Hi, M.M. London Gazette 21 March 1952. The original recommendation states: `During the period 20 July - 22 October 1951, Flight Sergeant Harris was the N.C.O. in charge of `A' Flight, No. 95 Squadron, R.A.F. Regiment (Malaya), engaged in Anti-Insurgent Operations in the Sungei Besi district of Selangor. He undertook a great number of patrols and ambushes in a most cheerful manner, and very often under most trying conditions. Throughout, his example has been an inspiration to all who have served under him and the Squadron as a whole. Flight Sergeant Harris displayed courage, endurance and initiative in the line of duty and through his untiring efforts he discovered numerous food and equipment dumps, insurgent camps and resting places. His information and observance were responsible for further unit successes. Throughout this period of anti-insurgent duty, Flight Sergeant Harris displayed tremendous keenness, fortitude and fearless leadership far beyond the call of duty.' Leslie Charles Ewart Harris was born in Cranbrook, Kent, in December 1916, and enlisted in the Grenadier Guards in January 1935. Dissatisfied with `the interminable bull-shit', however, he bought himself out of the 1st Battalion in August 1937 and returned to civilian life. With the advent of hostilities in September 1939, he volunteered his services and was drafted to the East Surrey regiment in March 1940, and on achieving a high score on a course at the Small Arms School, Hythe, he was appointed a Sergeant on the Training Centre Weapons' Staff and remained similarly employed until being demobilised in March 1946. In June 1948, he enlisted as a Gunner Instructor in the R.A.F. Regiment, and was immediately appointed to acting rank of Sergeant. Then in November 1949, he was embarked for the Far East, where he joined `A' Flight of No. 95 (Rifle) Squadron in Malaya and was advanced to the acting rank of Flight Sergeant. Of subsequent operations undertaken by `A' Flight, In Adversity - Exploits of Gallantry and Awards to the R.A.F. Regiment and its Associated Forces 1921-1995, by Squadron Leader N. G. Tucker, states: `During the middle and latter parts of 1951 No. 95 Rifle Squadron, R.A.F. Regiment (Malaya), was particularly active, conducting antiterrorist operations in the Sungei Besi district of Selangor. Patrols, up to flight strength, were mounted almost daily amongst the estates and jungle areas. The laying of ambushes to engage the terrorists, or searches to locate their jungle camps, were frequent tasks which brought the Squadron a good deal of success. All flights were engaged with equal vigour, and Flight Sergeant Harris was the Senior Non-Commissioned Officer in charge of `A' Flight. He was awarded the Military Medal for his conduct throughout the three-month period of operation, between 20 July and 22 October 1951. `A' Flight was engaged in patrols and ambushes almost immediately, operating in difficult, jungle covered country. Flight Sergeant Harris led a flight-strength patrol within a week of assuming the tasks, and by the end of July `A' Flight had found one bandit camp and engaged insurgents, retrieving clothing, ammunition and documents. During August, the Squadron as a whole operated with the 1st Suffolk Regiment and the Police Jungle Squad on a number of occasions. By the end of the month the intensity of the engagements with the insurgents, the Min Yuen, increased greatly. `A' Flight conducted follow up patrols on two occasions after `D' Flight had carried out 3" mortar strikes, against terrorist bases in the Punchong area. `A' Flight also discovered a further "resting place" for up to 10 men, following an engagement with the Min Yuen on 19 August. September was by far the most active month during this period of operation. `A' Flight was particularly successful, discovering a total of 10 camps, dumps or resting places, and recovering large quantities of terrorist material. In most of these food and Communist documents were recovered, and one included a printing press and equipment. The camps were usually large enough to hold between 8 and 15 personnel, and there was evidence on a number of occasions, by documents and clothing, that female insurgents were active within these groups. There were a number of engagements, and the Flight was credited with the Squadron's first confirmed kill of a terrorist, following a night ambush. `A' Flight continued its record of success during October, with the Squadron's second kill at the beginning of the month, during a battle with Min Yuen bandits. The dead terrorist had been implicated in at least four murders. The patrol report for this action stated: "At about 1130, 3 bandits, dressed as tappers were contacted and fire was opened on them at a range of 40 yards. Two were seen to be wounded, one in the arm and the other in the right side. Two blood trails were followed and one disappeared in some baluker. On reaching this point, he stood up to throw a grenade and was killed instantly. The other blood trail disappeared about 20 yards further on down the hill. The other bandit was seen sky lined against the top of the hill momentarily. At this point a further blood trail was later found. A follow up was made but to no avail. On the bandit killed, one grenade, about 50 elastic bands, and a number of documents were found. He had no identity card or weapon apart from the grenade. The body was handed over to Sungei Besi Police Station at 1145 hours. Ammunition expenditure included 51 x .303, 68 x 9mm, 3 grenades." ' Harris received his M.M. at a Buckingham Palace investiture held in February 1953, in which month he was transferred to the Reserve; sold with several photocopied congratulatory letters and messages." AND Dix Noonan Webb Auction 11 Dec 14 Lot 822 "An extremely rare Malaya operations M.M. group of five awarded to Flight Sergeant L. C. E. Harris, Royal Air Force Regiment MILITARY MEDAL, G.VI., 2nd issue (4031688 A. Flt. Sgt. L. C. E. Harrisd, R.A.F. Regt.); DEFENCE AND WAR MEDALS 1939-45; GENERAL SERVICE 1918-62, 1 clasp, Malaya, G.VI.R. (4031688 Act. F. Sgt. L. C. E. Harris, R.A.F.); CORONATION 1937, privately engraved, `2614432 L./Cpl. L. Harris, 1st Bn. G. Gds.', good very fine and better (5) 5000-6000" Regards, Mick D.
