Victoria Cross:Basil Arthur Horsfall 21st March 1918

Discussion in 'Prewar' started by CL1, Dec 30, 2021.

  1. CL1

    CL1 116th LAA and 92nd (Loyals) LAA,Royal Artillery

    Plaque where he attended school in Marlow,Buckinghamshire.

    Victoria Cross
    On 21 March 1918, between Moyenneville and Ablainzevelle, France, the Germans attacked positions held by Second Lieutenant Horsfall's centre platoon. After his three forward sections were driven back, he was wounded in the head by enemy fire. Ignoring the wound, he immediately reorganised what remained of his troops and counterattacked to regain his original position. Despite the severity of his head wound, he refused to go to the dressing station, as the three other officers in his company had been killed. Later, he made another counterattack, but was ordered to withdraw. The last to leave his position, he was shot soon afterwards

    Basil Horsfall - Wikipedia


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