War Diary: 3rd Tank Battalion SCOTS GUARDS, Jan - Dec 1944

Discussion in 'The Brigade of Guards' started by dbf, Feb 20, 2012.

  1. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    1 September 1944
    Second-in-Command inspected ‘B’ vehicles of H.Q. Squadron
    Five 3-tonners left to carry forward 25-pounder ammunition for 3 BRITISH INFANTRY DIVISION.

    2 September 1944
    Commanding Officer inspected ‘B’ vehicles of Right Flank.
    Information concerning own forward troops very scarce.

    3 September 1944
    Church Parade 1000 hours.
    Search parties left to look for Captain & Quartermaster W.J. DORMAN, M.B.E., and Captain C.E. PRING, R.E.M.E., who had been missing since 1 September.
    Information was brought back that they had both been killed in a motor accident.
    Lieutenant H.E. BROWN arrived from 161 Forward Delivery Squadron R.A.C. to act as Quartermaster.
    More 3-tonners left for Army and Corps second and third line tasks.

    4 September 1944
    A Memorial Service for Captain DORMAN and Captain PRING was held at 1800 hours.
    Commander, 6 GUARDS TANK BRIGADE was among those who attended.

    5 September 1944
    Battalion Drill Parade.

    6 September 1944
    Commanding Officer inspected HONEY tanks and Scout Cars of Recce Troop.

    7 September 1944
    Battalion started to move forward towards River SEINE.
    Tracked vehicles left at 0630 hours and staged the night at 420405.
    Wheeled vehicles left at 2000 hours and drove through the night.

    8 September 1944
    Wheeled vehicles arrived at R 030810 during the morning.

    9 September 1944
    Tracked vehicles left again at 1000 hours and reached R 030810 at 1630 hours.

    10 September 1944
    Church Service at 1000 hours.
    Commanding Officer 6 GUARDS TANK BRIGADE visited Battalion.

    11 September 1944
    Nothing to report.

    12 September 1944
    Battalion started to move across River SEINE, in groups of 20 vehicles, starting at 0715 hours.
    All had arrived at new location 374995 by 1730 hours.

    13 September 1944
    Two Germans who had been hiding in the wooded country nearby were captured.

    14 September 1944
    The band of H.M. LIFE GUARDS gave a performance in the Battalion area.
    There was an ENSA Concert at FLEURY.
    Recce patrols searched the surrounding woods for Germans with no success.

    15 - 16 September 1944
    Nothing to report.

    17 September 1944
    Left Flank had a dance at LES ANDELYS.

    18 September 1944
    A young N.C.O.’s Drill Class started and lasted one week.
    Recreational transport was run to ROUEN.

    19 September 1944
    Captain R.C.G. PEMBER left the Battalion on attachment to TAC H.Q. SECOND ARMY as personal Liaison Officer to Army Commander.
    Lieutenant M. LAW was attached for a week to H.Q. 6 GUARDS TANK BRIGADE as Staff Learner.
    Lieutenant A.G. LAING was appointed Second-in-Command Recce Troop and Lieutenant J. WILSON attached to ‘S’ Squadron.
    Lieutenant C.J.R. DUFFIN was appointed Intelligence Officer.

    20 September 1944
    Nothing to report.

    21 September 1944
    An armed party from Right Flank went to search nearby woods after a report that 20 Germans were in hiding in a cave. No signs of them were seen.
    A French deserter from the German Army was located at RADEPONT.

    22 September 1944
    Battalion Drill Parade under Second-in-Command.
    The Band of H.M. LIFE GUARDS attended.
    M54 (airburst) ammunition was tried out at a range at NOMILLY-SUR-ANDELLE.

    23 September 1944
    Nothing to report.

    24 September 1944
    Church of Scotland Service at 1000 hours.
    Church of England Service 1100 hours.
    Serjeants Mess Dance at ETRPAGNY at 2000 hours.

    25 September 1944
    Advance Parties left to recce new areas.
    Major the Earl CATHCART
    Captain C.S.R. GRAHAM and
    Captain P.E.G. BALFOUR
    left for attachment to H.Q. 8 CORPS for 3 days.
    ’S’ Squadron dance at LES ANDELYS at 2000 hours.

