Naval Force 'L'

Discussion in 'The War at Sea' started by Trux, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron

    (and Preloaded Coasters and Motor Transport Ships.)

    This thread will attempt to describe Force 'L' and its loading timetable at London, Tilbury and East Coast ports. It will also describe the loading of the large number of pre loaded coasters at ports from the Solent to Grimsby.

    Force ‘L’ differed from the other three Naval Forces, G, J and S, in that it had no function on the Far Side. It also differed in that it embarked on the Thames and the East Coast rather than the South Coast. There were no bombardment ships, no minesweepers, no headquarters ships, no ferry craft and no LSIs.

    Transporting the Follow Up divisions, 7 Armoured Division and 51 Division, was the main task of Force L, although it also carried a variety of personnel and vehicles for corps units of both I Corps and XXX Corps. Further personnel and vehicles for 7 Armoured Division were carried on ships and craft of the ETM (Motor Transport) convoys from the Thames and the single Personnel Convoy, ETP1.

    Force ‘L’ Order of Battle.
    LST(1)s Bachaquero carrying a LCP(R), Misoa and Tasajera.
    7 LST Flotilla. LSTs 214, 237, 301, 319, 321, 366 and 406.
    These carry three LCP(L) and four LCP(R).
    8 LST Flotilla. LSTs 63, 165, 198, 200 and 403.
    These carry four LCP(R).
    21 US LST Division. LSTs 327, 384, 385, 386, 540, 360 and 383.
    98 US LST Division. LSTs 60, 295, 517, 535, 137 and 534.
    99 US LST Division. LSTs 138, 139, 524, 527, 536 and 537.
    100 US LST Division. LSTs 521, 528, 541, 542, 522, and 529.
    102 US LST Division. LSTs 175, 176, 208, 209, 261 and 530.
    103 US LST Division. LSTs 543, 682, 980, 981, 982 and 983.

    All LCT(3) in Force L were petrol driven.
    ‘V’ LCT Squadron.
    16 LCT Flotilla. 11 X LCT(3).
    18 LCT Flotilla. 11 X LCT(3).
    19 LCT Flotilla. 10 X LCT(3).
    ‘H’ LCT Squadron.
    6 LCT Flotilla. 11 X LCT(3).
    17 LCT Flotilla. 10 X LCT(3).

    ‘A’ LCI(L) Squadron.
    252 LCI(L) Flotilla. 10 X LCI(L).
    253 LCI(L) Flotilla. 9 X LCI(L).

    Orders concerning all Force L Groups.
    All Groups sailed in single line ahead until they reached Sandhead Buoy off Dover. They then formed the formations shown in their orders. These usually showed two parallel lines for the larger craft with LCI(L) forming lines outside them. This formation was then kept until they were in the swept channel at 50 degrees north when they once more formed single line ahead. The Northern ends of the swept channels were marked by lit buoys and by HDMLs flying the numeral flag of the channel. Each side of the channel was marked by Dan Buoys but it was to be expected that some of these would be missing.

    Groups could reform in columns on leaving the mine belt at the discretion of the Senior Officer. Each group then remained in formation until reaching the Lowering Position at the southern end of each channel. When the leading vessel was eight miles from the Lowering Position an escort proceeded ahead to receive orders from one of the authorities listed below. On reaching the Lowering Position the group split into sections destined for each sector. They were led by an escort and awaited orders for anchoring and discharging.

    In the Assault Area by the time Force L arrived there would be various authorities distinguished by lights or flags.
    Captain Southbound Sailings. HMS Nith. Flag ‘4’.
    Captain Northbound Sailings. HMS Goathland. Flag ‘9’.
    Deputy SOAG. In LCH. Flags ‘PT 3 FL S’. Three all round red lights in the form of a triangle.
    SOFC. Flags ‘PT 3 FL F’. Three all round white lights in the form of a triangle.

    Some positions off the beaches were marked by craft flying a black ball and a large tin alphabetical flag with the letters of the position marked. These were not all in place when Force L arrived.

    It was expected that the beaches would be unsuitable for the unloading of LSTs and LCT(3) in the normal manner and that they would use methods shown below. However these ships and craft might be called in to unload in the normal manner if conditions were found to be suitable.

    LCT(3) were to beach on the falling tide and dry out. They would probably ground aft with 6 foot of water at the ramp. In a cross tide they would obviously tend to pivot on their sterns when grounded aft. This had to be minimised by grounding firmly. Kedge anchors were to be let go to enable craft to haul off on the rising tide. Anchors should have been let go when soundings show about 5 foot more than the draught. This should have allow some 75 fathoms of wire to run out before grounding. Some craft were reluctant to do this.

    LST1 and LST2s were to anchor by the stern and discharge their vehicles onto Rhino Ferries. DUKWs were to be swum off at any time when within 3 miles of the shore if there is opportunity without delaying the arrival of LSTs at the anchoring position. DUKWs and LCVP carried at davits were lowered on anchoring. The DUKWs were to swim ashore where they were directed to exits, dumps and transport parks. LCVP were to report to Senior Officer Ferry Service or any SOAG or DSOAG.

    80 LCVP were to be lowered by the US LSTs on first arrival. These were all for Force ‘J’ (Juno). Those lowered in Gold area were to go to Juno and report to HMS Waveney. 20 LCVP came from Group 4 and the remainder from Groups 1 and 3.

    LST1 were not required for the Build Up but remained off the beaches as Rhino Depot Ships.
    Tasajera to Juno.
    Bachaquero to Sword.
    Misoa to Gold.

    Certain LCI(L) carried handcarts and lightweight motor cycles. Handcarts were waterproofed and could be floated ashore. The landing of motorcycles presented greater difficulties and were accepted on the understanding that they must not be allowed to delay the craft. If a Commanding Officer considered that his craft was in danger of being stranded on a falling tide or otherwise delayed he was to unbeach without waiting to unload motorcycles.

    7 Armoured Division. XXX Corps.
    7 Armoured Division was allocated concentration areas in Norfolk. 131 (Queens) Brigade was quartered around Kings Lynn. 22 Armoured Brigade were in a more remote area around Brandon. For embarkation 22 Armoured Brigade moved to Ipswich and then on to Felixstowe. 131 Brigade moved to Brentwood for the Tilbury Docks and West Ham for the London Docks.

    22 Armoured Brigade was scheduled to land late on D day or early on D+1. Since it was being carried in LCTs they avoided the delays experienced by the LSTs and landed early D+1. It was planned that 22 Armoured Brigade would advance on D+1 and seize a forward route as far as Villers Bocage. This was not possible at the time and they did not reach their objective for some days.

    51 (Highland) Division. I Corps
    It was planned that Divisional Headquarters and 153 Brigade, plus one battalion from 152 Brigade, would land on D+1. The remainder of the division plus 4 Armoured Brigade would land over the next three days. The Divisional Headquarters was delayed in landing from LSTs but 153 Brigade arrived and landed from LCI(L) on Mike between 2000 and 2100 hours on D day.

    Fatboy Coxy and 4jonboy like this.
  2. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron

    Group L1.
    This group consisted of LST for 1 Corps and 3 Canadian Division and LCI(L) for 1 Corps and 51 Division. It was escorted by Cotswold, Narcissus, Oxlip, Damson and Avondale.

    LSTs loaded at Tilbury Dock Hards and LCI(L) loaded at Tilbury Jetty.

    These ships and craft rendezvoused at Southend and formed up ready to sail at H-22 hours. They steamed at 8 knots to the K1 Buoy and then sailed at 6¼ knots, adjusting speed as necessary to arrive at the following positions at the times ordered. K1 Buoy at H-1½ hours, Lowering Position at H+9 hours and be ready to land at H+10 hours.

    Numbers are Landing Table serials not individual pennant numbers.
    LCI(L) for Mike. LST for Nan. LST for Mike. LCI(L) for Mike.
    3015 1562 1153 3019
    3016 1563 1154 3020
    3017 1564 1155 3021
    3018 1156

    Plus 1 LCI(L) sailing empty and parting company for Portsmouth.

    Columns were 1 cable apart. LSTs were 2 cables apart and LCI(L) were 150 yards apart.
    The cable used here was the Admiralty Cable of 600 feet.

    At the K1 Buoy Group L1 was joined by the following:
    1 LSD for Force J.
    2 LST for Juno
    12 Stores Coasters.
    2 LCI(L) for Juno Mike and Juno Nan. For Port Operating Company.
    Escort. 143 MMS Flotilla.

    The formation then was.
    For Nan. For Mike.
    1562 1153
    1563 1154
    1564 1155
    1745 1156
    1746 1157

    Coaster Coaster
    Coaster Coaster
    Coaster Coaster
    Coaster Coaster
    Coaster Coaster
    Coaster Coaster

    LCI(L) LCI(L) LCI(L)
    LCI(L) LCI(L) LCI(L)
    LCI(L) LCI(L) LCI(L)

    At 50 degrees North the group formed single line ahead until the enemy minefield was cleared. At this point ships and craft were warned that the swept channel might still be narrow and that they should not simply follow in the wake of the vessel ahead since wind and tide would cause drift.

    When the leading ship was 8 miles short of the Lowering Position an escort was detached to proceed ahead and get orders.

    The LSD was to remain in the neighbourhood of Channel 5 Lowering Position and discharge DUKWs. As this vessel was particularly valuable (RN had only one operational) an escort remained with her until relieved by L Combattante from Force J.

    Below are the known LSTs and loads. 1745 and 1746 do not appear on the tables available at the time of writing. It seems that these were later additions joining from Southampton. Serial 1157 also joined from Southampton.

    Fatboy Coxy likes this.
  3. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron

    Group L1 Landing Tables.

    Only Ships and craft loading at Tilbury are shown.

    Serial 1562 is an LST2 towing a Rhino Ferry and carrying
    On the Tank Deck
    2 3ton with 6 crew from Headquarters 2 Canadian Armoured Brigade.
    1 Stuart with 3 crew from 6 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    42 men from 176 Workshop and Park Company.
    1 Bulldozer D8 with 1 crew from 961 Inland Water Transport Operating Company RE.
    13 men from 961 Inland Water Transport Operating Company RE.
    7 men from 267 Pioneer Company. For Rhino Ferry.
    1 Stuart with 3 crew from 10 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    2 15cwt with 4 crew from 255 Pioneer Company.
    1 15cwt Machinery KL from 35 Canadian LAD.
    4 15cwt GS from 35 Canadian LAD.
    5 trailer 20cwt from 35 Canadian LAD.
    23 men from 35 Canadian LAD.
    5 Sherman Flail tanks with 25 crew from 22 Dragoons.
    1 3ton from 33 Canadian LAD.
    1 15cwt GS from 33 Canadian LAD.
    1 15cwt Machinery KL from 33 Canadian LAD.
    20 men from 33 Canadian LAD.
    1 3ton GS from 37 Canadian LAD.
    1 3ton Stores from 37 Canadian LAD.
    8 men from 37 Canadian LAD.
    1 Stuart from 27 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    2 Humber Scout Car from 27 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    2 M14 Halftrack from 27 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    14 men from 27 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    2 men from 139 Detail Issue Depot RASC.
    2 men from 242 Petrol Depot RASC.
    2 men from 14 Ordnance Beach Detachment RAOC.
    On the Main Deck.
    12 M14 Halftrack from 19 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    1 15cwt Water from 19 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    3 15cwt Battery Charger from 19 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    1 HU Computer from 19 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    4 3ton GS from 19 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    1 Carrier OP from 19 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    126 men from 19 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    3 Jeeps with 9 crew from 35 Canadian LAD.
    1 Jeep with 3 crew from 37 Canadian LAD.
    On the Rhino Ferry
    1 Coles Crane from 139 Detail Issue Depot RASC.
    1 Coles Crane from 242 Petrol Depot RASC.
    1 Coles Crane from 14 Ordnance Beach Detachment RAOC.

    Serial 1563 is an LST2 carrying
    On the Tank Deck
    3 3ton GS with 8 crew from 282 GT Company.
    1 3ton GS from 65 Field Company RE.
    1 White from 65 Field Company RE.
    1 15cwt Compressor from 65 Field Company RE.
    1 15cwt GS from 65 Field Company RE.
    8 men from 65 Field Company RE.
    2 M14 with 5 crew from 10 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    24 3ton GS from 9 Canadian Brigade Company RASC.
    100 men from 9 Canadian Brigade Company RASC.
    1 3ton with 10 crew from 102 Beach Sub Area Signal Section.
    On the Main Deck.
    1 Humber Scout Car from Headquarters 2 Canadian Armoured Brigade.
    2 Jeeps from Headquarters 2 Canadian Armoured Brigade.
    8 men from Headquarters 2 Canadian Armoured Brigade.
    12 M14 Halftrack from 14 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    1 15cwt Water from 14 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    3 15cwt Battery Charger from 14 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    1 HU Computer from 14 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    4 3ton GS from 14 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    1 Carrier OP from 14 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    126 men from 14 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    2 Humber Scout Car with 6 crew from 10 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    1 Jeep with 2 crew from 255 Pioneer Company.
    60 men from 255 Pioneer Company.
    2 Jeeps with 4 crew from 35 Canadian LAD.
    1 15cwt Office with 2 crew from 102 Beach Sub Area Signal Section.

