Y'all are just a bunch of sad, sad people, who get their jollies picking on the septic. I grew up having to eat that..that..shi..stuff. I made a vow that come hell or high water, I was never eating it again, no matter how dolled up it was. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig.
Much going against my grain, I have to agree with Jeff. Civilization indeed stopped at the Pas de Calais, to recover across the water over that barbaric black hole whose outshoots we're seeing in this thread.
I remember one god forsaken ship I was on, we lived on corn beef or spam fritters. Cheap and nasty no doubt but we loved them for a while, haven't had one since though. David
Za my friend what could you possibly mean how the heck did you get that photo of me Rob I need some help here
To those over the water who extol the virtues of dry rice or dead pasta with rubbish fish and scraggy bits of meat with a bit of wet tomato on top sprinkled with crap mousetrap cheese and a mumified bay leaf, I say SPAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM WE BRITISH LOVE IT!
Spam A Sunday morning treat when my father would fry it as part of The Breakfast of the Week. john Luv it.
I think I'd rather eat Colon on toast than this: Remarkable... It may be time to trial spam fritters on the sprogs though. Do I have to send them to Portugal or something if they don't like 'em?
As someone "up thread" said Spam is the off cuts from pigs. Basically its just arseholes and eyeballs all ground up.
VP If you do try im sure they will love them. sending to Portugal if they dont ,well sounds like a plan Im sure we might know someone over there.
Please do, so they have contact with proper food instead of your usual mash an orc would refuse Lunch today was omelette with shrimps and mushrooms, with steam boiled greens
A bit like Donner Kebab meat then? Who cares, it tastes lush. Just don't think about it's ingredients while eating it.
Oh, but it's delicious! Rverything that comes from the sea is! Here: Crab recipes - Recipes - BBC Good Food Something I always wondered about is why I'm so crazy about shrimp, but shudder when I read about some people eating locusts, yuck!