    26 September 1944
    Preparation for move.
    Tanks started loading onto transports.

    27 September 1944
    Wheeled vehicles left at 0800 hours.
    They arrived 13 km North of CAMBRAI at 1730 hours and there staged the night.
    Transporter column left 4 hours late owing to a breakdown in a narrow road.
    They spent the night in area DOUCHY.
    It was made known that the destination was GELDROP in HOLLAND.

    28 September 1944
    Wheeled vehicles left at 0900 hours and arrived at GELDROP by 2100 hours.
    Tank transporters spent night near BRAIN LE COMTE.

    29 September 1944
    Transporters, having gone through BRUSSELS, unloaded at the ALBERT Canal, and the tanks went on on their tracks, arriving at GELDROP at 2100 hours.

    30 September 1944
    More tanks, whose transporters had broken down on the long journey, arrived in batches in the Battalion area.

    Attached Files:

  2. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    1 October 1944
    Battalion was by now fully concentrated in Area 4616, between GELDROP and EINDHOVEN.
    Church Services were held in the evening.

    2 October 1944
    Orders for an Operational role in the event of an enemy counter-attack on the East flank of the salient were received.

    3 October 1944
    Commanding Officer and Squadron Leaders recced areas of ASTEN and HELMOND, to which the Battaion was prepared to send squadrons at one hour’s notice and three hour’s notice respectively in order to block any counter-attack.

    4 October 1944
    All Officers down to Troop Leaders recced the same areas.

    5 October 1944
    Maintenance on tanks all day.

    6 October 1944
    Commanding Officer and Squadron Leaders attended a Conference at H.Q. 15 (S) DIVISION, at which an Operation in the area of the REICHSWALD FOREST, which was due to commence on 10 October, was discussed. Appendix D1.

    7 October 1944
    Squadron Leaders and Troop Leaders recced area in which forthcoming Operation was due to take place.
    The plan fore this Operation became firm.
    Commanding Officer held an ‘O’ Group in the evening.
    Shortly after this, information was received that the Operation was to be postponed indefinitely

    8 October 1944
    Church Parade 1000 hours.

    9 October 1944
    Right Flank and Left Flank moved into billets in GELDROP and EINDHOVEN respectively.

    10 October 1944
    Commanding Officer attended a Conference at 15 (S) DIVISION, at which planning for an Operation in the area South of WEERT was begun.
    H.Q. Squadron held a dance in EINDHOVEN.

    11 October 1944
    Commanding Officer and Adjutant to recce area in which forthcoming Operation to be known as “SIRIUS”, was to take place.
    Good Observation Posts were found in the churches at ZWARTBROEK 6294 and NEDERWEERT 6100.

    12 October 1944
    Further recces of area South of WEERT, down to Squadron Leaders.

    13 October 1944
    Operational Orders for Operation “SIRIUS” were received.
    Battalion was to attack in support of 46 (H) BRIGADE.

    14 October 1944
    Air photos of the area were studied by Commanding Officer and Squadron Leaders.

    15 October 1944
    Exercise “COCKSHY” took place in the area 5016, just East of GELDROP. Appendix D2.
    This was a rehearsal with 46 (H) BRIGADE, of which two Battalions were carried in KANGAROOS, for the move over a bridge, into an FUP, and further advance to an objective.
    One hour before the Exercise was due to start, Battalion was put on two hour’s notice to move to area of WEERT.
    At 1900 hours no movement orders had been received, and Squadron Leaders completed planning of Operation with the Commanders of the Infantry Battalions they were to support.
    Half an hour after the Battalion Commanders had left, information was received that the Operation was indefinitely postponed.
    During the night orders were received for a move to the area of North of OVERLOON, where the Battalion was to be in support of 3 BRITISH INFANTRY DIVISION, with the rest of 6 GUARDS TANK BRIGADE, who had been fighting in this area since 10 October.

    16 October 1944
    Battalion moved to area 7433, North of OVERLOON, starting at 0745 hours and completing move by 1400 hours. Appendix D3.
    Battalion was placed in support of 9 BRITISH INFANTRY BRIGADE.