    Serial 1564 is a LST2 carrying
    On the Tank Deck
    8 3ton GS with 20 crew from 282 GT Company RASC.
    1 White Scout Car from 2 Canadian Brigade Signal Section.
    1 15cwt WT from 2 Canadian Brigade Signal Section.
    1 3ton GS from 2 Canadian Brigade Signal Section.
    12 men from 2 Canadian Brigade Signal Section.
    5 3ton GS with 10 crew from 19 Canadian Field Regiment.
    5 Sherman Flail tanks from 22 Dragoons.
    1 3ton GS from 22 Dragoons.
    27 men from 22 Dragoons.
    1 White Scout Car with 2 crew from 6 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    1 Tractor, Medium Breakdown with 5 crew from 31 Canadian LAD.
    1 3ton GS from 12 Canadian LAD.
    1 15cwt from 12 Canadian LAD.
    1 15cwt KL from 12 Canadian LAD.
    20 men from 12 Canadian LAD.
    3 3ton with 9 crew from 52 Canadian Composite Anti Tank Battery.
    70 men from 255 Pioneer Company.
    On the Main Deck.
    5 15cwt from 10 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    1 15cwt Battery Charger from 10 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    1 15cwt water from 10 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    17 men from 10 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    2 Humber Scout cars from 16 Canadian Field Company.
    1 3ton GS from 16 Canadian Field Company.
    17 men from 16 Canadian Field Company.
    5 Carrier OP with 10 crew from 19 Canadian Field Regiment.
    1 Jeep with 2 crew from 22 Dragoons.
    1 Daimler Scout Car with 2 crew from 22 Dragoons.
    1 Humber Scout Car from Headquarters 2 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    1 8cwt HUP from Headquarters 2 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    6 men from Headquarters 2 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    2 Humber Scout Cars from 6 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    1 White Scout Car from 6 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    8 men from 6 Canadian Armoured Regiment.

    Serial 1153 is an LST2 carrying
    On the Tank Deck.
    6 Crusader AT Tractor towing 6 Trailer No 27 and 6 17pdr AT guns from 246 Battery, 62 AT Regiment RA.
    3 Jeep from 246 Battery, 62 AT Regiment RA.
    2 Carrier from 246 Battery, 62 AT Regiment RA.
    M14 Halftrack from 246 Battery, 62 AT Regiment RA.
    72 men from 246 Battery, 62 AT Regiment RA.
    2 Jeep from 248 Battery, 62 AT Regiment RA.
    15cwt Water from 248 Battery, 62 AT Regiment RA.
    15cwt GS from 248 Battery, 62 AT Regiment RA.
    15cwt Battery Charging from 248 Battery, 62 AT Regiment RA.
    Motorcycle from 248 Battery, 62 AT Regiment RA.
    18 men from 248 Battery, 62 AT Regiment RA.
    Jeep, 2 motorcycle and 6 men from 670 Artizan Works Company RE. Reconnaissance Party.
    4 Jeep with 11 men from ‘B’ Battery, 9 Survey Regiment RA.
    M14 Halftrack with 7 men from 234 Field Company RE.
    M14 Halftrack from Headquarters 62 AT Regiment RA.
    Carrier Universal from Headquarters 62 AT Regiment RA.
    Jeep from Headquarters 62 AT Regiment RA.
    Motorcycle from Headquarters 62 AT Regiment RA.
    12 men from Headquarters 62 AT Regiment RA.
    On the Main Deck.
    Jeep from ‘A’ Flight, 652 AOP Squadron.
    15cwt GS from ‘A’ Flight, 652 AOP Squadron.
    4 men from ‘A’ Flight, 652 AOP Squadron.
    15cwt Water from 234 Field Company RE.
    15cwt Compressor from 234 Field Company RE.
    15cwt FFW from 234 Field Company RE.
    4 3ton 4 X 4 Austin from 234 Field Company RE.
    4 3ton 4 X 4 Winch, Karrier, from 234 Field Company RE.
    Trailer, Stella Water Purification from 234 Field Company RE.
    3 M14 Halftrack from 234 Field Company RE.
    52 men from 234 Field Company RE. from 234 Field Company RE.
    15cwt GS from ‘A’ Echelon, 17 Movement Control Group.
    Car 2 seater from ‘A’ Echelon, 17 Movement Control Group.
    Motorcycle from ‘A’ Echelon, 17 Movement Control Group.
    24 men from ‘A’ Echelon, 17 Movement Control Group.
    White Scout Car from ‘A’ Echelon, 5 ARRE.
    3ton 4 X 4 GS from ‘A’ Echelon, 5 ARRE.
    7 men from ‘A’ Echelon, 5 ARRE.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 155 AA Operations Room.
    Generator Trailer from 155 AA Operations Room.
    3ton Mobile Operations Room from 155 AA Operations Room.
    15cwt Wireless House from 155 AA Operations Room.
    55 men from 155 AA Operations Room.
    2 15cwt GS from 274 Battery, 86 HAA Regiment RA.
    2 Motorcycle from 274 Battery, 86 HAA Regiment RA.
    15cwt Water from 274 Battery, 86 HAA Regiment RA.
    3ton 4 X 4 GS from 274 Battery, 86 HAA Regiment RA.
    3ton 4 X 4 Albion Machinery from 274 Battery, 86 HAA Regiment RA.
    Car 4 seater from 274 Battery, 86 HAA Regiment RA.
    24 men from 274 Battery, 86 HAA Regiment RA.
    Amphibious Jeep with 4 men from 996 Port Operating Company RE.
    Amphibious Jeep with 4 men from 998 Port Operating Company RE.
    Amphibious Jeep with 4 men from 1018 Port Operating Company RE.
    18 men from 112 Pioneer Smoke Company.
    12 10cwt trailers for CRASC 3 Canadian Division.

    Serial 1154 is an LST(2) carrying
    On the Tank Deck.
    6 Crusader AT Tractor towing 6 Trailer No 27 and 6 17pdr AT guns from 246 Battery, 62 AT Regiment RA.
    2 Carrier from 246 Battery, 62 AT Regiment RA.
    53 men from 246 Battery, 62 AT Regiment RA.
    15cwt Office from Headquarters 114 LAA Regiment RA.
    15cwt Wireless House from Headquarters 114 LAA Regiment RA.
    15cwt GS from Headquarters 114 LAA Regiment RA.
    15cwt FFW from Headquarters 114 LAA Regiment RA.
    25 men from Headquarters 114 LAA Regiment RA.
    Humber 4 seater car from 3 Heavy Mobile Signal Section RN.
    2 30cwt lorry from 3 Heavy Mobile Signal Section RN.
    13 men from 3 Heavy Mobile Signal Section RN.
    30cwt lorry towing Dennis trailer pump with 6 men from Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    3 Sheman from Headquarters 22 Dragoons.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS from Headquarters 22 Dragoons.
    19 men from Headquarters 22 Dragoons.
    White Scout Car with 4 men from ‘A’ Echelon 5 ARRE.
    On the Main Deck.
    5 3ton 4 X 4 with 15 men from ‘A’ Echelon 5 ARRE.
    3ton 4 X 4 GS from 372 Battery, 114 LAA Regiment RA.
    Motorcycle from 372 Battery, 114 LAA Regiment RA.
    15cwt GS from 372 Battery, 114 LAA Regiment RA.
    15cwt Water from 372 Battery, 114 LAA Regiment RA.
    9 men from 372 Battery, 114 LAA Regiment RA.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 Austin towing 9’ 7” trailers from 3 Heavy Mobile Signal Section RN.
    3ton 4 X 4 Bedford towing 12’ trailer from 3 Heavy Mobile Signal Section RN.
    28 men from 3 Heavy Mobile Signal Section RN.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 Austin with 48 men from 112 Pioneer Smoke Company.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 1 Field Dressing Station RAMC.
    15cwt Water from 1 Field Dressing Station RAMC.
    11 men from 1 Field Dressing Station RAMC.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 1 Field Dressing Station RAMC.
    Jeep from 1 Field Dressing Station RAMC.
    8 men from 1 Field Dressing Station RAMC.
    3ton 4 X 4 GS with 1 man from 13 Field Transfusion Unit RAMC.
    2 Jeep towing 10cwt trailers with 2 men from RN Beach Party.
    Jeep and 9 men from Headquarters 15 GHQ Engineers.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 30 Field Dressing Station RAMC for Casualty Evacuation Point.
    15cwt Water from 30 Field Dressing Station for Casualty Evacuation Point.
    Ambulance 4 stretcher from 30 Field Dressing Station RAMC for Casualty Evacuation Point.
    42 men from 30 Field Dressing Station RAMC for Casualty Evacuation Point.
    51 men from 966 Inland Water Transport Operating Company RE.
    12 10cwt trailer for CRASC 3 Canadian Division.

    Serial 1155 is an LST(2) carrying
    On the Tank Deck.
    Caterpillar D8 bulldozer from 582 Field Company RE.
    3ton 4 X 4 Winch from 582 Field Company RE.
    Motorcycle from 582 Field Company RE.
    29 men from 582 Field Company RE.
    3 Stuart Light tank from 6 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 6 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    20 men from 6 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    6 40mm SP carrying 6 motorcycle from 32 Canadian LAA Battery.
    3 3ton 4 X 4 GS carrying 3 motorcycle from 32 Canadian LAA Battery.
    77 men from 32 Canadian LAA Battery.
    3 3ton 4 X 4 GS carrying 3 motorcycle from 12 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    4 M14 Halftrack from 12 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    40 men from 12 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    3 Tractor HAA from 274 Battery, 86 HAA Regiment.
    2 3.7” HAA guns from 274 Battery, 86 HAA Regiment.
    Trailer radar No1 MkII Receiver from 274 Battery, 86 HAA Regiment.
    3ton 4 X 4 GS from 274 Battery, 86 HAA Regiment.
    2 Motorcycle from 274 Battery, 86 HAA Regiment.
    48 men from 274 Battery, 86 HAA Regiment.
    3ton 4 X 4 GS towing 20cwt trailer with 9 men from Headquarters CRE 3 Canadian Division.
    On the Main Deck.
    15cwt 4 X 4 GS from 6 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    15cwt Water from 6 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    Jeep from 6 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    3ton 4 X 4 GS from 6 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    Motorcycle from 6 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    15men from 6 Canadian Armoured Regiment.
    3ton 4 X 4 GS from 32 Canadian LAD.
    15cwt Machinery KL from 32 Canadian LAD.
    15cwt 4 X 4 GS from 32 Canadian LAD.
    20 men from 32 Canadian LAD.
    2 Carrier AOP from 12 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    15cwt Battery Charging from 12 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    10 men from 12 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    2 Jeep FFW with 8 men from 32 Canadian LAA Battery.
    3ton 4 X 4 GS from 1 Canadian Scottish Regiment.
    15cwt Water from 1 Canadian Scottish Regiment.
    6 men from 1 Canadian Scottish Regiment.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 Winch from 5 Canadian Field Regiment RCE.
    15cwt Water from 5 Canadian Field Regiment RCE.
    M14 Halftrack from 5 Canadian Field Regiment RCE.
    15cwt Compressor from 5 Canadian Field Regiment RCE.
    Light Reconnaissance car from 5 Canadian Field Regiment RCE.
    17 men from 5 Canadian Field Company RCE.
    M14 Halftrack with 3 men from N Section, 3 Canadian Division Signals.
    White Scout Car from 582 Field Company RE.
    15cwt Compressor from 582 Field Company RE.
    36 men from 582 Field Company RE.
    15cwt Water from 18 Canadian Field Company RCE
    Light Reconnaissance car from 18 Canadian Field Company RCE
    15cwt Compressor from 18 Canadian Field Company RCE
    M14 Halftrack from 18 Canadian Field Company RCE
    11 men from 18 Canadian Field Company RCE
    3ton 4 X 4 GS from ‘A’ Company, Cameron Highlanders of Canada (MMG).
    Jeep from ‘A’ Company, Cameron Highlanders of Canada (MMG).
    4 men from ‘A’ Company, Cameron Highlanders of Canada (MMG).
    3ton 4 X 4 GS from 54 Canadian LAD.
    Motorcycle from 54 Canadian LAD.
    15cwt Machinery KL from 54 Canadian LAD.
    9 men from 54 Canadian LAD.
    12 10cwt trailer for CRASC 3 Canadian Division.

    Serial 1156 is an LST(2) carrying
    On the Tank Deck.
    Caterpillar D8 bulldozer from 582 Field Company RE.
    3ton 4 X 4 Winch carrying a motorcycle from 582 Field Company RE.
    15cwt Compressor from 582 Field Company RE.
    White Scout Car carrying motorcycle from 582 Field Company RE.
    11 men from 582 Field Company RE.
    3 Tractor HAA from 274 Battery, 86 HAA Regiment.
    2 3.7” HAA guns from 274 Battery, 86 HAA Regiment.
    Trailer radar No1 MkII Receiver from 274 Battery, 86 HAA Regiment.
    3ton 4 X 4 GS from 274 Battery, 86 HAA Regiment.
    48 men from 274 Battery, 86 HAA Regiment.
    2 Carrier AOP from 13 Field Regiment RCA.
    2 M14 Halftrack from 13 Field Regiment RCA.
    3ton 4 X 4 GS carrying motorcycle from 13 Field Regiment RCA.
    15cwt 4 X 4 Battery Charging from 13 Field Regiment RCA.
    22 men from 13 Field Regiment RCA.
    6 3ton 6 X 4 Searchlight, Leyland, carrying 2 motorcycles from 474 Searchlight Regiment RA.
    43 men from 474 Searchlight Regiment RA.
    DUKW from 22 Beach Recovery Section.
    2 Matador MAT from 22 Beach Recovery Section.
    4 Heavy Recovery Tractor, Scammell, from 22 Beach Recovery Section.
    2 Caterpillar D8 Recovery Tractor from 22 Beach Recovery Section.
    3ton 4 X 4 GS from 22 Beach Recovery Section.
    81 men from 22 Beach Recovery Section.
    On the Main Deck
    3ton 4 X 4 GS with 3 men from 582 Field Company RE.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS carrying 2 motorcycles and 16 men from 13 Canadian Field Regiment.
    3ton 4 X 4 GS from Regina Rifles.
    15cwt 4 X 4 GS from Regina Rifles.
    6 men from Regina Rifles.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 Stores from 36 Canadian LAD.
    Jeep from 36 Canadian LAD.
    Motorcycle from 36 Canadian LAD.
    11 men from 36 Canadian LAD.
    3 ton 4 X 4 Winch from 5 Canadian Field Company RCE.
    3ton 4 X 4 GS from 5 Canadian Field Company RCE.
    2 M14 Halftrack from 5 Canadian Field Company RCE.
    Light Reconnaissance Car from 5 Canadian Field Company RCE.
    13 men from 5 Canadian Field Company RCE.
    3ton 4 X 4 GS from 6 Canadian Field Company RCE.
    2 M14 Halftrack from 6 Canadian Field Company RCE.
    Light Reconnaissance Car from 6 Canadian Field Company RCE.
    20 men from 6 Canadian Field Company RCE.
    3 3ton 4 X 4 GS carrying 3 motorcycles from 12 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    15cwt Water from 12 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    15cwt 4 X 4 Battery Charging from 12 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    8cwt HU Computer from 12 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    2 Carrier AOP from 12 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    52 men from 12 Canadian Field Regiment RCA.
    12 10cwt Trailer for CRASC 3 Canadian Division.

