OTHER SERVICES - Introduction

Discussion in 'Other Services' started by Trux, Aug 29, 2010.

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  1. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron



    Field Ambulance. War Establishment II/62/1. August 1942.
    Field Dressing Station. War Establishment II/301/1. August 1944.
    Field Hygiene Section. War Establishment II/299/2. May 1944.
    Traumatic Shock Team. War Establishment IV/270/1. August 1944.
    Convalescent Depot RAMC. War Establishment IV/44/2. May 1944.
    Officers Convalescent Wing. War Establishment IV/268/1. June 1944.
    Advanced Depot of Medical Stores. War Establishment III/51/3. March 1944.
    Captured Enemy Equipment Section (Medical). War Establishment XIV/1322/1. November 1944.
    Standing Medical Board. War Establishment XIV/1320/1. September 1944.
    Medical Evacuation Staff. War Establishment XIV/1321/1. September 1944.
    Maxillo-Facial Surgical Unit. War Establishment IV/47C/2. December 1943.
    An Entomological Field Unit. War Establishment IV/201/1. September 1943.
    A Biological Research Section. War Establishment IV/192/1. October 1943.
    Port Detachment. War Establishment IV/204/1. November 1943.

    Field Dental Laboratory. War Establishment IV/239/1. February 1944.
    Field Dental Centre (Operational). War Establishment IV/240/1. March 1944.
    Field Dental Centre (Non Operational). War Establishment IV/242/1. March 1944.


    Corps Field Park. War Establishment III/289/1. December 1943
    Divisional Field Park. War Establishment III/290/1. December 1943
    Divisional Field Park. War Establishment II/315/2. May 1945
    Armoured Stores Company. War Establishment XIV/1417/1. December 1944.
    Anti Aircraft Sub Depot. War Establishment XIV/1418/1. February 1945.

    Field Ammunition Repair Factory. War Establishment IV/183/1. September 1943.
    Mobile Ammunition Repair Unit. War Establishment IV/202/1. November 1943.
    Field Salvage Unit. War Establishment III/276/1. November 1943
    Army Industrial Gas Unit. War Establishment IV/255/1. April 1944.
    Base Industrial Gas Unit. War Establishment IV/254/1. April 1944.
    Army Kinematograph Service Exhibition Wing (Overseas). War Establishment III/251/2. December 1944
    Army Kinematograph Service Company HQ (Overseas). War Establishment III/252/2. December 1944.
    Army Kinematograph Service Section (Overseas). War Establishment IV/139/3. December 1944.
    Army Kinematograph Service, Kinema Repair Detachment (Overseas). War Establishment IV/177/2. December 1944.
    Army Kinematograph Service Section ATS (Overseas). War Establishment IV/273/1. December 1944.
    Officers Static Shop. War Establishment XIV/1416/1. September 1944.
    Officers Shop Company. War Establishment XIV/1420/1. March 1945.

    This page
    Mobile Field Laundry and Bath Unit Type A. War Establishment III/292/1. December 1943
    Mobile Field Laundry and Bath Unit Type B. War Establishment III/293/1. December 1943
    Base Hospital Laundry. War Establishment IV/219/1. November 1943.
    Medical Base Laundry. War Establishment IV/111/1. June 1942


    Divisional Provost Company. War Establishment II/341/2. March 1944
    Corps Provost Company. War Establishment III/60/5. March 1944
    Headquarters Provost Company. War Establishment IV/194/1. November 1943
    Provost Section. War Establishment IV/195/1. November 1943
    Provost Section Tactical HQ 21 AG. War Establishment XIV/1502/1. November 1944.
    Traffic Control (Signal) Company. War Establishment IV/263/1. May 1944
    Traffic Control Pool. War Establishment XIV/1504/1. February 1945.
    Headquarters CMP (Vulnerable Points) Company. War Establishment XIV/1500/1. October 1944
    Detachment CMP (Vulnerable Points). War Establishment XIV/1501/1. October 1944.
    Headquarters Provost Company (Ports). War Establishment IV/132/2. September 1944
    Military Prisons, Detention and Field Punishment Barracks. War Establishment IV/70/4. August 1944.