    17 October 1944
    Recces for an attack next day were carried out by Commanding Officer, with Commander 9 BRITISH INFANTRY BRIGADE.
    Squadron Leaders visited the Battalions in this BRIGADE which they were respectively detailed to support.
    Recce Officer Left Flank recced River in area 7931 - with the eventuality in view of 3rd Tank Battalion SCOTS GUARDS supporting this BRIGADE in an advance South East towards VENLO.
    This River was found to be a tank obstacle, with very muddy approaches on both sides.

    18 October 1944
    Three tanks from Left Flank went to the area of 6th Battalion K.O.S.B. in order to try, at a range of almost 4,000 yards, to demolish a large concrete building on the banks of the MAAS which the enemy were using as an Observation Post.
    The attempt was unsuccessful.

    19 October 1944
    Commanding Officer visited 185 INFANTRY BRIGADE Commander, and then went to 6 GUARDS TANK BRIGADE H.Q. to meet the CORPS Commander. Appendix D4.
    Orders were received for a move back to 15 (S) DIVISION area.

    20 October 1944
    Battalion moved to area 5827 (between GEMERT and BAKEL).

    21 October 1944
    Baths at HELMOND.

    22 October 1944
    Commanding Officer attended a Conference at 15 (S) DIVISION, at which orders were given for a set piece attack by 46 (H) BRIGADE supported by 3rd Tank Battalion SCOTS GUARDS from the area East of BEST 3726 to OIRSCHOT 3125.
    Recces were made in the area of BEST, where the Church was found to be a good Observation Post.

    23 October 1944
    Further recces and plannings for this Opertaion.

    24 October 1944
    Enemy were reported to be withdrawing from area West of BEST.
    At 1100 hours Battalion was put on immediate notice to move, and at 1500 hours moved to area of ZON 4426.
    Commanding Officer attended an ‘O’ Group at 46 (H) BRIGADE at 2100 hours, and held an ‘O’ Group on his return at 2230 hours.

    25 October 1944
    Battalion formed part of 46 (H) BRIGADE GROUP in an advance Westwards from BEST.
    Forming up by 0900 hours on the wide main road running South from BEST, Right Flank in support of 2 GORDON HIGHLANDERS formed the advance guard.
    They passed through OIRSCHOT, which was already held by 44 (L) BRIGADE GROUP, and SPOORDONK 2827, which recce elements had reached the night before.
    A small enemy rearguards in the area 2430 (two miles East of MOERGESTEL) caused the deployment of the advance guard, but as soon as it was realised that this rearguard had withdrawn, tanks were pushed up to the bridge at MOERGESTEL with all speed.
    The Bridge was found blown.
    An attempt to wade through the river was unsuccessful.
    Two CHURCHILL Bridgelayer tanks were brought up, and all tanks had been passed over these by 1530 hours.
    The Recce Troop with one company 2nd Battalion GORDON HIGHLANDERS in KANGAROOS made a dash for the bridge into TILBURG at 177327, light failing them when the tanks were 400 yards short of the bridge.
    Here the Recce Troop found itself in the middle of what seemed to be a German Company position and a brisk engagement took place in which losses were inflicted on the enemy.
    During it three HONEYS were bogged, and attempts at recovery had to be made under heavy M.G. fire.
    These were successful except in the case of one tank, which had to be abandoned until next morning.
    The Recce Troop eventually withdrew after dark, having caused considerable damage to the enemy in the surrounding farmhouses which were occupied.
    Left Flank and 7th Battalion SEAFORTHS advanced North toward OISTERWIJK 2334, where the bridge was found blown and covered by small arms and mortar fire.
    This advance was carried out with 15 Troop and the Squadron Leaders tank acting as point of the advance guard.
    The Troop Leaders tank charged through a road block just short of the blown bridge, and the Troop managed to deploy and engage the enemy firing at them from the opposite bank of the river.
    A spirited and successful fire engagement was fought, but Lance-Serjeant MARSDEN, the Troop Corporal, was killed when a mortar burst on top of his tank.
    S’ Squadron and 9th Battalion CAMERONIANS advanced to area 1931, and Right Flank and 2nd Battalion GORDON HIGHLANDERS to area 2030.