    Seven LCI(L) carried men of 153 Brigade, 51 Division.
    Serial 3015 is an LCI(L) carrying
    200 men from 5 Black Watch.

    Serial 3016 is an LCI(L) carrying
    200 men from 5 Black Watch.

    Serial 3017 is an LCI(L) carrying
    200 men from 1 Gordon Highlanders.

    Serial 3018 is an LCI(L) carrying
    200 men from 1 Gordon Highlanders.

    Serial 3019 is an LCI(L) carrying
    200 men from 5/7 Gordon Highlanders.

    Serial 3020 is an LCI(L) carrying
    200 men from 5/7 Gordon Highlanders.

    Serial 3021 is an LCI(L) carrying
    58 men from 5/7 Gordon Highlanders.
    86 men from 5 Black Watch.
    56 men from 1 Gordon Highlanders.

    Fatboy Coxy likes this.
  4. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron

    Group L2.
    The units listed here are part of 30 Corps landing on Gold. At the time of posting Gold Beach has not been described by Mike but will be one day. Some interesting units including a US Army artillery battalion.

    This group consisted of eight LST for 30 Corps overheads, including five for King and three for Jig.
    Escorts were Vivacious, Chelver, Mignonette and one ML.

    These ships loaded at Felixstowe, rendezvoused at Harwich and formed up ready to sail at H-21 hours. They steamed at 8 knots adjusting speed as necessary to arrive at the following positions at the times ordered. K1 Buoy at H+3 hours, the Lowering Position at H+11½ hours and off the beaches at H+12½ hours.

    The group sailed in single line ahead until the Sandhead Buoy and then adopted the following formation.
    3504 for King 3500 for Jig
    3505 for King 3501 for Jig
    3506 for King 3502 for Jig
    3507 for King 3503 for King

    Columns were 2 cable apart.

    At 50 degrees north the group formed single line ahead until the enemy minefield was cleared. When the leading ship was 8 miles short of the Lowering Position an escort was detached to proceed ahead and get orders.

    Serial 3500 is a LST(2) carrying
    23 DUKW including 2 on davits from 703 GT Company RASC.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 Water from 703 GT Company RASC.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from 703 GT Company RASC.
    99 men from 703 GT Company RASC.
    1 Car 4 seater 4 X 4 Humber from 391/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    3 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from 391/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 3ton 4 X 2 GS from 391/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 Machinery from 391/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    24 men from 391/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    2 3ton GS from 152 AAOR.
    1 3ton 4 X 2 Mobile Operations Room from 152 AAOR.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 Radar No4 from 152 AAOR.
    36 men from 152 AAOR.
    1 M14 Halftrack with 7 crew from CE 30 Corps.
    1 Jeep from 1 AA Squadron RAFR.
    1 tender 3ton from 1 AA Squadron RAFR.
    1 tender water 350 gallon from 1 AA Squadron RAFR.
    6 3ton GS (in lieu of LAA Tractors) towing 6 40mm Bofors LAA guns from 1 AA Squadron RAFR.
    75 men from 1 AA Squadron RAFR. ‘A’ echelon for 1 RAS.
    1 3ton tender from 16 AFS Construction Section.
    1 30cwt tender signals 430 from 16 AFS Construction Section.
    12 men from 16 AFS Construction Section.
    1 Tender 3ton from ‘B’ Echelon, 1 P and S Unit.
    1 Jeep from ‘B’ Echelon, 1 P and S Unit.
    5 men from ‘B’ Echelon, 1 P and S Unit.
    1 Jeep from ‘A’ Echelon, 17 MC Group.
    1 2 seater 4 X 2 PU from ‘A’ Echelon, 17 MC Group.
    30 men from ‘A’ Echelon, 17 MC Group.
    2 men from 13 Army Field Survey Depot.
    110 men from 280 Pioneer Company.

    Serial 3501 is an LST(2) carrying
    8 DUKW including 2 on davits from 703 GT Company RASC.
    29 men from 703 GT Company RASC.
    2 RB19 Cranes with 4 crew from 51 Mechanical Equipment Section.
    1 3ton 4 X 2 GS from 391/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 391/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    7 Medium Tractor from 391/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer, generator from 391/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer Radar No3 MkII from 391/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer Radar No1 MkII Tx from 391/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer Radar No1 MkII RX from 391/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    4 X 3.7” HAA guns from 391/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    111 men from 391/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 Car 4 seater 4 X 4 Humber from Regimental Headquarters 113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from Regimental Headquarters 113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 Wireless House from Regimental Headquarters 113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 3ton 4 X 2 GS from Regimental Headquarters 113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer 15cwt Water from Regimental Headquarters 113 HAA Regiment RA.
    28 men from Regimental Headquarters 113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 Jeep with 4 crew. Press Correspondents.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 152 AAOR.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 Mobile Operations Room from 152 AAOR.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 Wireless No4 from 152 AAOR.
    1 Trailer, generator from 152 AAOR.
    43 men from 152 AAOR.
    4 15cwt GS from 1 Corps Troops Workshops REME.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 Machinery from 1 Corps Troops Workshops REME.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 1 Corps Troops Workshops REME.
    4 3ton 4 X 2 Stores from 1 Corps Troops Workshops REME.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 Machinery from 1 Corps Troops Workshops REME.
    1 3ton 6 X 4 Breakdown from 1 Corps Troops Workshops REME.
    1 Tractor 6 X 4 Breakdown, Ward Le France, from 1 Corps Troops Workshops REME.
    1 Trailer 7½ ton recovery from 1 Corps Troops Workshops REME.
    89 men from 1 Corps Troops Workshops REME.
    1 Car 2 seat 4 X 2 Standard with 5 men from MC Pool.
    85 men from 230 Pioneer Company.

    Serial 3502 is an LST(2) carrying
    2 DUKW davits with 7 crew from 703 GT Company RASC.
    29 men from 703 GT Company RASC.
    1 3ton 4 X 2 GS from 391/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 391/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    7 Medium Tractor from 391/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer, generator from 391/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer Radar No3 MkII from 391/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer Radar No1 MkII Tx from 391/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer Radar No1 MkII RX from 391/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    4 X 3.7” HAA guns from 391/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    111 men from 391/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from 336 Searchlight Battery RA.
    4 3ton 6 X 4 Searchlight from 336 Searchlight Battery RA.
    52 men from 336 Searchlight Battery RA.
    1 Car 4 seater 4 X 4 Humber from Battery Headquarters 395/120 LAA Regiment RA.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from Battery Headquarters 395/120 LAA Regiment RA.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from Battery Headquarters 395/120 LAA Regiment RA.
    2 Tractor LAA from Battery Headquarters 395/120 LAA Regiment RA.
    9 men from Battery Headquarters 395/120 LAA Regiment RA.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS from Pioneer Smoke Company.
    52 men from Pioneer Smoke Company.
    2 3ton 4 X 2 Stores from 7 Armoured Troops Workshop REME.
    4 3ton 4 X 4 Binned from 7 Armoured Troops Workshop REME.
    30 men from 7 Armoured Troops Workshop REME.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from Light Recovery Section, 6 Recovery Company REME.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from Light Recovery Section, 6 Recovery Company REME.
    1 3ton 6 X 4 Breakdown from Light Recovery Section, 6 Recovery Company REME.
    1 Trailer, 15cwt water, from Light Recovery Section, 6 Recovery Company REME.
    1 Trailer 7½ ton recovery from Light Recovery Section, 6 Recovery Company REME.
    1 trailer 8 wheeled low loading from Light Recovery Section, 6 Recovery Company REME.
    1 Trailer, 2 wheeled, 1 ton from Light Recovery Section, 6 Recovery Company REME.
    2 Tractor 6 X 4 Breakdown, Ward la France from Light Recovery Section, 6 Recovery Company REME.
    20 men from Light Recovery Section, 6 Recovery Company REME.
    14 men from 280 pioneer company
    1 Jeep from 78 RAFR AA Squadron.
    2 3ton tender from 78 RAFR AA Squadron.
    6 3ton 4 X 4 GS (in lieu of LAA tractors) from 78 RAFR AA Squadron.
    6 40mm Bofors LAA guns from 78 RAFR AA Squadron.
    78 men from 78 RAFR AA Squadron.
    1 3ton tender from 1 ‘C’ MSU. For 85 Group GCI.
    1 tender signals type 430 from 1 ‘C’ MSU. For 85 Group GCI.
    12 men from 1 ‘C’ MSU. For 85 Group GCI.
    1 Jeep from 1 P and S Unit RAF.
    1 3ton from 1 P and S Unit RAF.
    5 men from 1 P and S Unit RAF.

    Serial 3503 is a LST(2) carrying
    23 DUKW (including 2 on davits)
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 536 GT Company RASC.
    1 Jeep from 536 GT Company RASC.
    55 men from 536 GT Company RASC.
    1 Car 4 seater 4 X 4 Humber
    2 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from BHQ, 364/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 water from BHQ, 364/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 3ton 4 X 2 GS from BHQ, 364/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 Machinery from BHQ, 364/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    24 men from BHQ, 364/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    5 Jeep from Tactical Headquarters 30 Corps.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from Tactical Headquarters 30 Corps.
    3 M14 Halftrack from Tactical Headquarters 30 Corps.
    1 Lorry Command Vehicle from Tactical Headquarters 30 Corps.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS from Tactical Headquarters 30 Corps.
    57 men from Tactical Headquarters 30 Corps.
    1 15cwt Van from 1 ‘C’ MSU. For 85 Group GCI.
    2 3ton tender from 1 ‘C’ MSU. For 85 Group GCI.
    2 tender signals type 314 from 1 ‘C’ MSU. For 85 Group GCI.
    2 tender signals type 315 from 1 ‘C’ MSU. For 85 Group GCI.
    1 tender signals type 346 from 1 ‘C’ MSU. For 85 Group GCI.
    2 tender signals type 347 from 1 ‘C’ MSU. For 85 Group GCI.
    2 tender signals type 372 from 1 ‘C’ MSU. For 85 Group GCI.
    37 men from 1 ‘C’ MSU. For 85 Group GCI.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 135 Pioneer Company.
    171 men from 135 Pioneer Company.
    3 3ton 4 X 2 Stores from 30 Corps Troops Workshop REME.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 Stores from 30 Corps Troops Workshop REME.
    1 3ton 6 X 4 Breakdown from 30 Corps Troops Workshop REME.
    27 men from 30 Corps Troops Workshop REME.
    2 2 seater 4 X 2 Utility from ‘A’ Echelon 17 MC Group RE.
    29 men from ‘A’ Echelon 17 MC Group RE.

    Serial 1504 is an LST(2) carrying
    4 DUKW (2 on davits) with 10 crew from 536 GT Company RASC.
    29 men from 703 GT Company RASC.
    1 3ton 4 X 2 GS from 362/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    3 Medium Tractor from 362/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer, generator from 362/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer Radar No3 MkII from 362/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    2 X 3.7” HAA guns from 362/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    52 men from 362/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    2 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from RHQ, 120 LAA Regiment RA.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 Wireless House from RHQ, 120 LAA Regiment RA.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 Office from RHQ, 120 LAA Regiment RA.
    25 men from RHQ, 120 LAA Regiment RA.
    4 jeeps from Tactical Headquarters 30 Corps.
    1 Jeep and trailer from Tactical Headquarters 30 Corps.. For Link with US V Corp.
    3 M14 Halftrack from Tactical Headquarters 30 Corps.
    1 Lorry Command Vehicle from Tactical Headquarters 30 Corps.
    3 3ton 4 X 4 GS from Tactical Headquarters 30 Corps.
    1 Sherman tank from Tactical Headquarters 30 Corps.
    70 men from Tactical Headquarters 30 Corps.
    1 Jeep with 5 crew from 16 ACG. For RRS Group Headquarters.
    1 Jeep from 689 Road Construction Company RE.
    1 15cwt GS from 689 Road Construction Company RE.
    1 15cwt water from 689 Road Construction Company RE.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 689 Road Construction Company RE.
    5 3ton 4 X 4 Tipping from 689 Road Construction Company RE.
    3 Tractor 4 X 4, Medium, from 689 Road Construction Company RE.
    3 Trailer 8 wheeled, 18 ton Low loading from 689 Road Construction Company RE.
    1 Tractor Class II from 689 Road Construction Company RE.
    1 Scraper 8 yard from 689 Road Construction Company RE.
    1 motor grader from 689 Road Construction Company RE.
    70 men from 689 Road Construction Company RE.
    75 men from 231 Pioneer Company.
    20 men from Advanced Park Section, 180 Workshop and Park Company REME.
    2 Jeeps from US 155 SP battalion.
    1 15cwt Weapons Carrier from US 155 SP battalion.
    1 1ton trailer from US 155 SP battalion.
    3 2½ ton 6 X 6 from US 155 SP battalion.
    2 M30 ammunition carrier from US 155 SP battalion.
    4 M12 SP 155mm from US 155 SP battalion.
    72 men from US 155 SP battalion.