    A Security Liaison Mission. War Establishment XIV/1237/1. September 1944
    Liaison Section with HQ French Military Region. War Establishment XIV/1238/1. September 1944.
    Liaison Staff with HQ Communication Zone ETOUSA. War Establishment XIV/1239/1. September 1944.
    No 23 Liaison Headquarters. Dutch Forces. War Establishment XIV/1231/1. June 1944.
    No 22 Liaison Headquarters. Czech Forces. War Establishment XIV/1232/1. June 1944.
    No 4 Liaison Headquarters. Polish Forces. War Establishment XIV/1233/1. June 1944.
    No 4 Liaison Headquarters. Polish Forces. War Establishment XIV/1233/2. January 1945.
    No 20 Liaison Headquarters. French Forces. War Establishment XIV/1231/1. June 1944.
    No 2 Liaison Headquarters. Belgian Forces. War Establishment XIV/1231/1. June 1944.
    British Liaison Officers (Allied Liberated Manpower). War Establishment XIV/1241/1. January 1945.
    Field Security Section
    21 Army Group Photographic Interpretation Unit. War Establishment XIV/1150/1. June 1944.
    Scientific Intelligence Staff. War Establishment III/330/1
    An Amplifier Unit. War Establishment IV/184/1. September 1943
    No5 Public Relations Service. War Establishment XIV/1570/1. March 1944
    No5 Army Field and Photographic Section (PR). War Establishment XIV/1571/1. May 1944
    No7 Public Relations Service. War Establishment XIV/1578/1. February 1945.
    No1 Information Control Unit. War Establishment XIV/1573/1. November 1944.
    No2 Information Control Unit. War Establishment XIV/1574/1. November 1944.
    No3 Information Control Unit. War Establishment XIV/1575/1. November 1944.
    No4 Information Control Unit. War Establishment XIV/1576/1. November 1944.

    A Security Liaison Mission. War Establishment XIV/1237/1. September 1944
    Liaison Section with HQ French Military Region. War Establishment XIV/1238/1. September 1944.
    Liaison Staff with HQ Communication Zone ETOUSA. War Establishment XIV/1239/1. September 1944.
    No 23 Liaison Headquarters. Dutch Forces. War Establishment XIV/1231/1. June 1944.
    No 22 Liaison Headquarters. Czech Forces. War Establishment XIV/1232/1. June 1944.
    No 4 Liaison Headquarters. Polish Forces. War Establishment XIV/1233/1. June 1944.
    No 4 Liaison Headquarters. Polish Forces. War Establishment XIV/1233/2. January 1945.
    No 20 Liaison Headquarters. French Forces. War Establishment XIV/1231/1. June 1944.
    No 2 Liaison Headquarters. Belgian Forces. War Establishment XIV/1231/1. June 1944.
    British Liaison Officers (Allied Liberated Manpower). War Establishment XIV/1241/1. January 1945.


    Headquarters Reinforcement Group. War Establishment XIV/1632/1. July 1944.
    Headquarters Reinforcement Group. War Establishment XIV/1632/2. March 1945.
    Reinforcement Holding Unit. War Establishment XIV/1633/1. July 1944.
    Reinforcement Holding Unit. War Establishment XIV/1633/2. March 1945.
    Reinforcement Sub Unit. War Establishment XIV/1634/1. July 1944.
    Reinforcement Sub Unit. War Establishment XIV/1634/2. March 1945.
    Special Training Cadre RAC. War Establishment XIV/1640/1. June 1944.
    Leave Unit. War Establishment XIV/2027/1. November 1944.
    Holding and Selection Centre. War Establishment XIV/2026/1. September 1944
    Port Staging Camp ATS. War Establishment XIV/602/1. October 1944.
    Rest Camp. War Establishment XIV/641/1. November 1944.
    Transit Camp. War Establishment XIV/643/1. November 1944.
    Transit Camp Paris. War Establishment XIV/642/1. February 1945.
    Reorganisation Centre. War Establishment XIV/2028/1. December 1944
    Divisional Battle School Cadre. War Establishment XIV/1896/1. December 1944
    Sniping School. War Establishment XIV/1130/1. December 1944.
    No2 (Belgian) Training Team. War Establishment XIV/1897/1. December 1944.
    No22 (Czechoslovak) Training Team. War Establishment XIV/1898/1. December 1944.
    Physical Training School. War Establishment XIV/1899/1. December 1944.
    Basic Training Team, Allied Liberated Manpower Battalions. War Establishment XIV/1900/1. February 1945.
    War Dogs Training School Vetinary and Remounts. War Establishment XIV/1995/1. January 1945.