    26 October 1944
    Left Flank supported 7th Battalion SEAFORTH up to the river South of OISTERWIJK in an Operation which cleared half of this town.
    In spite of considerable opposition, a number of prisoners being taken.
    Whilst the squadron was forming up in the dark Lieutenant RAMSAY was killed and S.S.M. PRICE wounded by an air burst.
    S’ Squadron supported their Infantry forward against light opposition to the area of Bridge 177327, which was found blown (probably 1 1/2 hours before they reached it).
    Right Flank moved to area South of OISTERWIJK.
    Infantry patrols got across the broken bridge into TILBURG.

    27 October 1944
    Recce Troop patrolled in the morning to the Canal line North North East of TILBURG, where slight opposition was met.
    In the afternoon Left Flank carried 7th Battalion SEAFORTH to this same area, where 7th Battalion SEAFORTH patrols crossed the Canal into TILBURG without opposition.
    In the evening all Squadrons were pulled back into the area 1933.

    28 October 1944
    Second-in-Command went into TILBURG to recce billets, but at 1100 hours Battalion was put at one hour’s notice to move.
    At 1400 hours the Battalion was told to be prepared to move East early next morning.
    At 1510 hours orders for this move were received, and at 1600 hours Battalion started moving via EINDHOVEN and GELDROP to the other side of the so-called NIJMEGEN salient, where a German counter-attack had captured MEIJEL 7006 and was said to be threatening SECOND ARMY H.Q. at HELMOND.
    The tanks arrived in a harbour area just North of ASTEN 6113 by 0130 hours next morning.
    A’ Echelon was dropped off at ZOMEREN 5911.

    29 October 1944
    During a day full of extraordinary rumours concerning the progress and success of this German counter-attack, at 1100 hours tank squadrons moved out at short notice to areas South and East of ASTEN to cover this road centre in support of the Infantry battalions of 227 (H) BRIGADE under whose command the Battalion now was.
    The enemy advance was said to be being made with two Panzer Divisions, the 9th and the 15th.
    No enemy were seen during this day.

    30 October 1944
    7 U.S. ARMY DIVISION which had been holding this sector of the line was withdrawn, and the Battalion in support of 227 (H) BRIGADE moved up to take over their positions, whilst the rest of 15 (S) DIVISION and 6 GUARDS TANK BRIGADE were concentrating behind them.
    The expected enemy attack did not materialise, though shelling and mortaring were fairly heavy.
    Right Flank were attacked in harbour during the night, but drove off the enemy with losses.
    15 Troop of Left Flank carried out an attack on an occupied farm in co-operation with a company of 2nd Battalion GORDONS.
    This resulted in the capture of 23 Prisoners.

    31 October 1944
    No change in situation.
    Shelling still fairly heavy.
    Squadrons were located as follows:-
    Right Flank area 6310, in support of 10th Battalion H.L.I.
    Left Flank area 6311, in support of 2nd Battalion CAMERONS.
    S’ Squadron area 6212, in support of 2nd Battalion A.&S.H.

    Attached Files:

  3. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    1 November 1944
    Shelling still fairly heavy.
    Left Flank in support of 2nd Battalion GORDONS occupied some more buildings unopposed in area 6512.

    2 November 1944
    Recce Troop patrolled actively to the East of Left Flank position and to the South East of Right Flank position, where enemy company position equipped with light automatics was discovered in the peat bogs at 6508.
    As a result of this a hurriedly laid on attack was launched by 2nd Battalion A.&S.H. supported by one troop ‘S’ Squadron.
    The ground however proved to be entirely unsuitable, two tanks got bogged and smoke had to be put down to cover their debogging.
    The Infantry mistook this for the prearranged signal to withdraw and since they were anyway held up by extremely heavy and accurate mortar fire they returned to Starting Point.
    The tanks were thus left in the gathering dusk and the troop was attacked by about 30 German infantry.
    Several of these were killed but in the action one of the bogged tanks had to be abandoned.
    The remainder then withdrew after blowing up an enemy ammunition dump behind a peat bog.
    It afterwards turned out that the enemy also withdrew after this action.

    3 November 1944
    The bogged tank of ‘S’ Squadron was recovered undamaged without opposition.
    Situation remained unchanged.
    Shelling much reduced.
    Enemy apparently falling back.

    4 November 1944
    The Battalion moved into billets in HELMOND 5522 for maintenance and refitting, arriving in HELMOND 1000 hours.
    Appendix A.
    The Commanding Officer held a Conference at 1100 hours.
    Priorities of occupation were to be maintained, baths and rest.

