Newspaper research

Discussion in 'Historiography' started by Rob Dickers, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. Rob Dickers

    Rob Dickers 10th MEDIUM REGT RA

    Did some research here last week,found it a very interesting and helpfull place but you must know your dates and publication.
    located at Colindale NW London, just across the road from the tube

  2. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique

    Haven't been there for years - thought it was closing?
  3. Rob Dickers

    Rob Dickers 10th MEDIUM REGT RA

    Haven't been there for years - thought it was closing?

    Due to move to new location late 2010-2012
  4. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    On Newspapers in general.
    Google's News Archive search can be quite revealing of the public mood of the day - free results are usually clearest from Small-town American papers that have fully digitised their archives, but there does appear to be an ever growing amount of free contemporary articles on there:
    Google News Archive Search - Advanced Options
  5. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique

    Thanks for that Rob - I have a load of WW2 newspaper research I want to do, but have been putting it off. I need to get in there quick before it closes for the move!
  6. Alan Allport

    Alan Allport Senior Member

    If you have access to a university library system, many period newspapers are available in electronic or microfilm form - The Times, the Manchester Guardian (as was), and a number of popular papers like the Express and the Mirror, for instance.

    Best, Alan

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