    Serial 1505 is an LST(2) carrying
    2 DUKW on davits with 5 crew from 536 GT Company RASC.
    1 3ton 4 X 2 GS from 362/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    4 Medium Tractor from 362/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer, generator from 362/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer Radar AA No1 MkII Tx from 362/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer Radar AA No1 MkII Rx from 362/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    2 X 3.7” HAA guns from 362/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    59 men from 362/113 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 Jeep from 394/120 LAA Regiment RA.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from 394/120 LAA Regiment RA.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 394/120 LAA Regiment RA.
    2 Tractor LAA from 394/120 LAA Regiment RA.
    9 men from 394/120 LAA Regiment RA.
    4 jeeps from Tactical Headquarters 30 Corps.
    2 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from Tactical Headquarters 30 Corps.
    3 M14 Halftrack from Tactical Headquarters 30 Corps.
    2 Lorry Command Vehicle from Tactical Headquarters 30 Corps.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS from Tactical Headquarters 30 Corps.
    1 Ambulance 4 stretcher from Tactical Headquarters 30 Corps.
    1 Sherman tank from Tactical Headquarters 30 Corps.
    68 men from Tactical Headquarters 30 Corps.
    1 Jeep with 5 crew from 24 ACG. For RRS Group Headquarters.
    1 Car 4 seater 4 X 4 Ford from MC Pool 21 AG. For AQMG(M) HQ 2 Corps.
    1 Jeep from 689 Road Construction Company RE.
    1 15cwt GS from 689 Road Construction Company RE.
    1 15cwt Office from 689 Road Construction Company RE.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 689 Road Construction Company RE.
    5 3ton 4 X 4 Tipping from 689 Road Construction Company RE.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 Machinery from 689 Road Construction Company RE.
    2 Tractor 4 X 4, Medium, from 689 Road Construction Company RE.
    2 Trailer 8 wheeled, 18 ton Low loading from 689 Road Construction Company RE.
    2 Blade Grader from 689 Road Construction Company RE. Carried on trailers above.
    2 Tractor Class II from 689 Road Construction Company RE.
    2 Scraper 8 yard from 689 Road Construction Company RE.
    1 motor grader from 689 Road Construction Company RE.
    74 men from 689 Road Construction Company RE.
    104 men from 231 Pioneer Company.
    2 Jeeps from US 155 SP battalion.
    1 15cwt Weapons Carrier from US 155 SP battalion.
    1 1ton trailer from US 155 SP battalion.
    3 2½ ton 6 X 6 from US 155 SP battalion.
    2 M30 ammunition carrier from US 155 SP battalion.
    4 M12 SP 155mm from US 155 SP battalion.
    72 men from US 155 SP battalion.

    Serial 1506 is an LST(2) carrying
    2 DUKW on davits with 5 crew from 536 GT Company RASC.
    4 3ton 6 X 4 Searchlight with 47 crew from 356 Searchlight Battery RA.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 62 men from Pioneer Smoke Company.
    1 Tractor 6 X 4 Breakdown
    1 Trailer 7½ton
    5 men from Light Recovery Section, 6 Recovery Company REME.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 28 men from 231 Pioneer Company
    3 Jeeps with 13 crew. Press Correspondents.
    1 Jeep from 693 Road Construction Company RE.
    1 15cwt GS from 693 Road Construction Company RE.
    1 15cwt Water from 693 Road Construction Company RE.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 693 Road Construction Company RE.
    5 3ton 4 X 4 Tipping from 693 Road Construction Company RE.
    3 Tractor 4 X 4, Medium, from 693 Road Construction Company RE.
    3 Trailer 8 wheeled, 18 ton Low loading from 693 Road Construction Company RE.
    3 Rollers from 693 Road Construction Company RE. Carried on trailers above.
    2 Tractor Class II from 693 Road Construction Company RE.
    2 Scraper 8 yard from 693 Road Construction Company RE.
    1 motor grader from 693 Road Construction Company RE.
    70 men from 693 Road Construction Company RE.
    3 Jeeps from US 155 SP battalion.
    2 15cwt Command Reconnaissance from US 155 SP battalion.
    4 15cwt Weapons Carrier from US 155 SP battalion.
    1 1ton trailer from US 155 SP battalion.
    2 2½ ton 6 X 6 from US 155 SP battalion.
    2 2½ ton 6 X 6 SWB from US 155 SP battalion.
    1 Diamond T Recovery from US 155 SP battalion.
    78 men from US 155 SP battalion.
    1 jeep from 2 AA Sq RAFR, ‘A’ Echelon for RRS.
    1 3ton tender from 2 AA Sq RAFR, ‘A’ Echelon for 1 RRS.
    1 water Tender 350 gallon from 2 AA Sq RAFR, ‘A’ Echelon for 1 RAS.
    6 3ton 4 X 4 GS in lieu of LAA Tractors from 2 AA Sq RAFR, ‘A’ Echelon for 1 RAS.
    6 40mm Bofors LAA from 2 AA Sq RAFR, ‘A’ Echelon for 1 RAS.
    75 men from 2 AA Sq RAFR, ‘A’ Echelon for 1 RAS.
    4 Cromwell with 20 crew from 4 CLY.
    1 AA Tank with 4 crew from Headquarters 22 Armoured Brigade.
    45 men from 231 Pioneer Company.

    Serial 1507 is an LST(2) carrying
    2 DUKW on davits with 5 crew from 536 GT Company RASC.
    3 Jeeps from US 155 SP battalion.
    2 15cwt Command Reconnaissance from US 155 SP battalion.
    4 15cwt Weapons Carrier from US 155 SP battalion.
    1 1ton trailer from US 155 SP battalion.
    2 2½ ton 6 X 6 from US 155 SP battalion.
    2 2½ ton 6 X 6 SWB from US 155 SP battalion.
    1 Diamond T Recovery from US 155 SP battalion.
    78 men from US 155 SP battalion.
    2 jeep from 2 AA Sq RAFR, ‘A’ Echelon for 1 RAS.
    2 3ton tender from 2 AA Sq RAFR, ‘A’ Echelon for 1 RAS.
    6 3ton 4 X 4 GS in lieu of LAA Tractors from 2 AA Sq RAFR, ‘A’ Echelon for 1 RAS.
    6 40mm Bofors LAA from 2 AA Sq RAFR, ‘A’ Echelon for 1 RAS.
    78 men from 2 AA Sq RAFR, ‘A’ Echelon for 1 RAS.
    4 Cromwell with 20 crew from 4 CLY.
    45 men from 231 Pioneer Company.
    1 Jeep from 693 Road Construction Company RE.
    1 15cwt GS from 693 Road Construction Company RE.
    1 15cwt Office from 693 Road Construction Company RE.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 693 Road Construction Company RE.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 Machinery from 693 Road Construction Company RE.
    5 3ton 4 X 4 Tipping from 693 Road Construction Company RE.
    2 Tractor 4 X 4, Medium, from 693 Road Construction Company RE.
    2 Trailer 8 wheeled, 18 ton Low loading from 693 Road Construction Company RE.
    2 Tractor Class II from 693 Road Construction Company RE.
    2 Scraper 8 yard from 693 Road Construction Company RE.
    1 motor grader from 693 Road Construction Company RE.
    74 men from 693 Road Construction Company RE.
    2 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from 7 Armoured Troops Workshop
    2 15cwt 4 X 2 Machinery from 7 Armoured Troops Workshop
    4 3ton 4 X 2 Stores from 7 Armoured Troops Workshop
    5 3ton 4 X 4 Binned from 7 Armoured Troops Workshop
    3 3ton 4 X 4 Machinery from 7 Armoured Troops Workshop
    1 Trailer welding from 7 Armoured Troops Workshop
    1 trailer 7½ ton recovery from 7 Armoured Troops Workshop
    88 men from 7 Armoured Troops Workshop.

    Fatboy Coxy likes this.
  5. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron

    Group L3.
    This group consisted of fifteen LST(2) including nine for 1 Corp and 51 Division and six for 1 Corps overheads. There were also three LST(1) for 1 Corps overheads and sixteen LCT(3) for 22 Armoured Brigade.

    This group sailed in two sections, one of LSTs from Southend and one of LCTs from Harwich.

    The section from Southend sailed at H-12 hours at 8 knots and was escorted by Halstead, Godetia, Flavory and one ML. The section from Harwich sailed at H-16½ hours at 8 knots and was escorted by Clematis, Gairsay and one ML. The two sections rendezvoused and were then timed to arrive at K1 at H+7 hours the Lowering Point at H+15½ and be off the beaches at H+17.

    3200 for Nan 3002 for Mike
    3201 for Nan 3004 for Mike
    3202 for Nan 3001 for Mike
    3203 for Nan 3003 for Mike
    3204 for Nan 3005 for Mike
    3205 for Nan 3006 for Mike
    LST(1) 3207 for Nan 3007 for Mike
    LST(1) 3208 for Nan 3008 for Mike
    LST(1) 3206 for Nan

    LCT(3)s For Jig. Intended to beach and dry out.
    3516 3508
    3517 3509
    3518 3510
    3519 3511
    3520 3512
    3521 3513
    3522 3514
    3523 3515
    Carries 22 Armoured Brigade.

    LSTs for Nan.
    Serial 3200 is an LST2 carrying
    2 jeeps from C and D Troops, 323 Battery, 103 HAA Regiment RA.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 from C and D Troops, 323 Battery, 103 HAA Regiment RA.
    2 3ton 4 X 2 from C and D Troops, 323 Battery, 103 HAA Regiment RA.
    14 Tractors HAA from C and D Troops, 323 Battery, 103 HAA Regiment RA.
    2 Trailer, generator 15 KVa from C and D Troops, 323 Battery, 103 HAA Regiment RA.
    2 Trailer Radar No3 MkII from C and D Troops, 323 Battery, 103 HAA Regiment RA.
    2 Trailer Radar No1 MkII Receiver from C and D Troops, 323 Battery, 103 HAA Regiment RA.
    2 Trailer Radar No1 MkII Transmitter from C and D Troops, 323 Battery, 103 HAA Regiment RA.
    8 X 3.7” MkIII from C and D Troops, 323 Battery, 103 HAA Regiment RA.
    252 men from C and D Troops, 323 Battery, 103 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 jeep from ‘I’ Troop, 375 Battery,114 LAA Regiment RA.
    2 Tractor LAA, Ford, from ‘I’ Troop, 375 Battery,114 LAA Regiment RA.
    6 X 40mm SP, Morris, from ‘I’ Troop, 375 Battery,114 LAA Regiment RA.
    70 men from ‘I’ Troop, 375 Battery,114 LAA Regiment RA.
    1 15cwt Bedford from 22 Dragoons.
    1 15cwt W/T Bedford from LAD 22 Dragoons.
    1 15cwt Machinery, Bedford from LAD 22 Dragoons.
    4 3ton Stores, Bedford from 22 Dragoons.
    24 men from LAD 22 Dragoons.
    1 Jeep from Regimental Headquarters, 22 Dragoons.
    1 Car 4 seater 4 X 4 from Regimental Headquarters, 22 Dragoons.
    12 men from Regimental Headquarters, 22 Dragoons.
    7 3ton GS with 14 crew from South Staffordshire Yeomanry.

    Serial 3201 is an LST2 carrying
    1 jeep from ‘E’ Troop, 220 Battery,73 LAA Regiment RA.
    2 Tractor LAA, Ford, ‘E’ Troop, 220 Battery,73 LAA Regiment RA.
    6 X 40mm SP, Morris, ‘E’ Troop, 220 Battery,73 LAA Regiment RA.
    70 men from ‘E’ Troop, 220 Battery,73 LAA Regiment RA.
    1 jeep from ‘F’ Troop, 220 Battery,73 LAA Regiment RA.
    2 Tractor LAA, Ford, ‘F’ Troop, 220 Battery,73 LAA Regiment RA.
    6 X 40mm SP, Morris, ‘F’ Troop, 220 Battery,73 LAA Regiment RA.
    70 men from ‘F’ Troop, 220 Battery,73 LAA Regiment RA.
    1 jeep from ‘B’ Troop 474 SL Battery RA.
    1 15cwt GS from ‘B’ Troop 474 SL Battery RA.
    1 15cwt W/T from ‘B’ Troop 474 SL Battery RA.
    8 3ton 6 X 4 SL, Leyland, from ‘B’ Troop 474 SL Battery RA.
    107 men from ‘B’ Troop 474 SL Battery RA.
    5 DUKW with 10 crew from 297 GT Company RASC.
    1 15cwt GS from 139 DID RASC.
    1 Coles crane from 139 DID RASC.
    4 men from 139 DID RASC.
    1 Scout Car from 13/18 Hussars.
    1 15cwt water from 13/18 Hussars.
    6 men from 13/18 Hussars.
    1 15cwt with 2 crew from Z Company Pioneer Corps.
    1 jeep from ‘F’ Troop, 383 Battery, 85 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 from ‘F’ Troop, 383 Battery, 85 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 3ton 4 X 2 from ‘F’ Troop, 383 Battery, 85 HAA Regiment RA.
    7 Tractors HAA from ‘F’ Troop, 383 Battery, 85 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer, generator 15 KVa from ‘F’ Troop, 383 Battery, 85 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer Radar No3 MkII from ‘F’ Troop, 383 Battery, 85 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer Radar No1 MkII Receiver from ‘F’ Troop, 383 Battery, 85 HAA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer Radar No1 MkII Transmitter from ‘F’ Troop, 383 Battery, 85 HAA Regiment RA.
    4 X 3.7” MkIII from ‘F’ Troop, 383 Battery, 85 HAA Regiment RA.
    126 men from ‘F’ Troop, 383 Battery, 85 HAA Regiment RA.

