Origins Of The Black Watch Red Hackle!

Discussion in 'British Army Units - Others' started by Spañiard, Jul 17, 2010.

  1. Spañiard

    Spañiard Junior Member

    Originally Written by Mr. Earl Chapman and rewritten by Spañiard.

    Over the years the origin of the Red Hackle has caused some confusion. For Some time it was believed the famous Red Feathers
    were awarded as a campaign Distinction, for the regiment’s service during the British retreat through the Flemish village of
    Glendermaisen in January 1795.

    It’s historically fact that the first “Official” use of the Red Hackle occurred when the 42nd Regiment at Royston Herttfordshire was
    issued Red Vulture feathers on June 4th 1795. The 42nd Regiment paraded to celebrate the birth, of King George III.

    In fact, we know based on two letters discovered in 1967, stating that the Regiment had worn Red feathers twenty years earlier during
    the American War of Independence, (1775-1781). These letters are held in the Regimental archives at Balhousie Castle. The first letter
    was written by Lieutenant-Coronal Sir Robert Dick Commander of the 42nd on September 8th 1822, to General James Stirling who
    commanded the 42nd in 1804 and served with the Regiment during the American War of Independence.

    In his letter to Stirling, L.Col. Dick asks for advice as how the Regiment first acquired the right to wear the Red Hackle, stating that
    “ I always understood that the Red Feather was given for taking or defeating a regiment of Grenadiers. But I can not remember when
    it took place. Stearling replied; The origins of their wearing this feather commenced early in the American War of 1776 when the
    Regiment was Brigaded with the Grenadiers and a light infantry of the army under the command of the late Marquis Cornwallis. At this
    period there were no regulation feathers. The Grenadiers wore White Feathers, the first battalion light infantry wore Green. The second
    battalion wore Red, and to make the whole uniform, General Sir William Howe, order the 42nd to get Red feathers. Stirling went on to
    state “When the Regiment arrived in England from Egypt in (1802) they were received by His late Majesty and Colonel Dickson who then
    commended them and asked his Majesty’s permission for the regiment to wear the Red Feather, in which his Majesty graciously granted.

    This tells us the 71st Highland Regiment of Foot, the re-raised Fraser Highlanders, Were the first to wear a red feather while servicing in
    North America around 1776. In hindsight the original Fraser Highlanders 78th of Foot, were raised in 1757 for Service during the French
    and Indian Wars and were disbanded in 1763.

    L.Col John Maitland, then commanding the Fraser’s and General George Washington. As old acquaintances, although apposed enemies
    they exchanged some intimidating letters. As one sent by L.Col Maitland to General George Washington warning him that in future his
    men would be distinguished by a Red feather in their bonnets, so that the General would not mistake them, nor avoid doing justice to
    their exploits.

    After the War the only regiment not to be disbanded was the 42nd. However the trend of wearing a Red Feather appeared to have
    stopped sometime after the war. Then it was reintroduced at the parade in Royston on the occasion of the King’s birth. It wasn’t until
    August 20th 1822 that the exclusive right to wear the Red Feather was finally safeguarded by the Horse Guards.

    "For Officers commanding Highland Regiments.

    General Order, The Red Vulture feather prescribed by the recent regulations, for the Highland Regiments, is intended to be used exclusively
    by the Forty-Second Regiment. Other Highland corps will be allowed to continue to wear the same description of feather that may have been
    hitherto in use.

    "H. Torrens, Adjutant-General".

    As further reinforcement of the origins of the Red Hackle, a pamphlet publish in 1862 Entitled “ An Account of the Scottish Regiments ”
    with the statistics of each from 1808 to 1861, notes under the 42nd Regiment that,” We cannot recollect our authority. But have always
    understood that the Red feather worn in their bonnets was given as a mark of distinction for their gallantry in America” this pamphlet
    was compiled by MacKerlie, who is know to have access to the old record books.

    The Canadian unit, then known as the Royal Scots of Canada, was officially permitted to wear the Red Hackle by General Order dated
    May 25th 1895.

    It’s my Right and privilege to wear a Red Hackle but also my responsibility, Under the Canadian Black Watch general standing orders
    to keep my Red Hackle Bloomed. In order to distinguish me from my Scottish Cousins.

    6 beats to the drum HOY!

    It's To be Noted that "First Marine Corp" Wore Red Hackles in 1700.

    Lest We Forget Spañiard over and out,,,,,,,………

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