    Mobile Laundry and Bath Units were the responsibility of the Royal Army Ordnance Corps. They were designed primarily to decontaminate men and their equipment after a gas attack. In the event they were never called on to perform this task but until the end of the war they remained fully trained and equipped to do so. Anti gas precautions at all levels were fully maintained, every soldier had a gas mask and units held stocks of anti gas clothing. Also in every unit a number of men were trained in anti gas duties.

    The secondary role of the Mobile Laundry and Bath Unit was, as the title suggests, providing laundry and bath facilities for forward units.

    There were in 1944 two different types of unit. The Mobile Laundry and Bath Unit Type A was a Corps unit and was equipped and manned for continuous operation on a large scale, and was equipped to handle large items such as blankets. The Mobile Laundry and Bath Unit Type B was provided on the scale of one per division. Initially in 21 Army Group these were Corps units but in the autumn of 1944 they became divisional units.

    Both types of unit used similar equipment but the Type A had a continuous drier trailer instead of the tumble driers of the Type B

    These units were not intended for hospital laundry. This was the responsibility of separate units.

    A useful reference is the pamphlet titled - Regulations for Army Ordnance Services, Volume 3, Pamphlet No 32 ‘Instructions for the Operation of a Mobile Laundry Company, RAOC’ This pamphlet appeared in various wartime editions and then in at least three post war editions. The editions vary only very slightly in equipment, personnel and operations.

    War Establishment II/292/1. December 1943.
    Captain, Ordnance Officer 4th Class
    2 X Subaltern, Ordnance Officer 4th Class
    2 X staff serjeant storeman, technical
    serjeant clerk, RAOC duties
    5 X serjeant
    3 X corporal
    7 X lance corporal
    51 X private
    Total 71

    Plus attached
    sanitary assistant RAMC
    serjeant fitter REME
    corporal electrician REME
    2 X cook ACC
    Total including attached 76

    Trades included
    batman driver
    9 X driver IC
    6 X driver mechanic
    17 X general dutyman
    general dutyman for duty as barber
    32 X storeman for laundry duties.

    2 X motorcycle
    1 X car 2seater 4 X 2
    1 X 15cwt GS
    14 X 3ton 4 X 4 GS
    8 X 3ton 4 wheeled laundry trailer
    2 X 2ton 2 wheeled trailer with 22Kw generating set

    Captain, Ordnance Officer 4th Class
    serjeant clerk, RAOC duties
    batman driver
    driver IC
    general dutyman

    serjeant fitter REME
    corporal electrician REME
    2 X cook ACC

    1 X Car 2seater 4 X 2
    1 X 15cwt GS truck

    Laundry Section
    Subaltern, Ordnance Officer 4th Class
    Sub section
    staff serjeant storeman, technical, for laundry duties
    corporal storeman for laundry duties
    2 X lance corporal storeman for laundry duties
    12 X storeman for laundry duties
    corporal driver mechanic
    4 X driver IC

    5 X 3ton 4 X 4 GS
    4 X 3ton 4wheeled laundry trailer
    1 X 2 wheeled generator trailer

    Sub section
    staff serjeant storeman, technical, for laundry duties
    corporal storeman for laundry duties
    2 X lance corporal storeman for laundry duties
    12 X storeman for laundry duties
    driver mechanic
    lance corporal driver IC
    3 X driver IC

    5 X 3ton 4 X 4 GS
    4 X 3ton 4wheeled laundry trailer
    1 X 2 wheeled generator trailer

    Subaltern, Ordnance Officer 4th Class

    Sub section
    3ton 4 X 4 GS
    staff serjeant storeman, 3 X storeman, driver IC
    Carries stores and equipment
    Tows a Laundry trailer Type A
    3ton 4 X 4 GS
    corporal storeman, 3 X storeman, driver IC
    Carries stores and equipment
    Tows a Laundry trailer Type B
    3ton 4 X 4 GS
    lance corporal storeman, 3 X storeman, driver IC
    Carries stores and equipment
    Tows a Laundry trailer Type C
    3ton 4 X 4 GS
    lance corporal storeman, 3 X storeman, driver IC
    Carries stores and equipment
    Tows a Laundry trailer Type D
    3ton 4 X 4 GS
    corporal driver mechanic
    Carries stores and equipment
    Tows a 22Kw generator trailer