    Serial 3202 is an LST2 carrying
    1 jeep from 210 Battery, 53 Medium Regiment.
    1 15cwt GS from 210 Battery, 53 Medium Regiment.
    2 15cwt 4 X 4 White from 210 Battery, 53 Medium Regiment.
    1 M14 Halftrack from 210 Battery, 53 Medium Regiment.
    7 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 210 Battery, 53 Medium Regiment.
    2 Carrier Universal from 210 Battery, 53 Medium Regiment.
    9 Matador MAT from 210 Battery, 53 Medium Regiment.
    8 5.5” Medium guns from 210 Battery, 53 Medium Regiment.
    135 men from 210 Battery, 53 Medium Regiment.
    7 DUKW with 14 crew from 297 GT Company RASC.
    1 Coles crane with 2 crew from 242 Petrol Depot RASC.
    1 3ton GS towing a fire pump trailer with 1 crew from 242 Petrol Depot RASC.
    1 15cwt GS with 1 crew from 14 Ordnance Beach Detachment.
    1 Coles Crane with 2 crew from 14 Ordnance Beach Detachment.
    2 Scammell Breakdown Tractor with 6 crew from LAD 22 Dragoons.
    6 3 ton 4 X 4 GS from South Staffordshire Yeomanry.
    1 Scout car from South Staffordshire Yeomanry.
    1 15cwt from South Staffordshire Yeomanry.
    55 men from South Staffordshire Yeomanry.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from LAD 185 Brigade.
    1 3ton 6 X 4 Breakdown, Leyland, from LAD 185 Brigade.
    12 men from LAD 185 Brigade.
    1 Scout Car from 22 Dragoons.
    1 jeep from 22 Dragoons.
    1 15cwt GS with 2 crew from 9 Brigade Defence Platoon.

    Serial 3203 was an LST2 carrying
    2 M10 SP Anti Tank guns from 266 Forward Delivery Squadron.
    2 Sherman Flail tanks from 266 Forward Delivery Squadron.
    13 men from 266 Forward Delivery Squadron.
    1 15cwt GS, Bedford, with 2 crew from Headquarters I Corps.
    1 Ambulance, 4 stretcher, Austin K2, with 2 crew from Headquarters I Corps.
    2 jeeps with 4 crew from Advanced HQ, Workshop Section, 866 Mechanical Equipment Company RE.
    3 jeeps from 777 Corps Car Company RASC.
    6 Car 4 seater 4 X 4, Humber, from 777 Corps Car Company RASC.
    4 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 777 Corps Car Company RASC.
    1 20cwt trailer from 777 Corps Car Company RASC.
    16 men from 777 Corps Car Company RASC.
    39 men from Headquarters 1 Corp. Carried in vehicles above.
    1 15cwt GS with 4 crew from 1 Corps Defence Company.
    15 DUKW with 30 crew from 297 GT Company RASC.
    1 3ton 6 X 4 Breakdown from 92 LAA Regiment Workshop.
    1 3ton GS from 92 LAA Regiment Workshop.
    12 men from 92 LAA Regiment Workshop.
    8 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 1 East Riding Yeomanry.
    1 Scout Car from 1 East Riding Yeomanry.
    1 15cwt Water from 1 East Riding Yeomanry.
    50 men from 1 East Riding Yeomanry.
    2 15cwt GS with 4 crew from 66 Pioneer Company.
    1 15cwt GS with 2 crew from 204 Works Section RE. Carries 4 motorcycles.
    12 men from CMP(VP) War Office Prisoner of War Escort.

    Serial 3204 is a LST2 carrying
    3 Sherman Flail from 266 Forward delivery Squadron.
    2 M7 SP 105mm from 266 Forward delivery Squadron.
    15 men from 266 Forward delivery Squadron.
    2 RB 19 from 59 Mechanical Equipment Section RE.
    2 Road rollers from 59 Mechanical Equipment Section RE.
    2 Graders from 59 Mechanical Equipment Section RE.
    1 Light rooter from 59 Mechanical Equipment Section RE.
    8 men from 59 Mechanical Equipment Section RE.
    8 DUKW with 16 crew from 297 GT Company RASC.
    2 Jeeps from 777 Corps Car Company RASC.
    6 car 4 seater 4 X 4, Humber, from 777 Corps Car Company RASC.
    1 15cwt water from 777 Corps Car Company RASC.
    5 3ton GS from 777 Corps Car Company RASC.
    16 men from 777 Corps Car Company RASC.
    38 men from Headquarters I Corps.
    1 Amphibious Jeep from Headquarters I Corps.
    1 Car 4 seater 4 X 4, Humber, from Headquarters I Corps.
    6 men from Headquarters I Corps.
    5 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 19 crew from 1 East Riding Yeomanry.
    60 men from 3 Air Landing Anti Tank Battery RA.
    1 15cwt GS from 26 Army Tipper Company RASC.
    1 15cwt Water, Bedford, from 26 Army Tipper Company RASC.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 26 Army Tipper Company RASC.
    9 3ton tipper from 26 Army Tipper Company RASC.
    28 men from 26 Army Tipper Company RASC.
    1 15cwt with 1 crew from 1 SS Brigade Headquarters.
    19 men from Headquarters 112 Pioneer Smoke Company.

    3205 is a LST2 carrying
    21 DUKW from 297 GT Company RASC.
    1 Jeep from 297 GT Company RASC.
    8 3ton 4 X 4 GS, Austin, from 297 GT Company RASC.
    1 Car 4 seater 4 X 4, Humber, from 297 GT Company RASC.
    1 15cwt Water from 297 GT Company RASC.
    1 3ton 4 X 4Stores from 297 GT Company RASC.
    1 3ton Workshop from 297 GT Company RASC.
    80 men from 297 GT Company RASC.
    4 3ton Tipper with 9 crew from 26 Army Tipper Company RASC.
    4 3ton 6 X 4 Machinery from 27 Armoured Brigade Workshop REME.
    1 3ton 6 X 4 Breakdown, Dodge, from 27 Armoured Brigade Workshop REME.
    3 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 27 Armoured Brigade Workshop REME.
    3 15cwt GS, Bedford, from 27 Armoured Brigade Workshop REME.
    33 men from 27 Armoured Brigade Workshop REME.
    32 men from 138 Detail Issue Depot RASC.
    62 men from 14 Ordnance Beach Detachment.
    2 Jeep from 3 Parachute Squadron RE.
    2 Jeep carrying airborne trailers from 3 Parachute Squadron RE.
    10 men from 3 Parachute Squadron RE.

    Three early LSTs arrive. These are listed as LST1 which is not strictly correct, being converted shallow draught tankers. These were not considered suitable for use in the follow up shuttle service and would unload and then remain off the beach as depot ships.

    Misoa and Bachaquero were sisters and Tasajera was slightly smaller. All three were converted in a similar way:
    - The original oil tanks were decked over and an asphalt floor laid for vehicles. Some of the oil tanks remained and were used for fuel and water, some were converted into accommodation and at the bow was an area left for manoeuvring.
    - The sides of the ship were built up and a new upper deck added over the tank accommodation.
    - The bow was cut off and a new blunt bow with door was added.
    - An extended ramp was needed. Although the draught was only 4½ foot at the bow it was fifteen foot at the stern. On steeply sloping beaches, 1:30, the LSTs could beach normally. On more gradual slopes (Normandy was 1:150) the ship would touch bottom before it was close enough to shore to unload vehicles. When the bow door was lowered a ramp was extended and then unfolded to provide a 75foot causeway.
    - The internal stowage was divided by two fore and aft bulkheads. On either side there was a tank compartment which could take nine Sherman or Churchill tanks. The centre compartment could take smaller vehicles such as eleven carriers.
    - Vehicles could be stowed on deck and lowered to the tank deck through hatches by the use of derricks. If necessary the LST could be unloaded using the same derricks and lowering vehicles into smaller craft alongside.
    - Two 25 ton derricks and two ten ton derricks were fitted. The heavier could lower LSMs.

    A disadvantage was that there was insufficient height for the LST to carry tanks fitted for deep wading.

    Misoa and Bachaquero were two shallow draught tankers built in 1937 and converted to carry tanks. They were each 4,800 tons, 382 foot long and could manage 12 knots. Armament was 4 X 2pdr, 6 X 20mm.

    Tasajera was a shallow draught tanker built in 1938 and converted to carry tanks. She was 3,952 tons, 362 foot long and capable of 10 knots. Armamen twas 4 X 2pdr, 6 X 20mm.

    Serial 3206 is LST Tasajera.
    7 motorcycles with 7 crew from CRU.
    2 motorcycles with 2 crew from Military Landing Officer Signal Section.
    3 motorcycles with 3 crew from 9 Survey Regiment, ‘A’ Survey Battery, Ranging Troop.
    1 motorcycle with 1 crew from 53 Medium Regiment RA. Reconnaissance party.
    2 motorcycle with 2 crew from ?66 Mechanical Equipment Company.
    2 motorcycle with 2 crew from 48 Bomb Disposal Section RE.
    2 M3A1 4 X 4 White19 Field Company RE.
    5 M14 Halftracks19 Field Company RE.
    1 15cwt Water19 Field Company RE.
    3 15cwt Compressor, Morris, 19 Field Company RE.
    1 15cwt FFW19 Field Company RE.
    5 3ton 4 X 4 GS, Austin, 19 Field Company RE.
    1 Trailer water purifier, Stella, 19 Field Company RE.
    68 men from 19 Field Company RE.
    1 Jeep from 5 Royal Berkshire Regiment.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS, Austin, from 5 Royal Berkshire Regiment.
    4 motorcycles from 5 Royal Berkshire Regiment.
    6 men from 5 Royal Berkshire Regiment.
    1 Jeep from 8 Kings Regiment.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS, Austin, from 8 Kings Regiment.
    1 Carrier Loyd from 8 Kings Regiment.
    6 men from 8 Kings Regiment.
    12 Carrier Loyd towing trailers 10cwt mortar from 2 Middlesex Regiment.
    3 motorcycles from 2 Middlesex Regiment.
    59 men from 2 Middlesex Regiment.
    1 Heavy Utility 4 X 4, Humber, from Headquarters 9 Brigade.
    1 15cwt GS 4 X 2 from Headquarters 9 Brigade.
    1 15cwt GS 4 X 4 from Headquarters 9 Brigade.
    1 15cwt Water from Headquarters 9 Brigade.
    17 men from Headquarters 9 Brigade.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS, Austin, with 5 crew from 41 Anti Tank Battery RA.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS, Austin, with 5 crew from 45 Anti Tank Battery RA.

    Serial 3207 is LST Misoa carrying
    2 Jeep from 102 Provost Company.
    2 15cwt GS, Bedford, from 102 Provost Company.
    43 men from 102 Provost Company.
    1 Jeep from ‘K’ Section, 3 Division signals.
    2 Car 4 seater 4 X 4, Humber, from ‘K’ Section, 3 Division signals.
    5 men from ‘K’ Section, 3 Division signals.
    22 Sherman tanks with 100 crew from 266 Forward Delivery Squadron.
    1 Jeep with 2 crew from Staff Captain, Cam increment.
    2 15cwt GS with 10 crew from 41 Anti Tank Battery RA.
    2 15cwt GS with 10 crew from 45 Anti Tank Battery RA.
    1 Car 4 seater 4 X 4, Humber, from 7 Field Regiment RA.
    1 Carrier Universal from 7 Field Regiment RA.
    5 men from 7 Field Regiment RA.
    1 Car 4 seater, Ford, with 3 crew from Headquarters I Corps.
    1 Carrier AOP with 4 crew from ‘N’ Section, 3 Division Signals.
    1 Car 4 seater 4 X 4, Humber, from 33 Field Regiment RA.
    1 Carrier Universal from 33 Field Regiment RA.
    5 men from 33 Field Regiment RA.
    1 Carrier AOP with 4 crew from ‘G’ Section, 3 Division Signals.
    1 15cwt GS from 73 Traffic Control Company CMP.
    8 Motorcycles from 73 Traffic Control Company CMP.
    17 men from 73 Traffic Control Company CMP.