    5 November 1944
    A Church Service was held at 0900 hours.
    The remainder of the day was spent in maintenance and baths.

    6 November 1944
    The day was spend in maintenance.

    7 November 1944
    The day was spend in maintenance.

    8 November 1944
    Commanding Officer’s Drill Parade 0930 hours.
    Appendix B.
    Day spent in maintenance and recreation.
    An Operational role was allotted in support of 6th R.S.F. at 6809.
    One squadron to be at one hour’s notice.
    Commanding Officer visited 6th Battalion R.S.F. for purpose of tying up the detail

    9 November 1944
    A Crew Commander’s course was started within the Battalion.
    Remainder of the Battalion was employed in maintenance and recreation.

    10 November 1944
    Day spent in maintenance and recreation.

    11 November 1944
    Commanding Officer’s Drill Parade 0900 hours.
    Remainder of day spent in maintenance and recreation.

    12 November 1944
    A combined denominations Church Parade was held at 0930 hours.
    Remainder of day spent in recreation.

    13 November 1944
    Subaltern Officers’ Map Reading Course.
    Maintenance and recreation.
    Commanding Officer and Adjutant to 227 (H) BRIGADE to discuss an Operation to be known as “NUTCRACKER”, with the object of clearing the large enemy pocket West of the MAAS, with a preliminary Operation to clear MEIJEL.
    Captain P.E.G. BALFOUR to be Adjutant vice Captain V.F. ERSKINE CRUM.

    14 November 1944
    Commanding Officer to 227 (H) BRIGADE to discuss “NUTCRACKER”.

    15 November 1944
    Commanding Officer to 227 (H) BRIGADE to discuss “NUTCRACKER”.

    16 November 1944
    Commanding Officer and Officer Commanding Recce Troop carried out recces in now occupied MEIJEL area.

    17 November 1944
    Commanding Officer to 227 (H) BRIGADE to discuss “NUTCRACKER”.
    Squadron Leader Right Flank to 44 (L) BRIGADE to discuss further phase of Operation “NUTCRACKER”.

    18 November 1944
    Recce Troop commenced clearing minefields in MEIJEL to provide suitable tank FUPs.
    Unit came under command of 227 (H) BRIGADE and ceased to be at call of 6th Battalion R.S.F.
    C’ Squadron W. DRAGOONS and 146 Anti-Tank Battery ROYAL ARTILLERY put under command 3rd Tank Battalion SCOTS GUARDS.
    During the night patrols of 10th Battalion H.L.I. accompanied by Recce Officers ‘S’ Squadron and Left Flank went out to determine the tank going between MEIJEL 7007 and the Canal De Deurne between 7206 and 7205.
    They saw slight signs of enemy activity at 721069 and reported the going to be good.

    19 November 1944
    Voluntary Church Parade 0930 hours.
    Day spent in maintenance.
    Captain R.C.G. PEMBER blown up on a mine in MEIJEL 7007 while in a Scout Car on recce to fin a bridge over the Canal de Derivation.
    At 1700 hours orders were received from 6 GUARDS TANK BRIGADE to move next morning to BERINGE 740060.
    A bomb which fell on Left Flank billets caused some casualties.

    20 November 1944
    F1 and F2 moved to BERINGE leaving HELMOND at 0700 hours.
    A’ Echelon moved to HEUSDEN 6311.
    A tank FUP was recced by Second-in-Command at 745065 in which the Battalion was formed up with under command ‘C’ Squadron W. DRAGOONS, 146 Anti-Tank Battery ROYAL ARTILLERY and one troop AVRE.
    Two CHURCHILL Bridge layers were also under command.
    The FUP was covered by two patrols of the Recce Troop and was shelled intermittently by an SP gun causing one casualty.
    At 1115 hours Left Flank in support of 2nd Battalion GORDONS moved up alongside the road to 758078 where they came under heavy mortar and spandau fire from the houses immediately to their front and the surrounding woods.
    As the infantry were held up, Left Flank moved forward into the houses, destroying them by gunfire, silencing the spandaus and killed approximately 20 and taking 46 German Prisoners in the process.
    During this time an S.P. gun, believed to be a 75 mm opened fire from the woods at approximately 775090 on the right flank followed by another on their left flank.
    Both were concealed in the woods and before being forced to withdraw knocked out the Tank Commander by Lieutenant J. WILSON, killing him and wounding two of his crew; two other CHURCHILLS being hit but not damaged.
    Lieutenant I.L. THORPE was severely wounded by small arms fire in this action.
    Left Flank withdrew to forward rally after dark to 748082.
    S’ Squadron in support of 2nd Battalion A.&S.H. harboured in the wood at 761078 while Battalion H.Q. and Right Flank remained in the North of BERINGE at 752070.
    At this time each squadron had under command one troop of FLAILS from W. DRAGOONS and one troop S.P.s from 146 Anti-Tank Battery ROYAL ARTILLERY.
    Troop AVREs remained with Battalion H.Q.
    During the course of the afternoon Right Flank moved to 742071 in support of 44 (L) BRIGADE, but though they made no contact with the enemy one tank was lost on a mine.
    Recce Troop made various patrols to 752088 and the edge of the woods just to the North.
    From these patrols one tank did not return.

