much damage. The enemy Bty was not active again that day.

    16 December 1941
    Move further West engaging same position. Harassed enemy MT and guns. Good shoot lost by false information that the Armd Bde would be coming back through our front and large enemy coln was allowed to pas for fear of shooting 4 Armd Bde.

    17 December 1941
    Early move – 0430 – for another wide movement to cut road East of DERNA. Very bad going and only reached TRIG EL ABD this day. Had one short shoot in late evening at retreating enemy colns.

    18 December 1941
    Moved over bad going to area GR ES SAADI but found 4 Ind Div had moved up on right and were already on objective.

    19 December 1941
    Ordered back to area East of MECHILI. Sudden orders to move West at short notice at 1500 hrs. Moved in evening to 11 miles West of MECHILI.

    20 December 1941
    Off again at 0500 hrs, making best possible time to EL CHARRUBA where Wilson Coln in action. Ordered to move on to get South of BENINA. Very hilly difficult going – only made 17½ miles losing many vehicles. Royals working in front had engagement but drove enemy off before Coln could get into action.

    21 December 1941
    Plan changed and decision made to go South where the going was known to be good. Very difficult morning march over hills. Sp Gp collected together and orders given for early move travelling as light as possible. Several vehicles taken from 60 Fd Regt RA to complete, as vehicle situation again becoming serious.

    22 December 1941
    Moved via MSUS to ANTELAT and leaguered in valley 6 miles North of ANTELAT.

    23 December 1941
    Moved North to 5 miles South of SOLUCH. Gds Bde still fighting at SCELADIMA; information very bad. Missed great opportunity of cutting off who[le] force engaging Gds Bde. Engaged one Coln destroying several vehicles and capturing 100 German prisoners. Coln was proceeding West to cut main road South of GHEMINES when orders received to go back to assistance of Gds Bde in area BEDA FOMM. Fast move back 20 miles to find vast Coln of enemy MET tks and guns moving away S.W. from ANTELAT. Both Btys had excellent targets and hammered the Coln considerably but owing to rapid arrival on scene, shortage of information and lack of time for reconnaissance not as satisfactorily as might have been. This was unfortunate as it turned out to be last time the guns were in action in this campaign and the last chance the Regt had to deal with Gen ROMMEL and the German Armd Divs.

    24 December 1941
    Sp Gp moved complete to within 3 miles of main road 6 miles South of GHEMINES and sent parties forward to cut main road at night.

    25 December 1941
    Astride main road 6 miles South of GHEMINES. Too late – no enemy movement. Reports that BENGASI is deserted and occupied by us. Moved to area 8 miles North of GHEMINES.

    26 December 1941
    Moved back to area S.W. of SOLUCH. Orders received that 7 Sp Gp was to join the rest of 7 Armd Div in DELTA area to refit; move to start following day.

    27 December 1941
    Moved to area 12 miles East of SCELEIDIMA. Received orders to move following day to area MSUS and came under command 13 Corps to be held in reserve.

    28 December 1941
    Moved 12 miles to MSUS area.

    29 December 1941
    Orders to move to ANTELAT thwarted by shortage of petrol. Remained all day in same area.

    30 December 1941
    Remained in same area anticipating return to DELTA but orders received in late afternoon to reform colns. CURRIE Coln which included RHA less C Bty started at 17 hrs to march to ANTELAT. By midnight the Coln had arrived 5 miles N.W. of ANTELAT and leaguered for night.

    31 December 1941
    Coln recce parties proceeded to meet Comd Sp Gp and then S.W. down the AGEDABIA track for 15 miles and liaison made with 22nd Armd Bde. Currie Coln complete moved due South from ANTELAT for 15 miles. No enemy contacted.
  7. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    War Diary “C” Battery, 4th Regt., RHA

    1 December 1941
    4th Armd Bde advanced North to SIDI REZEGH to extricate some New Zealanders who were being attack from two direct positions. Owing to confused situation little shooting was done. After heavy shelling Brigade was withdrawn to SIDI MUTAH to replenish. O.Ps were sent out West. Bty engaged a Coln of German lorried infantry.

    2 December 1941
    A day of rest and maintenance.

    3 December 1941
    Rested in same position. Joined 22 Armd Bde Gp Regt in same area.

    4 December 1941
    Moved 13 miles West to GUBI area to cover 11 India Bde. Arty support not needed.

    5 December 1941
    0700 0700 hrs Bty moved back to BIR BARRANEB; joined Sp Gp at BIR MCHEISESS and rest of day spent in forming Wilson Coln consisting of C Bty, Tp D bty 3 RHA and coy 2 RB under comd Col Wilson, 3 RHA.

    6 December 1941
    The guns were brought into action at first light to cover rescue of large party of New Zealand and S. African tps mostly wounded who had been taken prisoner by the Italians and abandoned in a waadi at 441404. A number of rounds were fired and all the prisoners brought away during the day. From Point 175 an enemy Coln of 30 tks and 250 MET was heavily engaged until it moved West along TRIGH CAPUZZO out of range. At about 1500 hrs Coln moved to HAGFET EZZGHEMAT EL GARBIA 4339 where it leaguered for the night.

    7 December 1941
    Bty moved North 7½ miles and intermittently engaged O.Ps, M.T. and working parties S.E. of EL ADEM throughout the day. A Tp picked up 1 extra gun and found a detachment to man it.

    8 December 1941
    Intermittent shelling throughout the day at MET and infantry moving Northwards up the GUBI – EL ADEM track.