A rather rare and quality group is up for sale in December. Colour Sergeant Robert Bogan of County Durham. BEM Gallantry plus GSM South Arabia (Aden) and N. Irealnd. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-34778409
Medals now withdrawn from the auction. Glad to see these staying with the family. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-34791011
http://www.eadt.co.uk/news/suffolk_war_hero_and_military_cross_winner_puts_collection_up_for_sale_1_4444058 .http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-35753248 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/5325810.stm http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-13701516 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-33830497
Another Iraq Gallantry award up for sale: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/03/31/para-sells-iraq-gallantry-medal-to-get--son-on-property-ladder/
Corporal Johnson Gideon BEHARRY, VC, has received confirmation for the award of the Companion of the Order of Grenada. This was announced in the Gazette on the 11th October 2017: Honours and Awards DECORATION CONFERRED BY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL OF GRENADA The QUEEN has been graciously pleased to grant unrestricted permission for the wearing of the following award which has been conferred on the under mentioned in recognition of meritorious service: Companion of the Order of Grenada Corporal Johnson Gideon BEHARRY, VC, The Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment, 25136865. Here is an image of a replica group showing Beharry's medal entitlement, with the above award sitting on the extrme left.
Operation Telic (10) MC group to the Irish Guards. A rather special medal group: The exceptional Operation Herrick 10 Afghanistan May 2009 Military Cross group awarded to Lance Sergeant M.P. Turrall, Irish Guards, who served between 1998 and 2012, and took part in Operation Telic 10 in Iraq in 2007. Then as part of the Irish Guards XI | London Medal Company
Queen's Gallantry Medal to Irish Guardsman Brendan James Campbell: Brendan James Campbell was born in Blackburn, Lancashire, and educated at Billinge High School, before joining the British Army as a Guardsman (No.24772251) into the Irish Guards. As a Lance Corporal he saw service in Northern Ireland, and as a Warrant Officer 2nd Class saw service in Iraq during the opening stages of the conflict as a part of Operation Telic 1 in 2003 when his regiment played a significant role as a part of the 7th Armoured Division during the advance into Basra. It was however when the Irish Guards deployed to Iraq and to Basra for a second time in 2007 when a part of Operation Telic 10 and attached to the 4 Rifles Battlegroup that Campbell, still a Warrant Officer 2nd Class, won the award of the Queen’s Gallantry Medal in a well documented incident in saving the lives of six men when one of the Company’s Warrior vehicle toppled off a narrow bridge into a stream in a high threat area of Basra during a mission to cover the extraction route for a convoy on 15th June 2007. Sadly in this incident, the driver of the Warrior, Lance-Corporal J. A. Cartwright, 2nd Royal Tank Regiment, was tragically killed. The recommendation for Campbell’s award of the Queen’s Gallantry Medal reads as follows: ‘Shortly after deployment out of the [Basra] Palace to cover the extraction route for the convoy on 15 June 2007, one of the Company’s Warrior vehicle toppled off a narrow bridge into a stream in a high threat area. The Warrior came to rest upside down with its crew and dismounts trapped inside and under water. WO2 Campbell who was travelling in a following vehicle immediately dismounted and ran forward to the scene. Displaying extraordinary presence of mind he slid down the steep bank to the Warrior and opened the door using the external door release button. He used all his natural authority and force of character to shake the dismounts in the crew compartment out of their panic and forced them out of the vehicle. Acting calmly and with great ingenuity and resourcefulness WO2 Campbell single-handedly managed to find a way to extricate the turret crew that has not occurred to the experienced Warrior crewmen present and got them out. His rapid and decisive action probably saved the lives of four dismounts and unquestionably two turret crew. Without hesitating and deliberately placing himself into a highly dangerous situation in a dark and flooded vehicle in order to save his men’s lives. His actions were decisive, resourceful and six men owe their lives to his quick thinking and selfless courage.’ Campbell’s award of the Queen’s Gallantry Medal was published in the London Gazette for 7th March 2008 ‘In recognition of gallant and distinguished services in Iraq during the period 1st April to 30th September 2007.’ In total only 24 Queen’s Gallantry Medal’s, including two second award bars were awarded for Iraq, four being to men of the Irish Guards. Campbell was presented with his award at Buckingham Palace by Prince Charles, and images of the presentation and aftermath survive. Campbell however maintained he was “only doing his job”. Campbell was commissioned as a Captain into the Irish Guards in July 2009, but resigned his commission in August the following year.
An unfortunate turn of events, one way or another: Deacon Cutterham's medal-winning heroic actions questioned ahead of auction