    Serial 3208 is LST Bachaquero carrying
    20 Motorcycles with 20 crew from 297 GT Company RASC.
    2 Motorcycles with 2 crew from 139 Detail Issue Depot RASC.
    1 Motorcycle with 1 crew from 242 Petrol Depot RASC.
    3 Motorcycles with 3 crew from 14 Ordnance Beach Detachment.
    9 Sherman tanks from 266 Forward Delivery Squadron.
    3 M7 SP 105mm from 266 Forward Delivery Squadron.
    70 men from 266 Forward Delivery Squadron.
    2 Sherman ARV with 2 crew from 27 Armoured Brigade Workshop.
    3 Jeeps from 76 Field Regiment RA.
    1 Car 4 seater 4 X 4, Humber, from 76 Field Regiment RA.
    1 Carrier AOP from 76 Field Regiment RA.
    17 men from 76 Field Regiment RA.
    1 Carrier AOP with 4 crew from ‘F’ Section, 3 Division Signals.
    1 Jeep with 1 crew from 710 Artisan Works Company.
    3 Motorcycles with 2 crew from 710 Artisan Works Company. Reconnaissance party.
    3 Jeeps from 7 Field Regiment RA.
    6 Motorcycles from 7 Field Regiment RA.
    12 men from 7 Field Regiment RA.
    3 Jeeps from 33 Field Regiment RA.
    6 Motorcycles from 33 Field Regiment RA.
    12 men from 33 Field Regiment RA.
    7 3ton 4 X 4 GS, Austin, with 14 men from 1 Buckinghamshire Regiment.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 GS with 8 crew from 3 Division Defence Platoon.
    1 Car 4 seater 4 X 4, Humber, from ‘J’ Section, 3 Division Signals.
    3 15cwt 4 X 4 GS from 76 Field Regiment LAD.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 76 Field Regiment LAD.
    27 men from 76 Field Regiment LAD.
    1 15cwt GS 4 X 2 with 1 crew from 1 Special Service Brigade Signal Troop.
    1 Car 4 seater. Ford, from Headquarters 102 Beach Sub Area.

    LSTs for Mike.
    Serial 3001 is an LST(2) carrying.
    3 X 20 ton transporter with 12 men from 3 Canadian Field Park Company CRE.
    7 X Jeep and 2 X motorcycle with 9 men from 46 RM Commando.
    15 cwt Wireless house (Guy) from Headquarters 80 AA Brigade.
    3ton 4 X 4 GS (Ford) towing water trailer from Headquarters 80 AA Brigade.
    Humber Utility 4X4 from Headquarters 80 AA Brigade.
    23 men from Headquarters 80 AA Brigade.
    7 X Tractor from 383/86 HAA Regiment.
    2 X 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 383/86 HAA Regiment.
    Generator Trailer from 383/86 HAA Regiment.
    Jeep from 383/86 HAA Regiment.
    Radar No3 MkII from 383/86 HAA Regiment.
    Radar No1 MkII from 383/86 HAA Regiment Transmitter.
    Radar No1 MkII from 383/86 HAA Regiment Receiever.
    126 men from 383/86 HAA Regiment.
    15 cwt Wireless house (Morris) from Headquarters 153 Brigade Signals.
    Lorry Command Vehicle from Headquarters 153 Brigade Signals.
    11 men from Headquarters 153 Brigade Signals.
    3 X 3ton Dodge with 7 men from 458 Company RASC.
    4 X Humber Armoured Car MkIV with 12 men from 2 Derbyshire Yeomanry.
    M14 Halftrack from 209 Battery, 53 Medium Regiment RA
    9 X 3 ton 4 X 4 GS (Ford) from 209 Battery, 53 Medium Regiment RA
    2 carrier AOP from 209 Battery, 53 Medium Regiment RA
    White Scout Car from 209 Battery, 53 Medium Regiment RA
    2 15cwt (Ford) from 209 Battery, 53 Medium Regiment RA
    Jeep from 209 Battery, 53 Medium Regiment RA
    50 men from 209 Battery, 53 Medium Regiment RA
    3ton GS from 1 Corps Signals.
    Jeep with 10 cwt trailer from 1 Corps Signals.
    3ton 4X4 TEV from 1 Corps Signals.
    3ton 4X4 LCV (HP) from 1 Corps Signals.
    15 men from 1 Corps Signals.

    Serial 3002 is an LST(2) carrying.
    Jeep from 321/93 LAA Battery.
    Tractor LAA from 321/93 LAA Battery.
    3 Crusader SP Triple 20mm AA from 321/93 LAA Battery.
    3 towed Triple 20mm AA from 321/93 LAA Battery.
    71 men from 321/93 LAA Battery.
    2 Humber 4 X 4 from 79 Medium Regiment. Reconnaissance Party.
    15cwt Bedford from 79 Medium Regiment. Reconnaissance Party.
    Motorcycle from 79 Medium Regiment. Reconnaissance Party.
    16 men from 79 Medium Regiment. Reconnaissance Party.
    Jeep from Headquarters 80 AA Brigade.
    15cwt Ford from Headquarters 80 AA Brigade.
    15cwt Office Ford from Headquarters 80 AA Brigade.
    20 men from Headquarters 80 AA Brigade.
    Car 4 seater with 5 men from 21 Army Group Movement Control Pool.
    Light Reconnaissance Car, Morris, with 4 men from Headquarters 51 Division RE.
    Matador Tractor from 239 Field Park Company RE.
    20 ton Carriemore Trailer from 239 Field Park Company RE.
    TD9 Bulldozer from 239 Field Park Company RE.
    7 men from 239 Field Park Company RE.
    6 M10 3” SP AT guns with 30 men from 245 Battery, 62 AT Regiment RA.
    Tractor Heavy Breakdown with 4 men from 55 Canadian LAD.
    2 Tractor Heavy Breakdown with 10 men from 2 Canadian Armoured Brigade Workshop.
    3 ton 6 X 4 Stores, Austin, from 105 Corps Field Park LAD.
    3ton 6 X 4 Breakdown, Austin, from 105 Corps Field Park LAD.
    3ton 6 X 4 GS, AEC, from 105 Corps Field Park LAD.
    11 men from 105 Corps Field Park LAD.
    2 Jeep from Headquarters 51 Division.
    Lorry Command Vehicle from Headquarters 51 Division.
    11 men from Headquarters 51 Division.
    3ton Lorry Command Vehicle, Low Powered, from 1 Corps Signals.
    3ton GS from 1 Corps Signals.
    1ton trailer from 1 Corps Signals.
    Humber 4 X 4 from 1 Corps Signals.
    2 Jeep from 1 Corps Signals.
    21 men from 1 Corps Signals.
    12 3ton 4 X 4 Ford with 21 men from 89 Corps troops Company RASC.
    7 3ton Tipper, Dennis, with 14 men from 26 Army Tipper Company RASC.
    5 Armoured Car, Humber MkIV with 15 men from 2 Derbyshire Yeomanry.
    Jeep from 51 Division Signals.
    3ton 4 X 4 Ford from 51 Division Signals.
    10men from 51 Division Signals.
    Jeep with 2 men from 51 Division RA.
    27 men from 187 Field Regiment RA.
    33 men from 79 Medium Regiment RA, 108 Battery.

    Serial 2003 is an LST(2) carrying.
    Car 4 seater Humber from Line Construction Company for GCC 83 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    9 jeep from Line Construction Company for GCC 83 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    9 3ton 4 X 4 Austin from Line Construction Company for GCC 83 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    4 3ton 4 X 2 Austin from Line Construction Company for GCC 83 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    8 10cwt trailer from Line Construction Company for GCC 83 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    6 15cwt trailer, pole, from Line Construction Company for GCC 83 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    104 men from Line Construction Company for GCC 83 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    3ton 6 X 4 Machinery from 1 Corps Signals.
    2 Jeep from 1 Corps Signals.
    15cwt GS from 1 Corps Signals.
    Lorry Command Vehicle, Low Power, from 1 Corps Signals.
    3ton 4 X 4 GS from 1 Corps Signals.
    22 men from 1 Corps Signals.
    9 Matador MAT from 108 Battery, 79 Medium Regiment RA.
    8 5.5” guns from 108 Battery, 79 Medium Regiment RA.
    54 men from 108 Battery, 79 Medium Regiment RA.
    Jeep from Headquarters 153 Brigade Signals.
    Lorry Command Vehicle from Headquarters 153 Brigade Signals.
    15cwt Wireless House, Morris, from Headquarters 153 Brigade Signals.
    72 men from Headquarters 153 Brigade Signals.
    3 3ton 4 X 4 Crossley from 83 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 Thorneycroft from 83 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    2 15cwt Signals, Bedford, from 83 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    30cwt Fordson from 83 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    2 Tender, Signals, from 83 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    15cwt Commer, from 83 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    Water Tender, Bedford, from 83 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    49 men from 83 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    26 men from 187 Field Regiment RA.

    Serial 2004 is an LST(2) carrying.
    2 Jeep from 1 Corps Signals.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 from 1 Corps Signals.
    3ton Lorry Command vehicle, High Power, from 1 Corps Signals.
    15cwt water from 1 Corps Signals.
    24 men from 1 Corps Signals.
    2 Jeep from Canadian Forward Delivery Squadron.
    Loyd Carrier, Slave Battery from Canadian Forward Delivery Squadron.
    White Scout Car from Canadian Forward Delivery Squadron.
    2 15cwt FFW, Ford, from Canadian Forward Delivery Squadron.
    3 ton 4 X 4 Stores, Bedford from Canadian Forward Delivery Squadron.
    3ton 4 X 4 GS, Ford, from Canadian Forward Delivery Squadron.
    16 Sherman from Canadian Forward Delivery Squadron.
    3 6pdr anti tank gun from Canadian Forward Delivery Squadron.
    114 men from Canadian Forward Delivery Squadron.
    Jeep from Headquarters 51 Division.
    Lorry Command Vehicle from Headquarters 51 Division.
    10 men from Headquarters 51 Division.
    3ton 4 X 4, Ford, men from Headquarters 51 Division Signals.
    8 men from Headquarters 51 Division Signals.
    3ton GS towing trailer from Light Mobile Signal Section RN.
    2 15cwt GS from Light Mobile Signal Section RN.
    11 men from Light Mobile Signal Section RN.
    2 Jeep, from ‘A’ Squadron GHQ Liaison Regiment.
    3ton 4 X 4 Bedford from ‘A’ Squadron GHQ Liaison Regiment.
    White Scout Car from ‘A’ Squadron GHQ Liaison Regiment.
    15cwt Wireless House, Morris, from ‘A’ Squadron GHQ Liaison Regiment.
    19 men from ‘A’ Squadron GHQ Liaison Regiment.
    M14 Halftrack from Headquarters 62 AT Regiment RA.
    3ton 4 X 4 Ford from Headquarters 62 AT Regiment RA.
    15cwt Water from Headquarters 62 AT Regiment RA.
    15cwt GS from Headquarters 62 AT Regiment RA.
    20 men from Headquarters 62 AT Regiment RA.
    4 truck 8cwt from Local Duplex RN.
    16 men from Local Duplex RN.
    3 30cwt AT Tractor from 62 AT Regiment.
    15cwt GS from 62 AT Regiment.
    15cwt Water from 62 AT Regiment.
    Jeep from 62 AT Regiment.
    Carrier, Starting and Charging from 62 AT Regiment.
    Motorcycle from 62 AT Regiment.
    30 men from 62 AT Regiment.
    12 men from Provost Company, for Prisoner Of War escort.

    Serial 3005 is an LST(2) carrying.
    2 15cwt FFW Ford from Canadian Forward Delivery Squadron.
    Sherman Flail from Canadian Forward Delivery Squadron.
    M7 Priest SP 105mm from Canadian Forward Delivery Squadron.
    M10 3” SP AT from Canadian Forward Delivery Squadron.
    15 X Sherman from Canadian Forward Delivery Squadron.
    3 6pdr AT gun from Canadian Forward Delivery Squadron.
    115 men from Canadian Forward Delivery Squadron.
    2 Jeep from 1 Corps Signals.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 1 Corps Signals.
    Lorry Command Vehicle HP from 1 Corps Signals.
    3ton Cipher from 1 Corps Signals.
    20 men from 1 Corps Signals.
    10 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 89 Corps Transport Company.
    21 men from 89 Corps Transport Company.
    2 15 cwt Office from ‘B’ Battery, 9 Survey Regiment.
    7 15cwt FFW from ‘B’ Battery, 9 Survey Regiment.
    3ton 4 X 4 GS from ‘B’ Battery, 9 Survey Regiment.
    3 Jeep from ‘B’ Battery, 9 Survey Regiment.
    10 Motorcycle from ‘B’ Battery, 9 Survey Regiment.
    95 men from ‘B’ Battery, 9 Survey Regiment.
    2 15cwt GS from 48 RM Commando.
    2 men from 48 RM Commando.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS from Royal Winnipeg Rifles.
    Carrier Universal from Royal Winnipeg Rifles.
    6 men from Royal Winnipeg Rifles.
    Jeep with 4 men from FOB (Forward Observer Bombardment) party.
    36 men from 927 Inland Water Transport Light Aid Company RE.
    23 men from 127 Field Regiment RA.
    18 men from 3 Canadian AT Regiment.