    21 November 1944
    Left Flank in support of 2nd Battalion GORDONS moved North WE up the road from BERINGE - SEVENUM 818140 starting at first light.
    Though no contact was made the bridge over the Canal at 783806 was blown.
    2nd Battalion GORDONS and Left Flank crossed this with the assistance of a CHURCHILL Bridgelayer and an AVRE bridge.
    They formed a bridgehead on the Northern bank and came under considerable shell, mortar and Nebelwerfer fire.
    A Patrol of the Recce Troop was sent to recce VORST 819123 but met mines at 787109 where one tank was lost with casualties, but the other successfully completed its mission and returned.
    As the approaches to the bridges were so bad it was decided to pass no-one else across the bridge that night.
    Final positions were Left Flank 783108, ‘S’ Squadron 779102, Right Flank 745065, Battalion H.Q. 779100.
    Heavy rain all day.

    22 November 1944
    At first light BROEK 806113, VORST 819123 and ACHTERSTE STEEG 804125 were reported clear by 15 (S) DIVISION Recce.
    Before dawn the bridgelayers lifted the bridges and moved them a few yards so that the approaches were undamaged.
    Right Flank in support of 10th Battalion H.L.I. moved forward at about 0900 hours and by 1200 hours had occupied SEVENUM 818140 without opposition covered by Left Flank from the North edge of the Wood 795135.
    Final dispositions were Right Flank 810131, ‘S’ Squadron 804124, Left Flank 806132, Battalion H.Q. 815136.
    There was a sharp period of shelling round Battalion H.Q. at 2100 hours.
    Heavy rain all day.

    23 November 1944
    Battalion H.Q. shelled at 815136 at about 0730 hours.
    15 (S) DIVISION Recce reported that HORST 830185 was clear of enemy and Right Flank starting at 0900 hours reached HORST opposition, being vociferously received by the inhabitants and taking 5 Prisoners.
    No further incident took place that day though there was considerable shell fire in the area of Battalion H.Q. at about 1900 hours.
    Great difficulty was experienced on this and previous days in bringing up F2 Echelon owing to the bad state of the read between BERINGE - SEVENUM.
    Final dispositions, Right Flank 830185, ‘S’ Squadron 828180, Left Flank 818167, Battalion H.Q. 826183.
    Heavy rain all day.

    24 November 1944
    Battalion remained in previous positions in HORST.
    Contact was made to the West with patrols of 11 ARMOURED DIVISION, and ROYAL ENGINEERS constructed a bridge over the Canals at 829189 and 832203.
    Orders were given by 227 (H) BRIGADE for an advance on the following day to TIENRAIJ 858231.

    25 November 1944
    ARVs of H.Q. and Left Flank under the command of TA cleared obstructions from the road at 832203.
    At 0900 hours Right Flank in support of 10th Battalion H.L.I. occupied EIKELENBOSCH 850207 without opposition.
    S’ Squadron supporting 2nd Battalion A.&S.H. moved into an FUP at 834804 where they were sharply shelled.
    They then moved forward and by 1200 hours had occupied TIENRAIJ without opposition, amid heavy shelling.
    Left Flank and 2nd Battalion GORDONS then moved through TIENRAIJ and occupied SWOLIGEN 875227, this Operation being completed by 1600 hours.
    Final dispositions Battalion H.Q. 830198, Right Flank 843212, ‘S’ Squadron 856228, Left Flank 862238.
    Night patrols were made by Recce Officers ‘S’ Squadron and Right Flank to determine the tank going towards BLITTERSWIJK 870270.

