On The Road with the D Day Dodgers, May 2010

Discussion in 'WW2 Battlefields Today' started by Paul Reed, May 30, 2010.

  1. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique

    As stated elsewhere, have just returned from a week in Italy with a group. Almost everyone in the group had a connection to the Italian Campaign, and we were privileged to have six veterans aged between 86 and 93.

    We started at Salerno, where two of the veterans fought.

    Below is Norman Hubble, then 2/4 KOYLI 46 Div, outside the cemetery.

    nicks, Owen, von Poop and 1 other person like this.
  2. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique

    George Lyons, ex 16 DLI also 46 Div, was our other Salerno veteran. We found the area where his unit came ashore. He had never been back, and was surprised at how built up the area is now.

  3. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique

    Later that day we went to Naples War Cemetery.

  4. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique

    Here we visited Colonel Fienne's garve, father of the famous explorer.

  5. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique

    This was a badge I had never seen before.

  6. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique

    From Naples we went up to Caserta War Cemetery.

  7. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique

    Here, one of the group found the grave of Hedley Verity, Yorkshire & English cricketer, something I had missed on previous visits.

  8. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique

    Next day we started at Cassino War Cemetery.

  9. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique

  10. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique


    James S likes this.
  11. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique

    We then went up to Monte Cassino and visited the Polish Cemetery & Abbey.

    Smudger Jnr likes this.
  12. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique

    Despite the colour of the sky it soon cleared and was blue again an hour later.

  13. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique

    Next day saw us back on Monte Cassino visiting Snakeshead Ridge. This is those who braved it to the high ground in the sweltering heat!

  14. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique

    The "Doctor's House" at Snakeshead.

  15. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique

    We also went down to the Sherman near Albaneta Farm; this lady's father fought here in May 1944 with the Polish Armoured Brigade, having previously been conscripted into the Wehrmacht, deserted and got across to the Allies.

  16. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique

    We then went down to Acquino; here is Ken Southwell, 2nd Lancashire Fusiliers 78 Division, who fought here in May 1944.

  17. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique

    We ended the day at the Rapido, and here some of the Vets stop for a rest in the sunshine.

    dbf likes this.
  18. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique

    The next few days took us to Anzio and the Sangro: more photos to follow.
  19. Smudger Jnr

    Smudger Jnr Our Man in Berlin


    Absolutely fantastic. Superb pictures and commentary that makes you feel part of the group.

  20. ranville

    ranville Senior Member

    Cheers Paul---Great Pics

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