To start to supplement the wish to reflect properly the 1st Army's outstanding contribution to victory in North Africa, I add some photos here from the IWM collection. Other threads here: Operation Torch's First Casualty - Lieutenant Villis Operation Torch: 80th Anniversary THE OPERATION TORCH, NOVEMBER 1942 "Anti-aircraft fire against German aircraft from the ships in the convoy with the Allied forces on the way to French North Africa, 9 November 1942." (© IWM NA 5) West, J. A. (Sergeant) (Photographer) No. 2 Army Film and Photo Section, Army Film and Photographic Unit
THE OPERATION TORCH, NOVEMBER 1942 "American troops of the 34th Infantry Division, led by a soldier with an American flag, marching to capture Maison Blanche Aerodrome after landing at the beach at Surcouf, 20 miles east of Algiers, 9 November 1942." (© IWM NA 23) Bowman, C. (Sergeant) (Photographer) No. 2 Army Film and Photo Section, Army Film and Photographic Unit
THE OPERATION TORCH, NOVEMBER 1942 "An American soldier of the US 34th Infantry Division in conversation with Arabs while waiting to set off inland after disembarking at the beach at Surcouf, 20 miles east of Algiers, 9 November 1942." (© IWM NA 35) Bowman, C. (Sergeant) (Photographer) No. 2 Army Film and Photo Section, Army Film and Photographic Unit
THE OPERATION TORCH, NOVEMBER 1942 "Anti-aircraft gunners manning a 40 mm Bofors gun on board the Dutch transport ship SS Dempo on the way to French North Africa, 9 November 1942. Note the Duffle coats they are wearing." (© IWM NA 38) Meyer, Richard Philips Grimston (Photographer) No. 2 Army Film and Photo Section, Army Film and Photographic Unit
THE OPERATION TORCH, NOVEMBER 1942 "Colonel Caffey of the US 34th Infantry Division questioning a captured French officer near Maison Blanche Aerodrome, Algiers, 9 November 1942." (© IWM NA 54) Meyer, Richard Philips Grimston (Photographer) No. 2 Army Film and Photo Section, Army Film and Photographic Unit
THE OPERATION TORCH, NOVEMBER 1942 "Troops of the Royal Pioneer Corps (British 78th Infantry Division) joking with local Arabs while marching to Maison Blanche Aerodrome, Algiers, 9 November 1942." (© IWM NA 57) Bowman, C. (Sergeant) (Photographer) No. 2 Army Film and Photo Section, Army Film and Photographic Unit
THE OPERATION TORCH, NOVEMBER 1942 "A view of Algiers taken from one of the Royal Navy troopships as it entered the harbour, 9 November 1942. (© IWM NA 78) Stubbs (Sergeant) (Photographer) No. 2 Army Film and Photo Section, Army Film and Photographic Unit