    Sub section
    3ton 4 X 4 GS
    staff serjeant storeman, 3 X storeman, lance corporal driver IC
    Carries stores and equipment
    Tows a Laundry trailer Type A
    3ton 4 X 4 GS
    corporal storeman, 3 X storeman, driver IC
    Carries stores and equipment
    Tows a Laundry trailer Type B
    3ton 4 X 4 GS
    lance corporal storeman, 3 X storeman, driver IC
    Carries stores and equipment
    Tows a Laundry trailer Type C
    3ton 4 X 4 GS
    lance corporal storeman, 3 X storeman, driver IC
    Carries stores and equipment
    Tows a Laundry trailer Type D
    3ton 4 X 4 GS
    lance corporal driver mechanic
    Carries stores and equipment
    Tows a 22Kw generator trailer

    Bath Section
    Subaltern, Ordnance Officer 4th Class
    lance corporal
    3 X general dutyman
    sanitary assistant RAMC
    Sub section
    driver mechanic
    2 X general dutyman
    Sub section
    driver mechanic
    2 X general dutyman
    Sub section
    driver mechanic
    2 X general dutyman
    Sub section
    driver mechanic
    2 X general dutyman

    Subaltern, Ordnance Officer 4th Class

    3ton 4 X 4 GS
    serjeant, 2 X general dutyman, driver mechanic
    Carries water heater and shower equipment
    Carries a disinfestor plus a lance corporal and three general dutymen
    3ton 4 X 4 GS
    serjeant, 2 X general dutyman, driver mechanic
    Carries water heater and shower equipment
    3ton 4 X 4 GS
    serjeant, 2 X general dutyman, driver mechanic
    Carries water heater and shower equipment
    3ton 4 X 4 GS
    serjeant, 2 X general dutyman, sanitary assistant RAMC,
    driver mechanic
    Carries water heater and shower equipment

    Note: the establishment lists one disinfestor operated by a lance corporal and three privates. Two additional disinfestors and their operators, plus 3ton 4 X 4 GS lorries and drivers IC, may be added if required.

    3ton 4 X 4 GS
    lance corporal, 3 X general dutyman, driver IC
    Carries a disinfestor
    3ton 4 X 4 GS
    lance corporal, 3 X general dutyman, driver IC
    Carries a disinfestor

    Headquarters and Bath Section are as above but the laundry equipment is different and requires two fewer trailers, 3 ton 4 X 4 GS lorries and drivers IC

    Laundry Section
    Subaltern, Ordnance Officer 4th Class
    Sub section
    staff serjeant storeman, technical, for laundry duties
    corporal storeman for laundry duties
    2 X lance corporal storeman for laundry duties
    12 X storeman for laundry duties
    corporal driver mechanic
    3 X driver IC

    4 X 3ton 4 X 4 GS
    3 X 3ton 4wheeled laundry trailer
    1 X 2 wheeled generator trailer

    Sub section
    staff serjeant storeman, technical, for laundry duties
    corporal storeman for laundry duties
    2 X lance corporal storeman for laundry duties
    12 X storeman for laundry duties
    driver mechanic
    lance corporal driver IC
    2 X driver IC

    4 X 3ton 4 X 4 GS
    3 X 3ton 4wheeled laundry trailer
    1 X 2 wheeled generator trailer

    Organisation for movement

    Subaltern, Ordnance Officer 4th Class

    Sub section (right hand)
    3ton 4 X 4 GS
    staff serjeant storeman, 4 X storeman, driver IC
    Carries stores and equipment
    Tows a Laundry trailer Type A
    3ton 4 X 4 GS
    corporal storeman, 4 X storeman, driver IC
    Carries stores and equipment
    Tows a Laundry trailer Type C
    3ton 4 X 4 GS
    lance corporal storeman, 4 X storeman, driver IC
    Carries stores and equipment
    Tows a Laundry trailer Type D
    3ton 4 X 4 GS
    lance corporal storeman, corporal driver mechanic
    Carries stores and equipment
    Tows a 22Kw generator trailer