    9 December 1941
    Coln moved West at first light, crossed the GUBI track running N.W. and fired a few rounds at dispersed MT in area 395405. Westward move than made up to TRIGH CAPUZZO, 395410, but did not come into action.

    10 December 1941
    The advance N.W. was continued by bounds and eventually Bty took up positions at 376427. Enemy positions on pt 209 and infantry and MT to the N.W. were engaged until late afternoon, when the Coln was relieved by the 4 Ind Div. The O.P. parties captured about 250 prisoners 11 lorries and 3 A/Tk guns. On being relieved the Coln moved back to BIR VCHEIDA for the night.

    11 December 1941
    At first light the Coln moved N.E. for about 4 miles and engaged a large enemy Coln of infantry guns and MET for some considerable time. Shortly before midday the Coln moved 6 miles South to TRIGH CAPUZZO, then 15 miles on 275° and 5 miles N.W. to help HUGO Coln who were engaging enemy tks and guns.

    12 December 1941
    The Coln moved 5 miles N.W. from MOATET EL ADEM and engaged enemy positions to the North. A fire plan was fired at 1605 hrs to assist the Coln infantry who went in destroyed several enemy lorries and took about 200 prisoners.

    13 December 1941
    A day of rest and maintenance. Enemy air activity very much in evidence in area.

    14 December 1941
    The Bty came into action in same place as on 12th facing West; intermittent firing throughout the day but no good targets seen.

    15 December 1941
    Coln moved North to engage the southern flank of the enemy position. Firing was only possible at extreme ranges as there was a six mile wide valley between the Bty and the enemy. Some scattered MET were engaged but only a few rounds fired.

    16 December 1941
    At first light a move was made to TRIGH EL ABD to protect a large convoy of supplies. After moving some distance the Coln turned N.W. and W along the Div axis but did not come into action all day.

    17 December 1941
    At 0830 hrs the Coln was relieved by GRANT Coln and marched 70 miles over difficult country leaguering for the night 12 miles South of MECHILI.

    18 December 1941
    At 0430 hrs the Column moved 5 miles North. Some rounds were fired at maximum elevation destroying enemy MET in the area of MECHILI. The majority of the enemy forces moved West during the course of the day.

    19 December 1941
    The advance Westwards was continued at first light and during the course of the day a few rounds were fired at enemy MT retreating Westwards along the CHARRUBA track. Coln leaguered for the night in the foothills East of CHURRUBA.

    20 December 1941
    At first light the Coln moved towards CHARRUBA. A number of enemy MET were engaged with considerable success. In the afternoon the enemy shelled A Tp’s gun position heavily and whole detachment of Sgt Beale’s gun were wounded by a direct hit.

    21 December 1941
    The advance was continued towards BENINA aerodrome, but project was abandoned owing to heavy going and rain.

    22 December 1941
    Maintenance until midday. The Coln moves South and resting spending the night near BIR BELHASEN.

    23 December 1941
    The Coln advanced 8 miles due West and during the morning a large force of German tks guns infantry and MET moved from BEDA FOMM to ANTELAT. Wilson Coln moved 15 miles South to engage them. The enemy were seen stationary at ANTELAT hill and the Coln advanced a further 5 miles. 30 tks advanced towards the guns and were engaged over open sights. No casualties were suffered and the action was successful in causing the whole force to move South to AGEDABIA.

    24 December 1941
    The Coln advanced West and South the Bty doing a certain amount of shooting.
    In the late afternoon the Coln advanced 40 miles North West and leaguered 6 miles off the main road South of GHEMINES.

    25 December 1941
    Christmas Day found the Coln astir at 0200 hrs owing to the charging plant having caught fire. At first light Coln moved North but no enemy engaged.

    26 December 1941
    Remained in same area.

    27 December 1941
    Support Gp started on return to DELTA in order to refit and C Bty joined the Regt for the first time since the start of the campaign.

    28 – 29 December 1941
    Remained and moved with the Regt.

    30 December 1941
    WILSON Coln reformed and C Bty moved off at 1715 hrs to join it. After a night march of 20 miles the Coln leaguered 4 miles N.E. of ANTELAT.

    31 December 1941
    A further advance of over 20 miles was made in S.E. direction in the morning. No targets were seen.
  8. graeme

    graeme Senior Member

    Hi Tom

    You wouldn't have the War Diary for Wednesday 20 May 1942 at all ??

    (Are you just posting 1941, I was enjoying reading the WD ?)


  9. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member


    I've only got the 1941 War Diary at the moment. I regularly (well about every three months) head over to Kew to copy some files so I could pick up the May 42 section if you have a special interest.


  10. graeme

    graeme Senior Member

    Morning Tom

    If it fits in with anything you are researching that would be great.

    Researching Lance Bombardier 986039 Bruce Jerome McCARTHY who apparently, according to local newspapers, was accidentally killed by drowning (?).

    Interested in exactly what happened.



    PS Thanks for posting the WD for 1941.
  11. Andreas

    Andreas Working on two books

    Morning Tom

    If it fits in with anything you are researching that would be great.

    Researching Lance Bombardier 986039 Bruce Jerome McCARTHY who apparently, according to local newspapers, was accidentally killed by drowning (?).

    Interested in exactly what happened.



    PS Thanks for posting the WD for 1941.

    Probably a bathing accident? You find a lot of remarks about soldiers going down to the beaches for skinny-dipping.

    All the best


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