    Serial 3006 is an LST2 carrying.
    2 Jeep from 1 Corps Signals.
    3ton 4 X 4 from 1 Corps Signals.
    Lorry Command Vehicle, High Power, from 1 Corps Signals,
    3ton 4 X 4 Cipher Office from 1 Corps Signals.
    21 men from 1 Corps Signals.
    15cwt Ford from 721 Road Construction Company. Reconnaissance Party.
    Motorcycle from 721 Road Construction Company. Reconnaissance Party.
    5 men from 721 Road Construction Company. Reconnaissance Party.
    2 ARV and 10 men from 2 Canadian Armoured Brigade Workshop.
    Carrier Universal from Regina Rifles.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS from Regina Rifles.
    6 men from Regina Rifles.
    4 3ton 4 X 2 Dodge with ten men from 458 Company RASC.
    9 Matador MAT towing 8 X 5.5” guns with 54 men from 209 Battery, 53 Medium Regiment RA.
    Jeep with one man from Forward Observer Bombardment party.
    Jeep from 297 Field Park Company RE.
    3ton 4 X 4 GS from 297 Field Park Company RE.
    26 men from 297 Field Park Company RE.
    Carrier Universal from Canadian Scottish Regiment.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS from Canadian Scottish Regiment.
    6 men from Canadian Scottish Regiment.
    3 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 6 men from HLI of Canada.
    3 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 6 men from SD&G.
    8 3ton 4 X 4 Ford with 16 men from 69 Corps troops Company RASC.
    3 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 6 men from North Nova Scotia Highlanders.
    15cwt water from 247 Battery, 62 AT Regiment RA.
    15cwt GS from 247 Battery, 62 AT Regiment RA.
    15cwt Charging and Starting from 247 Battery, 62 AT Regiment RA.
    Motorcycle from 247 Battery, 62 AT Regiment RA.
    3 30cwt 4 X 4 AT tractor from 247 Battery, 62 AT Regiment RA.
    Jeep from 247 Battery, 62 AT Regiment RA.
    30 men from 247 Battery, 62 AT Regiment RA.
    2 15cwt water with 4 men from 4 Canadian LAA Regiment RCA.

    Serial 3007 is an LST(2) carrying.
    Lorry Command Vehicle, High Power, from 1 Corps Signals.
    3ton TEV from 1 Corps Signals.
    3ton 4 X 4 GS from 1 Corps Signals.
    2 Jeep from 1 Corps Signals.
    2 10cwt trailer from 1 Corps Signals.
    18 men from 1 Corps Signals.
    2 M7 Priest SP 105mm from Canadian Forward Delivery Squadron.
    2 Sherman Flail from Canadian Forward Delivery Squadron.
    18 men from Canadian Forward Delivery Squadron.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 Winch, Karrier, from 562 Field Company RE.
    15cwt Water from 562 Field Company RE.
    73 men from 562 Field Company RE.
    7 3ton 4 X 4 GS, Ford, from 108 Battery, 79 Medium Regiment RA.
    2 White Scout Car from 108 Battery, 79 Medium Regiment RA.
    2 Carrier AOP from 108 Battery, 79 Medium Regiment RA.
    M14 Halftrack from 108 Battery, 79 Medium Regiment RA.
    15cwt GS from 108 Battery, 79 Medium Regiment RA.
    Jeep from 108 Battery, 79 Medium Regiment RA.
    66 men from 108 Battery, 79 Medium Regiment RA.
    3 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 245 Battery, 62 Anti Tank Regiment RA.
    M14 Halftrack from 245 Battery, 62 Anti Tank Regiment RA.
    4 Carrier AOP from 245 Battery, 62 Anti Tank Regiment RA.
    6 M10 SP 3” AT guns from 245 Battery, 62 Anti Tank Regiment RA.
    84 men from 245 Battery, 62 Anti Tank Regiment RA.
    3ton 4 X 4 Crossley from Mobile Signals Unit for 83 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    2 Fordson Signals from Mobile Signals Unit for 83 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    2 Bedford Signals from Mobile Signals Unit for 83 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    Fordson Tender from Mobile Signals Unit for 83 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    Bedford Tender from Mobile Signals Unit for 83 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    28 men from Mobile Signals Unit for 83 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    Motorcycle and 3 men from RAF Provost.

    Serial 3008 is an LST(2) carrying.
    M10 SP 3” AT gun from Canadian Forward Delivery Squadron.
    2 M7 Priest SP 105mm from Canadian Forward Delivery Squadron.
    2 Sherman Flail from Canadian Forward Delivery Squadron.
    20 men from Canadian Forward Delivery Squadron.
    Humber 4 seater 4 X 4 car from CREs Reconnaissance Group.
    2 Motorcycle from CREs Reconnaissance Group.
    10 men from CREs Reconnaissance Group.
    3ton 4 X 4 GS and 1ton trailer from 1 Corps Signals.
    M14 Halftrack from 1 Corps Signals.
    Jeep and 10cwt trailer from 1 Corps Signals.
    14 men from 1 Corps Signals.
    Jeep from 1 RRS Commanders Party.
    3ton 4 X 4 Crossley from 1 RRS Commanders Party.
    17 men from 1 RRS Commanders Party.
    Jeep from 2 RRS Commanders Party.
    3ton 4 X 4 Crossley from 2 RRS Commanders Party.
    17 men from 2 RRS Commanders Party.
    4 Matador MAT towing 4 X 5.5” guns with 17men from 79 Medium Regiment.
    3 3ton 4 X 4 GS towing 3 X Stella Water Purification Trailers with 9 men from 3 Canadian Field Park Company.
    Fordson Tender from Mobile Signals Unit Type ‘T’ RAF.
    Austin Tender from Mobile Signals Unit Type ‘T’ RAF.
    5 men from Mobile Signals Unit Type ‘T’ RAF.
    Jeep from ‘A’ Echelon 23 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    Humber 4 X 4 from ‘A’ Echelon 23 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    Crossley Tender from ‘A’ Echelon 23 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    Austin Tender from ‘A’ Echelon 23 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    25 men from ‘A’ Echelon 23 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    13 3ton 4 X 4 Ford with 22 men from 89 Corps Transport Company RASC.
    2 Austin Tender from Command Group 11 Air Formation Signals for 83 Group Main Headquarters.
    5 Jeep from Command Group 11 Air Formation Signals for 83 Group Main Headquarters.
    Humber 4 X 4 from Command Group 11 Air Formation Signals for 83 Group Main Headquarters.
    55 men from Command Group 11 Air Formation Signals for 83 Group Main Headquarters.
    Fordson 30cwt from Special Mobile Signals Unit for 83 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    Austin 30cwt from Special Mobile Signals Unit for 83 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    6 men from Special Mobile Signals Unit for 83 Group Main Headquarters RAF.
    Humber Light Reconnaissance Car with 4 men from 125 RAFR for No3 Advanced Landing Ground.
    2 Motorcycle and 2 men from 47 Royal Marine Commando.
    40 men from 582 Field Park Company RE.
    54 men from 995 Port Maintenance Company RE.

    Sixteen LCTIII arrive with vehicles of 22 Armoured Brigade, 7 Armoured Division. Beach Group personnel are also carried on some LCT.

    Serial 3508 is an LCTIII carrying
    11 Stuart tanks with 44 crew from 4 City of London Yeomanry
    32 men from 135 Pioneer Company.

    Serial 3509 is an LCTIII carrying
    7 Cromwell tanks from 4 City of London Yeomanry.
    1 ARV from 4 City of London Yeomanry.
    40 men from 4 City of London Yeomanry.
    32 men from 135 Pioneer Company.

    Serial 3510 is an LCTIII carrying
    8 Cromwell tanks from 4 City of London Yeomanry.
    1 ARV from 4 City of London Yeomanry.
    45 men from 4 City of London Yeomanry.
    32 men from 135 Pioneer Company.

    Serial 3511 is an LCTIII carrying
    9 Cromwell tanks with 35 crew from 4 City of London Yeomanry.
    20 men from 583 Field Company RE.

    Serial 3512 is an LCTIII carrying
    8 Cromwell tanks from 4 City of London Yeomanry.
    1 ARV from 4 City of London Yeomanry.
    45 men from 4 City of London Yeomanry.
    20 men from 583 Field Company RE.

    Serial 3513 is an LCTIII carrying
    9 Cromwell tanks with 35 crew from 4 City of London Yeomanry.
    31 men from Headquarters Assemble Area, 215 Prisoner of War Camp and 7 Company CMP (VP).

    Serial 3514 is an LCTIII carrying
    2 Cromwell tanks with 10 crew from Headquarters 2 Armoured Brigade.
    4 Cromwell tanks with 20 crew from 4 City of London Yeomanry.
    1 Sherman with 4 crew from RHQ 5 RHA.
    2 Cromwell with 10 crew from RHQ 5 RHA.

    Serial 3515 is an LCTIII carrying
    4 Cromwell tanks with 20 crew from Headquarters 2 Armoured Brigade.
    2 AA tanks with 8 crew from 4 City of London Yeomanry.
    2 Sherman with 12 crew from RHQ 5 RHA.
    30 men from 280 Pioneer Company.

    Serial 3516 is an LCTIII carrying
    8 Cromwell tanks with 40 crew from 4 City of London Yeomanry.
    1 AA Tank with 4 crew from Headquarters 2 Armoured Brigade.

    Serial 3517 is an LCTIII carrying
    1 Cromwell tank with 5 crew from Headquarters 2 Armoured Brigade.
    2 Sherman with 12 crew from RHQ 5 RHA.
    7 Stuart tanks with 28 crew from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.

    Serial 3518 is an LCTIII carrying
    5 Cromwell tanks with 25 crew from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    4 Stuart tanks with 16 crew from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.

    Serial 3519 is an LCTIII carrying
    8 Cromwell tanks with 40 crew from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    1 ARV with 5 crew from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.

    Serial 3520 is an LCTIII carrying
    8 Cromwell tanks with 40 crew from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    1 ARV with 5 crew from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.

    Serial 3521 is an LCTIII carrying
    7 Cromwell tanks with 35 crew from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    2 AA Tanks with 8 crew from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    36 men from Headquarters Assemble Area, 215 Prisoner of War Camp and 7 Company CMP (VP).

    Serial 3522 is an LCTIII carrying
    9 Cromwell tanks with 45 crew from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.

    Serial 3523 is an LCTIII carrying
    8 Cromwell tanks with 40 crew from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    1 ARV with 5 crew from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.

    Fatboy Coxy likes this.
  6. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron

    Group L4.
    This group consisted of twelve LST for 30 Corps, 22 Armoured Brigade and overheads, including GOC 7 Armoured Division. It also had 30 LCT(3) in two flights. In the first flight nine were for King and six for Jig. In the second flight six were for King and nine for Jig. Six were late additions and do not appear on all lists.

    Escorts were Montrose, Whitshed, Borage and one ML.

    The group sailed from Harwich at H-16 Hours sailing at 8 knots. It was timed to pass K1 at H+8 hours and reach the Lowering Point at H+16½ hours. 1st Flight LCTs were to beach at H+17½ hours and 2nd Flight LCTs at H+18½ hours. LSTs had to wait for Rhinos.

    3758 for King 3753 for Jig
    3759 for King 3750 for Jig
    3760 for King 3751 for Jig
    3761 for King 3752 for Jig
    3756 for Jig 3754 for Jig
    3757 for Jig 3755 for Jig

    LCT(3)s For 1st Flight. King LCT(3)s For 2nd Flight. Jig.
    3524 3539
    3525 3540
    3526 3541
    3527 3542
    3528 3543
    3529 3544
    3530 3545
    3531 3546
    3532 3547

    Plus five extra LCT(3) for each flight. The numbers unreadable on the original document but are believed to be 3531 to 3538 and 3546, 3547. Six late additions were LCT 3776 to 3781. One empty LCI(L) was to depart for Portsmouth.

    Serial 3524 is an LCTIII carrying
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from Headquarters 104 Beach Sub Area.
    2 Jeep from Headquarters 104 Beach Sub Area.
    1 Amphibious Jeep from Headquarters 104 Beach Sub Area.
    20 men from Headquarters 104 Beach Sub Area.
    1 Car 4 seater 4 X 4, Humber, from 315 GT Company RASC.
    2 jeeps from 315 GT Company RASC.
    6 men from 315 GT Company RASC.
    2 Jeeps with 6 crew from Headquarters 8 Port Operating Group RE.
    1 15cwt Water from 32 Field Dressing Station.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 32 Field Dressing Station.
    8 men from 32 Field Dressing Station.
    2 15cwt 4 X 4 GS with 19 crew from 2 Detail Issue Depot RASC.
    1 15cwt 4 X 4 GS with 2 crew from 21 Stores Section RE.
    4 3ton 4 X 4 with 12 crew from 4 County of London Yeomanry.

    Serial 3525 is an LCTIII carrying
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 16 men from 1043 Port Operating Company RE.
    3 15cwt 4 X 4 GS from 2 Hertfordshire Regiment.
    4 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 2 Hertfordshire Regiment.
    11 men from 2 Hertfordshire Regiment.
    1 Jeep with 5 crew from Staff Captains increment 9 Beach Group.
    1 15cwt water from 35 Field Dressing Station RAMC.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 35 Field Dressing Station RAMC.
    8 men from 35 Field Dressing Station RAMC.
    1 15cwt with 13 men from 17 Ordnance Beach Detachment.
    19 men from RAF Beach Section.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 with 3 crew from 5RTR.

    Serial 3526 is an LCTIII carrying
    4 3ton 4 X 4from 89 Field Company RE.
    1 Coles Crane from 89 Field Company RE.
    1 Stellar Trailer from 89 Field Company RE.
    24 men from 89 Field Company RE.
    2 15cwt 4 X 2 GS with 2 crew from 240 Provost Company.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 1 crew from 240 Provost Company.
    20 men from 2 Detail Issue Depot RASC.
    3 3ton 4 X 4 with 12 crew from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    14 men from 1035 Port Operating Company RE.

    Serial 3527 is an LCTIII carrying
    1 Jeep from 51 Mechanical Equipment Section RE.
    2 3ton 6 X 4 winch from 51 Mechanical Equipment Section RE.
    2 3ton 6 X 4 Coles Crane from 51 Mechanical Equipment Section RE.
    7 men from 51 Mechanical Equipment Section RE.
    1 Jeep from 107 RAF Beach Section.
    1 3ton 6 X 4 Winch from 107 RAF Beach Section.
    9 men from 107 RAF Beach Section.
    1 Jeep with 20 men from 243 petrol Depot RASC.
    5 Jeeps from 47 Survey Battery, 4 Survey Regiment RA.
    2 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from 47 Survey Battery, 4 Survey Regiment RA.
    24 men from 47 Survey Battery, 4 Survey Regiment RA.
    1 Jeep from 662 AOP Squadron.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 662 AOP Squadron.
    5 men from 662 AOP Squadron.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 4 crew from CBOs Party.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 2 crew from 1035 Port Operating Company RE.