    Sub section (left hand)
    3ton 4 X 4 GS
    staff serjeant storeman, 4 X storeman, lance corporal driver IC
    Carries stores and equipment
    Tows a Laundry trailer Type A
    3ton 4 X 4 GS
    lance corporal storeman, 4 X storeman, driver IC
    Carries stores and equipment
    Tows a Laundry trailer Type C
    3ton 4 X 4 GS
    lance corporal storeman, 4 X storeman, driver IC
    Carries stores and equipment
    Tows a Laundry trailer Type D
    3ton 4 X 4 GS
    lance corporal storeman, lance corporal driver mechanic
    Carries stores and equipment
    Tows a 22Kw generator trailer

    War Establishment II/293/1. December 1943.
    Captain, Ordnance Officer 4th Class
    2 X Subaltern, Ordnance Officer 4th Class
    serjeant clerk, RAOC duties
    5 X serjeant
    4 X corporal
    5 X lance corporal
    40 X private
    Total 61

    Plus attached
    sanitary assistant RAMC
    serjeant fitter REME
    corporal electrician REME
    2 X cook ACC
    Total including attached 65

    Trades included
    batman driver
    driver IC
    8 X driver mechanic
    17 X general dutyman
    general dutyman for duty as barber
    24 X storeman for laundry duties.

    2 X motorcycle
    1 X car 2seater 4 X 2
    1 X 15cwt GS
    8 X 3ton 4 X 4 GS
    4 X 3ton 4 wheeled laundry trailer

    Captain, Ordnance Officer 4th Class
    serjeant clerk, RAOC duties
    batman driver
    driver IC
    general dutyman

    sanitary assistant RAMC
    serjeant fitter REME
    corporal electrician REME
    2 X cook ACC

    Laundry Section
    Subaltern, Ordnance Officer 4th Class
    Sub section
    serjeant storeman, for laundry duties
    4 X lance corporal storeman for laundry duties
    16 X storeman for laundry duties
    4 X corporal driver mechanic
    4 X general dutyman
    Sub section
    serjeant storeman, for laundry duties
    4 X lance corporal storeman for laundry duties
    16 X storeman for laundry duties
    4 X corporal driver mechanic
    4 X general dutyman

    Bath Section
    Subaltern, Ordnance Officer 4th Class
    4 X serjeant
    lance corporal
    3 X general dutyman
    Sub section
    driver mechanic
    2 X general dutyman
    Sub section
    driver mechanic
    2 X general dutyman
    Sub section
    driver mechanic
    2 X general dutyman
    Sub section
    driver mechanic
    2 X general dutyman

    War Establishment IV/219/1. November 1943.
    Nos 2, 3 and 4 Base Hospital Laundries were assigned to 21 Army Group. In addition the very similar Medical Base Laundries Nos 34 and 35 were also assigned.
    Major, Ordnance Officer 3rd Class
    4 X Captain or Subaltern 4th Class
    Warrant Officer Class II Clerk, RAOC Duties
    staff serjeant clerk, RAOC duties
    2 X staff serjeant storeman, technical, laundry
    3 X serjeant storeman, technical, laundry
    corporal clerk, general duties
    2 X clerk RAOC duties
    12 X corporal storeman
    15 X lance corporal storeman
    108 X storeman
    2 X batman
    corporal driver IC
    2 X driver IC trained in water duties
    2 X driver IC
    4 X general dutyman
    2 X sanitary dutyman

    Warrant Officer Class II Fitter REME
    corporal fitter REME
    3 X fitter REME
    serjeant electrician, vehicle and plant
    2 X electrician, vehicle and plant
    officers mess cook
    corporal cook
    3 X cook

    In addition 82 X prisoners of war or civilians will be required.

    2 X car 2 seater 4 X 2
    4 X 15cwt GS
    4 X 22Kw generator trailer

    In addition 4 X 3ton lorries with drivers will be required to move and position the trailers.

