Hi Everyone, I am researching Thomas Henry WIMBUSH:- Sapper WIMBUSH, THOMAS HENRY Service Number 1898452 Died 29/09/1943 Royal Engineers, who is buried in Port Said, but remembered on his parent's grave in Broughton, Flintshire. I would like to know what the Royal Engineers were doing there on that day, indeed, what part of the Royal Engineers Thomas was in and possibly any information of what happened to him and his army pals. Any information greatly appreciated. I know all about his family history. Kindest regards, Mavis Williams
Thomas Wimbush is listed on Casualty List 1262 under 'Died'. I strongly suspect he died of illness or he would have been listed as 'Killed in Action', 'Died of Wounds' or 'Died as a result of accident'. I cannot find him on any other Casualty Lists. Tim
Thomas Henry Wimbush 1919–1943 BIRTH 31 MAR 1919 • Hawarden, Flintshire, Wales DEATH 29 SEP 1943 • El-Ḥusseinîya, Ash Sharqiyah, Egypt UK, Army Roll of Honour, 1939-1945 Name: Thomas Wimbush Given Initials: T H Rank: Sapper Death Date: 29 Sep 1943 Number: 1898452 Birth Place: Chester Residence: Chester Branch at Enlistment: Other Corps Theatre of War: Middle East Regiment at Death: Royal Engineers Branch at Death: Other Corps https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/18968941 England & Wales, Civil Registration Birth Index, 1916-2007 Name: Thonas H Wimbush Registration Date: 1919 Registration district: Hawarden Inferred County: Flintshire Re-registration Year: 1919 Mother's Maiden Name: Liversage Volume Number: 11b Page Number: 319 Only his service records will provide an accurate part of the RE Corps he was working in - eg could have been bomb disposal, port operating or many other sections - unless with luck you come across something. TD
Thank you Tim and TD, I think we all have come to the same blank wall, I appreciate your help. I was hoping that I would find out what the Royal engineers were doing on that day in Port Said. Thanks again, Kind regards, Mavis
As mentioned, unless you know what section/arm of the RE that this man was in then it could have been a mulitude of trades. The other thing is that this may not help you find out how/why he died as it may not have been associated to that particular trade within the RE - he could have had an accident when not working, or have caught something like a virus etc etc as Timuk has suggested previously TD
Very true TD, I will have to accept that you cannot find everything out, thanks again. Kindest regards, Mavis
Just a possibility. The RE's were involved with the operation of the Suez Railway. Probably after deployment from Longmoor camp in Hampshire.
Thank you Bryan, apologies for the late reply. I have just found another Royal Engineers man with a Regimental number quite close to Thomas, (on another local Memorial) and I am wondering if they may have been in the same unit - 503 Field Coy., I know they died close in date to each other, but very far away, perhaps the Royal Engineers moved to Egypt by the 29th September 1943, so I am wondering if they would have enlisted together and it might throw a clue to Thomas's Unit or Company.:- Sapper EDWARDS, HARRY Service Number 1890711 Died 17/09/1943 Aged 25 503 Field Coy. Royal Engineers Buried at SALERNO WAR CEMETERY I know it is grasping at straws really. Just a thought. Regards, Mavis
Only clue will be service records Mavis unless someone has the war diary otherwise guessing will be the game
Sapper Harry Edwards listed: Casualty List 1266 - Wounded - Italy Casualty List 1273 - Died of wounds Above Casualty Lists show casualties from numerous RE Companies. List for Thomas Wimbush does not show his Company. I would think any link unless otherwise substantiated would be very tenuous. Tim
Thank you CL1 and Tim, apologies for late reply, you are both right, it's so frustrating being unable to add a little more at least to his story. Well I will have to until more comes on line or I have another clue, perhaps from his family eventually. Kindest regards, Mavis