    26 November 1944
    After a night of heavy but intermittent shelling, Left Flank were very heavily shelled at 0800 hours, which resulted in the death of Lieutenant H.W.S. MARSHALL and two of his crew, two more being wounded.
    At about 1000 hours Right Flank in support of 10th Battalion H.L.I. moved up towards BLITTERSWIJK.
    Right Flank were unable to advance to the village itself owing to an obstacle at 868259.
    Some opposition in the shape of a spandau and faustpatronen was found here but was quickly silenced by fire from the tanks.
    Two Troops of Left Flank under the command of the Squadron Leader assisted 2nd Battalion GORDONS into BROEKHUIZEN 906222 without opposition though they encountered a number of minefields.
    S’ Squadron was put under command 46 (H) BRIGADE to assist in an Operation to clear LOTTUM 897191 but were not used

    27 November 1944
    Squadrons located as follows: Battalion H.Q. 826182, Right Flank 830185, ‘S’ Squadron 828180, Left Flank 843213.
    S’ Squadron was put under command 46 (H) BRIGADE to assist in an Operation to clear up LOTTUM 897191 but were not used.

    28 November 1944
    One Troop of Left Flank and the Squadron Leader moved forward to 900220 to support 2nd Battalion GORDSON into KASTEEL and to demolish booby trapped houses in BROEKHUIZEN.
    In this they were entirely successful, 5 Prisoners of War including an Officer being taken, and at least 5 other Germans killed though heavy and consistent shell fire was encountered from the East bank of River MAAS.
    During the nigh the R.S.M. was blown up on a mine in a Scout Car but was uninjured.

    29 November 1944
    Battalion was released from 15 (S) DIVISION and came under command 6 GUARDS TANK BRIGADE.
    At 1300 hours Battalion moved back into billets in HELMOND.
    Commanding Officer and 10 Officers attended a farewell address by Commander 8 CORPS at 1415 hours.

    30 November 1944
    Day spent in maintenance and baths.
    Battalion was visited at 1500 hours by Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Force, accompanied by Commander SECOND BRITISH ARMY, and Colonel. J. GAULT, SCOTS GUARDS.

    Attached Files:

  4. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    1 - 6 December 1944
    Day spent in maintenance and individual training.

    7 December 1944
    Day spent in maintenance and individual training.
    Commanding Officer attended a Conference at 6 GUARDS TANK BRIGADE to discuss possibility of the Battalion going into the Line and infantry during January.

    8 December 1944
    Day spent in maintenance and individual training.
    Commanding Officer held a Conference to discuss infantry role.

    9 December 1944
    Day spent in maintenance and individual training.

    10 December 1944
    Orders were received to relieve 4th Tank Battalion GRENADIER GUARDS who were in 8 CORPS reserve at ZEILBURG 6619 on 13 December.
    Recces of new area made by Second-in-Command and Squadron Recce Officers.

    11 - 12 December 1944
    Maintenance and individual training.

    13 December 1944
    Move to ZEILBURG cancelled but Battalion came into 8 CORPS reserve at 3 hours’ notice to counter-attack any enemy penetration of 8 CORPS front.

    14 December 1944
    Commanding Officer and Adjutant made recces of training areas.

    15 - 17 December 1944
    Maintenance and individual training.

    18 December 1944
    Air activity over HELMOND.
    Several enemy jet propelled aircraft seen.
    No incidents.
    Commanding Officer held a Conference on the subject of future training.

    19 December 1944
    Commanding Officer and Squadron Leaders recced training areas.

    20 December 1944
    Orders received from 6 GUARDS TANK BRIGADE at 0345 hours to move to area BREE 5084 with a view to Operations in connection with German breakthrough in the ARDENNES sector.
    Battalion moved in accordance with March Table at Appendix D2.