    War Establishment IV/III/1. June 1942.
    Major Ordnance Officer 3rd Class
    4 X Captain or Subaltern Ordnance Officer 4th Class
    Warrant Officer Clerk
    staff serjeant clerk
    corporal clerk for pay duties
    2 X clerk
    Warrant Officer Fitter
    corporal fitter
    3 X fitter
    serjeant electrician
    3 X electrician
    2 X staff serjeant storeman, laundry
    3 X serjeant storeman, laundry
    15 X corporal storeman, laundry
    19 X lance corporal, storeman laundry
    183 storeman, laundry
    corporal driver
    4 X driver (including one trained in water duties)
    2 X batman
    2 X sanitary dutyman
    2 X general dutyman
    corporal cook ACC
    6 X cook ACC

    1 X car 2 seater
    4 X 15cwt GS
    29 X laundry trailer

    29 lorries and drivers are required to move the trailers.

    Laundry equipment
    The MkII equipment consisted of the following trailers

    Trailer type A
    This was the washing trailer which carried the following equipment
    1 X Rotary washing machine, 42ins by 84ins
    1 X hydro extractor, 36ins diameter
    1 X soap boiler
    1 X ventilation fan
    hot and cold water, steam and electrical equipment.
    The basic equipment would be readily recognisable to all since they are larger versions of the domestic equipment. The rotary washing machine was top loading and the hydro extractor simply a large spin dryer. In the days before washing powder soap was boiled to produce a soap solution.

    Trailer Type C
    This was the drying trailer and carried the following equipment
    1 X continuous drying machine
    steam, condenser and electrical equipment
    The continuous drying machine was a line which went round a series of pulleys. Items to be dried were pegged to the line which was slowly pulled through a chamber which blew hot air in one end and extracted it at the other. No ironing was done.

    Trailer Type D
    This was a trailer to provide hot water and hot air. It carried the following equipment
    1 X steam boiler
    1 X calorifier
    1 X cold water tank
    1 X feed water tank
    1 X oil storage tank
    1 X centrifugal pump
    1 X feed pump
    piping, fittings and electrical equipment

    Generator Trailer
    This was a standard generator trailer with
    1 X Lister diesel engine
    1 X generator
    1 X switchboard
    2 X distribution boxes

    Also carried for water supply and disposal were
    2 X 45 gallon per minute pumps with motors
    effluent tanks
    water testing apparatus

    The Corp Electrical and Mechanical Section might be called on to help with water supply and disposal.

    The laundry section could wash 16000 blankets or 12000 sets of personal clothing a week.

    The laundry section required
    - a firm standing with an area of 60 foot by 60 foot
    - a water supply of 36,000 gallons a day
    - a good access road
    - as much cover as possible although the laundry section was designed to operate in the open air

    In setting up the laundry section the following procedure was followed
    - the left and right hand washing trailers were positioned first
    - the left hand and right hand drier trailers were positioned to the rear of each washing trailer, leaving a three inch wide gap between them.
    - trailer jacks were lowered and adjusted until all trailers were level. The jack feet might rest on wooden blocks.
    - working platforms were unfolded and supports placed so as to make a single level platform. A pate was provided to bridge the gap between trailers.
    - extension roofs were unfolded and positioned.
    - the canvas roof for the working platform was unfolded and strapped to the trailer roof edges. A flap covered the joint to make it waterproof.
    - the ends of the cover were folded down to enclose the ends of the platform and fastened to the jack legs.
    - steam and condenser pipes were connected
    - an effluent tank was placed under each washing machine outlet
    - boiler trailers were positioned to the outside of the washing machine trailers and all hot water, cold water, steam and condense pipes connected.
    - The generator trailer is positioned as near as possible to the laundry equipment and all connections made.
    - A set of steps was placed at each end of the working platform.

    The laundry and bath unit carries a stock of underclothing so that troops may be given clean clothing immediately after having had a shower in the bath section. Their underclothing will be washed and issued to a later group. Any repairable or unserviceable clothing will be returned for repair or disposed of. Troops retain their outer clothing after bathing.

