Unusual picture with a baby donkey

Discussion in 'General' started by Dave55, May 5, 2014.

  1. Dave55

    Dave55 Atlanta, USA

    Anyone know anything about who these guys are?

    Came across this on the net without a caption

    Attached Files:

  2. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    Looks like a French Adrian helmet.
    Did a bit of Googling & found same picture in a book/magazine (december 1961 according to the blog ) with French caption.
  3. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    Wider view:

  4. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    here ya go.


    En 1958, un légionnaire de la “13″ (13e Demi-brigade de Légion étrangère) en opérations trouve un âne mourrant de faim dans le djebel. Le légionnaire le ramène à la base et la bête devient la mascotte de l’unité sous le nom de “Bambi”. In 1958, a legionary of "13" (13th Demi-Brigade of Foreign Legion) in operations found a donkey starving in the Jebel. The legionnaire brought him back to the base and the animal became the mascot of the unit under the name "Bambi".
  5. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD


  6. NickFenton

    NickFenton Well-Known Member

    Looks a bit of an ass to me!!!!!

    Could be the start of a good thread.

    At Dulag Luft in 1941, the German guards had a goat with rather large horns that was kept in a coral in the exercise yard.

    When the prisoners were told to return to the compound, the guards took great delight in releasing the goat early to chase the prisoners back to their compound.

    This was fine until one day, one of the guards was a little slow or the goat was released too early and unable to run with his great coat and rifle, he was seen to be propelled into the air to the great delight of the prisoners.

    On another occasion, Roger Bushell decided to hide out in the Goats shed and await nightfall. The goat did not like this and all the prisoners could hear was bashing and crashing for quite some time before Bushell decided he had had enough and legged it for the compound, followed by the goat. Others tried the same escape route with similar success.




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