    21 December 1944
    Commanding Officer and Adjutant attended Conference at H.Q. 51 (H) DIVISION at BERINGEN.
    Battalion at 3 hours’ notice in support of 153 (H) BRIGADE.
    A plan was made to support 153 (H) BRIGADE in a defensive role South of LOUVAIN to counter an enemy attack across the MEUSE.
    Second-in-Command and Squadron Recce Officers went to LOUVAIN to look for billets.
    At 1830 hours Battalion was ordered to move to area MAASTRICHT the following day.
    Squadron Seconds-in-Command reported to H.Q. IX U.S. ARMY at MAASTRICHT.
    B’ Echelon arrived from HOLLAND.

    22 December 1944
    Battalion moved to MAASTRICHT, wheels starting 0430, Tracks 0530.
    Final locations, Battalion H.Q. 655543, Right Flank HOUTHEM 635543, ‘S’ Squadron 645543, Left Flank 649542.
    Battalion came in support 154 (H) BRIGADE.

    23 December 1944
    Maintenance in new area.
    Battalion put at 4 hours’ notice.
    By 1800 hours Battalion at 8 hours’ notice.

    24 December 1944
    Church Services for all squadrons.
    Battalion at 8 hours’ notice.

    25 December 1944
    Church Services for all squadrons.
    Battalion ceased to be in support 154 (H) BRIGADE and came under command 6 GUARDS TANK BRIGADE which was under command IX U.S. ARMY.

    26 December 1944
    Whole holiday.
    Besa Ranges constructed.

    27 December 1944
    6 GUARDS TANK BRIGADE and 3rd Tank Battalion SCOTS GUARDS came under command 43 BRITISH INFANTRY DIVISION at 6 hours’ notice in a counter attack role as army reserve to IX U.S. ARMY.

    28 December 1944
    Commanding Officer attended Conference at 43 DIVISION H.Q.
    Battalion put under command 214 INFANTRY BRIGADE.
    Plans for a counter attack in the BRUNSSUM 762699 and AACHEN areas were made.

    29 December 1944
    Commanding Officer attended an Order Group 214 INFANTRY BRIGADE H.Q.
    Squadrons affiliated to battalions of 214 INFANTRY BRIGADE.
    Right Flank to 7th Battalion SOMERSET L.I, ‘S’ Squadron to 1st Battalion WORC. REGIMENT, Left Flank to 5th Battalion D.C.L.I.
    Commanding Officer and Squadron Leaders made recces of areas AMSTENRADE - HOUTE-EN-DOUVE 7262 - MERKLEBEEK 7463 - KLING 7563 - ROZENGAARD 7663 - BOUWBERG 7763.

    30 December 1944
    Recces of areas on Squadron-Company level continued.
    Battalion visited by Commander 43 INFANTRY DIVISION.

    31 December 1944
    Church Services for all squadrons.
    Recces of counter attack areas on Platoon-Troop level carried out.
    Plan for counter attack in BRUNSSUM area hardened, and full commitments of 43 INFANTRY DIVISION and 6 GUARDS TANK BRIGADE received.

    Attached Files:

  5. Red Jim

    Red Jim Well-Known Member

    My Mums cousin, 2697594 Guardsman Leonard Nicholson was a Churchill driver, and was killed during he attack on point 226 on 30/07/44. He is listed in the casualty list for 30/07/44 above.
    Leonard's mother would never accept he was dead, believing he was shell shocked and wandering around France. When his mother passed away, his sister Doris (who I knew as Aunty Doris-she was actually my Mums cousin) , contacted the then SIr William Whitelaw, who had been his commanding officer, to see if he he could provide any more information about what had happened to her brother. At he best she was expecting a letter, so she was shocked when Sir William's office contacted her to advise her he was willing to come to see her personally. Sir William subsequently came to her house and gave her a moving description of the action in which Leonard died. On discovering that there was no grave for him, Sir William put Doris in touch with the Scots Guards Association, who in turn arranged for a gravestone to be erected in Hottot Les Bagues war cemetery and paid for Doris & her husband to travel to Normandy for the dedication of the grave.
    The entry for Leonard in WO 361/613 Scots Guards Northwest Europe Missing Personnel File reads_

    2697594 Guardsman L NICHOLSON 3rd Tank Bn. Scots Guards WO 361/613 SG Missing NWE ; Missing: Tanks burnt out & bodies inside unrecognisable and unidentifiable Missing.

    RIP Guardsman Leonard Dodgson Nicholson
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2024

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