    - A solution of soap and soda ash (to counter hardness in the water) is prepared in the soap boiler
    - Sufficient soap solution is added to the washing machine to produce and adequate lather
    - Warm water at 100 degrees F is added to a depth of 16 inches
    - Clothing is added
    - Two separate washes are performed, each involves running the machine for 10 minutes (in the case of woollens the 10 minutes will be broken into periods of 1 minute running and 2 minutes resting).
    - Three rinses are performed each with fresh warm water
    - Clothing is removed from the washing machine and put in a wet clothing bin
    - From the bin clothing is loaded into the hydro drier and spun dried
    - Clothing is hung on the line of the continuous drier and passed through the drying chamber
    - Clothing is removed, folded and clothing sent to store for reissue. Blankets are returned to the unit.

    Decontamination equipment
    When used as a decontamination unit it was possible to decontaminate the clothing and equipment of 750 soldiers in a day. This was the estimated casualty rate for a formation of 12000 men.

    Decontamination was carried out in the same equipment as laundry supplemented by
    Tanks, boiling 350 gallon
    Baskets, wire, galvanised

    When the laundry section is to be used for decontamination the layout is the same but the alterations are made
    - decontamination tanks are placed near the washing machine trailers.
    - The tanks are heated by hydra burners and the steam and hot water connexions from the laundry equipment are not used.
    - The ground is divided into areas to be used for different operations. The divisions are clearly marked to show the operation.
    - The site is divided into a danger zone and a safe zone

    It was intended that only troops anti gas clothing should be washed. This consisted of a cape, trousers and overshoes, although not all might be worn by all troops.

    Bath equipment
    The equipment consisted of the means to heat water and pipe it to the showers.
    boiler, hot water
    oil burner
    semi rotary pump
    couplings and fittings

    The showers consisted of
    tubular metal shower trestles
    five or six shower heads
    pipework and fittings

    The capacity was based on each man taking five minutes to shower
    Sub section could bathe 60 to 70 men in an hour
    A section could bathe 120 to 140 men in an hour

    The shower equipment was designed to be used in the open but tents were provided for the showers, and for changing rooms if necessary. Normally showers would be sited where changing could be in a building

    A bath section requires a firm site 60 foot by 40 foot and a water supply of 8,500 gallons of water a day.

    The equipment is assembled as follows
    - the combustion chamber is placed in position
    - the boiler unit is mounted on the combustion chamber
    - the chimney and cowl are fitted
    - the control column is placed to the left of the boiler.
    - Shower trestles are erected
    - Pipes are connected

    Disinfestor equipment
    The disinfestor’s purpose is to kill lice. The troop’s outer garments were not laundered. The normal battledress was made of good wool serge material which was windproof and waterproof although rather harsh to skin that was unused to it. It was a less hairy tweed material. In 1944 the battledress was impregnated with anti gas chemicals.

    When troops are living in combat conditions, or often just under campaign conditions lice tend to become a problem and if troops become infested with lice then bathing and having underwear laundered is not sufficient. The outer garments were put into the disinfestor and steam sufficiently hot to kill lice is passed through.

    The equipment consisted of two cylinders which had one end hinged so that it could be loaded and unloaded. The cylinders could rotate through 90 degrees so that they could be loaded and unloaded while horizontal and then rotated until they were vertical before steam was admitted. Between the two cylinders there was an oil fired heater which produced steam. The clothing was not wetted and was ready to wear almost immediately. Troops received their own clothing back, unlike the underwear.

    The whole equipment was carried on a Bedford OY 3ton 4 X 2 lorry with drop sides.

    Mobile Laundry and Bath Units carried the following markings

    Mobile Laundry and Bath Unit Type A was a Corps unit and carried the relevant corps formation sign.
    The arm of service sign was a red/blue/red RAOC square.
    The number for a Type A unit was a white 72 throughout the campaign.

    Mobile Laundry and Bath Unit Type B was initially a corps unit. At this time it also carried the relevant corps formation sign.
    The arm of service sign was a red/blue/red RAOC square with white numbers 18, 19 or 20
    This assumed that a corps would have three divisions, which was not always the case.

    When the Mobile Laundry and Bath Unit Type B became a divisional unit they carried the relevant divisional sign. The arm of service sign was a white numeral 52 on a red/blue/red RAOC square.
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