    Serial 3528 is an LCTIII carrying
    1 Jeep from 24 Beach Recovery Section REME.
    3 ARV from 24 Beach Recovery Section REME.
    3 Tractor, Matador, from 24 Beach Recovery Section REME.
    21 men from 24 Beach Recovery Section REME.
    10 men from 107 RAF Beach Section.
    5 Jeeps from 47 Survey Battery, 4 Survey Regiment RA.
    1 15cwt from 47 Survey Battery, 4 Survey Regiment RA.
    21 men from 47 Survey Battery, 4 Survey Regiment RA.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 towing a water purification trailer with 4 crew from 183 Field Regiment RE.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 16 men from 1048 Port Operating Company RE.

    Serial 3529 is an LCTIII carrying
    1 Jeep from Landing Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    1 30cwt GS from Landing Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    1 Crane Le Tourneau from Landing Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    1 DUKW from Landing Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    1 Trailer Pump, Heavy, Dennis, from Landing Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    1 Welding Trailer from Landing Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    1 D8 Tractor from Landing Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    22 men from Landing Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    2 Jeeps towing 10cwt trailers with 2 crew from Beach Commando RN.
    1 Jeep from Light Mobile Section RN.
    1 30cwt from Light Mobile Section RN.
    10 men from Light Mobile Section RN.
    1 Car 4 seater 4 X 4 Humber from Advanced Signal Maintenance Section RN.
    1 8cwt from Advanced Signal Maintenance Section RN.
    8 men from Advanced Signal Maintenance Section RN.

    Serial 3530 is an LCTIII carrying
    1 Jeep from Heavy Mobile Section RN.
    1 30cwt from Heavy Mobile Section RN.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 Crossley from Heavy Mobile Section RN.
    2 3ton from Heavy Mobile Section RN.
    2 Trailer 9’7” X 5’5” X 8’5” from Heavy Mobile Section RN.
    1 Trailer 12’3” X 5’10” X 6’2” from Heavy Mobile Section RN.
    41 men from Heavy Mobile Section RN.
    1 Jeep from VHF Advanced Signal Maintenance Section RN.
    1 8cwt from VHF Advanced Signal Maintenance Section RN.
    8 men from VHF Advanced Signal Maintenance Section RN.
    2 30cwt GS with 8 crew from VHF Duplex RN.
    2 Jeep from LT Section RN.
    1 30cwt from LT Section RN.
    13 men from LT Section RN.

    Serial 3531 is an LCTIII carrying
    2 15cwt 4 X 2 from 7 Construction Section.
    4 3ton 4 X 2 from 7 Construction Section.
    2 Trailer Pole Carrying from 7 Construction Section.
    32 men from 7 Construction Section.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 5 crew. Two VHF 100 Watt section detachments.
    1 4 seater 4 X 4 Humber with 4 crew from 2 Line of Communication Signals GHQ Detachment.
    1 Amphibious Jeep with 4 crew from 1025 Port Operating Company RE.
    30 men from Headquarters Assembly Area, 215 PW Camp and 73 Company CMP (TC).

    Serial 3532 is an LCTIII carrying
    2 15cwt 4 X 2 from 7 Construction Section.
    4 3ton 4 X 2 from 7 Construction Section.
    2 Trailer Pole Carrying from 7 Construction Section.
    32 men from 7 Construction Section.
    1 2 seater PU with 4 crew from CO HQ detachment.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS towing a water purification trailer with 4 crew from 69 Field Company RE.
    1 Jeep from 113 Provost Company.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 from 113 Provost Company.
    8 men from 113 Provost Company.
    1 3ton 4 X 2 GS and 20 men from Ordnance Ammunition Company.

    Serial 3533 is an LCTIII carrying
    1 15cwt Compressor from 583 Field Company RE.
    1 15cwt Personnel 4 X 4 from 583 Field Company RE.
    1 3ton winch from 583 Field Company RE.
    1 3ton 4 X 2 GS from 583 Field Company RE.
    28 men from 583 Field Company RE.
    1 Angledozer Class II D7 with 2 crew from 61 Mechanical Equipment Section RE. For 583 Field Company.
    1 Car 2 seater 4 X 2 from 17 Field Dressing Station, RAMC.
    1 Car 4 seater 4 X 2 from 17 Field Dressing Station, RAMC.
    5 3ton 4 X 2 GS from 17 Field Dressing Station, RAMC.
    45 men from 17 Field Dressing Station, RAMC.
    17 FDS includes 49 and 50 FTU and 37 FFU.

    Serial 3534 is an LCTIII carrying
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from 17 Field Dressing Station, RAMC.
    1 15cwt water from 17 Field Dressing Station, RAMC.
    2 Ambulance 4 stretcher from 17 Field Dressing Station, RAMC.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 17 Field Dressing Station, RAMC.
    7 3ton 4 X 2 GS from 17 Field Dressing Station, RAMC.
    75 men from 17 Field Dressing Station, RAMC.
    17 FDS includes 49 and 50 FTU and 37 FFU.

    Serial 3535 is an LCTIII carrying
    1 Ambulance 4 stretcher from 3 Casualty Clearing Station, RAMC.
    5 3ton 4 X 2 GS from 3 Casualty Clearing Station, RAMC.
    37 men from 3 Casualty Clearing Station, RAMC
    1 3ton 4 X 2 GS with 9 crew from 6 Field Surgical Unit RAMC.
    3 Jeeps from Headquarters Assembly Area, 215 PW Camp and 73 Company CMP (TC).
    2 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from Headquarters Assembly Area, 215 PW Camp and 73 Company CMP (TC).
    1 3ton 4 X 2 GS from Headquarters Assembly Area, 215 PW Camp and 73 Company CMP (TC).
    28 men from Headquarters Assembly Area, 215 PW Camp and 73 Company CMP (TC).
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 2 crew from Royal Marines. For Centaurs.

    Serial 3536 is an LCTIII carrying
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from 3 Casualty Clearing Station.
    1 15cwt Water from 3 Casualty Clearing Station.
    1 3ton 4 X 2 GS from 3 Casualty Clearing Station.
    48 men from 3 Casualty Clearing Station.
    1 3ton 4 X 2 GS with 4 crew from 7 Field Transfusion Unit.
    1 3ton 4 X 2 GS with 4 crew from 31 Field Hygiene Section.
    3 Jeep from Headquarters Assembly Area, 215 PW Camp and 73 Company CMP (TC).
    2 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from Headquarters Assembly Area, 215 PW Camp and 73 Company CMP (TC).
    1 3ton 4 X 2 GS from Headquarters Assembly Area, 215 PW Camp and 73 Company CMP (TC).
    19 men from Headquarters Assembly Area, 215 PW Camp and 73 Company CMP (TC).

    Serial 3537 is an LCTIII carrying
    1 M14 Halftrack from Westminster Dragoons.
    1 Armoured Recovery Vehicle from Westminster Dragoons.
    8 men from Westminster Dragoons.
    3 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 6 crew from Royal Marines. For Centaurs.
    5 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 15 crew from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    46 men from 3 Casualty Clearing Station.

    Serial 3538 is an LCTIII carrying
    4 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 8 crew from Royal Marines. For Centaurs.
    4 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 11 crew from 141 Squadron RAC.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 4 crew from Westminster Dragoons.
    52 men from 3 Casualty Clearing Station.

    Serial 3539 is an LCTIII carrying
    1 3ton Tender Signals Type 405 from FDF for GCC, 382 WT ‘A’ Echelon and ‘B’ MSU for Group Main HQ.
    2 3ton Tender Signals Type 409 from FDF for GCC, 382 WT ‘A’ Echelon and ‘B’ MSU for Group Main HQ.
    1 3ton Tender Signals Type 457 from FDF for GCC, 382 WT ‘A’ Echelon and ‘B’ MSU for Group Main HQ.
    1 3ton Tender Signals Type 368 from FDF for GCC, 382 WT ‘A’ Echelon and ‘B’ MSU for Group Main HQ.
    2 3ton Tender Signals Type 306 from FDF for GCC, 382 WT ‘A’ Echelon and ‘B’ MSU for Group Main HQ.
    19 men from FDF for GCC, 382 WT ‘A’ Echelon and ‘B’ MSU for Group Main HQ.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from CRS 104 BSA.
    1 Jeep from CRS 104 BSA.
    13 men from CRS 104 BSA.
    11 men from CRASC 14 BSA.
    1 Trailer Radar Type 14 from 152 AAOR
    1 Tractor HAA from 152 AAOR
    11 men from 152 AAOR
    11 men from 90 Field Company RE.
    10 men from RAF Beach Section.

    Serial 3540 is an LCTIII carrying
    1 Jeep from Headquarters RAF Beach Unit.
    1 15cwt WT from Headquarters RAF Beach Unit.
    14 men from Headquarters RAF Beach Unit.
    2 Jeeps from 104 Beach Sub Area Signal Section.
    3 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from 104 Beach Sub Area Signal Section.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 Office from 104 Beach Sub Area Signal Section.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 104 Beach Sub Area Signal Section.
    30 men from 104 Beach Sub Area Signal Section.
    2 3ton 6 X 4 Winch from Electrical and Mechanical Section, 362 Field Park Company RE.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from Electrical and Mechanical Section, 362 Field Park Company RE.
    27 men from Electrical and Mechanical Section, 362 Field Park Company RE.
    1 15cwt Water from 31 Field Dressing Station RAMC.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 31 Field Dressing Station RAMC.
    4 men from 31 Field Dressing Station RAMC.
    1 Jeep with 2 crew from 7 Armoured Division Provost Company.

    Serial 3541 is an LCTIII carrying
    2 Jeeps from 104 Beach Sub Area Signals Section.
    3 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from 104 Beach Sub Area Signals Section.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 104 Beach Sub Area Signals Section.
    28 men from 104 Beach Sub Area Signals Section.
    1 3½/5 ton Crane with 2 crew from 74 Mechanical Equipment Section RE.
    1 15cwt water from 90 Field Company RE.
    4 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 90 Field Company RE.
    37 men from 90 Field Company RE.
    1 Amphibious jeep with 4 crew from 1022 Port Operating Company.
    1 Amphibious jeep with 4 crew from 1026 Port Operating Company.

    Serial 3542 is an LCTIII carrying
    1 Jeep from 6 Border Regiment.
    3 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from 6 Border Regiment.
    1 15cwt water from 6 Border Regiment.
    3 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 6 Border Regiment.
    12 men from 6 Border Regiment.
    1 15cwt with 4 crew from 23 Stores Section RE.
    1 Jeep from 51 Mechanical Equipment Section RE.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 Winch from 51 Mechanical Equipment Section RE.
    3 men from 51 Mechanical Equipment Section RE.
    3 ton 4 X 4 GS and 34 men from 5 Detail Issue Depot RASC.
    17 men from 108 RAF Beach Section.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 Cipher with 5 crew from 33 section, 115 Medium WT Section.
    1 Jeep with 2 crew from 7 Armoured Division Provost Company.

    Serial 3543 is an LCTIII carrying
    1 15cwt Water from 25 Field Dressing Station RAMC.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 25 Field Dressing Station RAMC.
    8 men from 25 Field Dressing Station RAMC.
    1 Jeep with 4 crew from 243 Provost Company.
    1 Jeep from 108 RAF Beach Section.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 from 108 RAF Beach Section.
    11 men from 108 RAF Beach Section.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from 244 Petrol Depot RASC.
    1 Trailer, fire pump, from 244 Petrol Depot RASC.
    20 men from 244 Petrol Depot RASC.
    1 Jeep and 13 men from 10 Ordnance Beach Detachment RAOC.
    4 men from 31 Field Dressing Station RAMC.
    5 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 15 crew from 4 County of London Yeomanry.
    Serial 3544 is an LCTIII carrying
    1 Jeep from Landing Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    1 30cwt GS from Landing Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    1 Crane Le Tourneau from Landing Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    1 DUKW from Landing Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    1 Trailer Pump, Heavy, Dennis, from Landing Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    1 Welding Trailer from Landing Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    1 D8 Tractor from Landing Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    22 men from Landing Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    2 Jeeps towing 10cwt trailers with 2 crew from Beach Commando RN.
    1 30cwt from VHF Simplex 100 Watt RN.
    1 3ton, unspecified, from VHF Simplex 100 Watt RN.
    1 Trailer 9’7” X 5’8” X 8’5” from VHF Simplex 100 Watt RN.
    12 men from VHF Simplex 100 Watt RN.
    39 men 280 Pioneer Company.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 with 2 crew from CRASC 104 BSA.

    Serial 3545 is an LCTIII carrying
    2 2 seater 4 X 2 Utility with 8 crew from Headquarters Line of Communication Area.
    1 15cwt personnel from 584 Field Company RE.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 winch from 584 Field Company RE.
    1 3ton 4 X 2 GS from 584 Field Company RE.
    1 Angledozer Class II, D7, from 584 Field Company RE.
    1 15cwt Compressor from 584 Field Company RE.
    21 men from 584 Field Company RE.
    2 15cwt 4 X 2 GS and 34 men from Civil Affairs staff.
    4 3ton tipping with 8 crew from 486 Company RASC.

    Serial 3546 is an LCTIII carrying
    1 15cwt personnel from 584 Field Company RE.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 winch from 584 Field Company RE.
    1 Angledozer Class II, D7, from 584 Field Company RE.
    1 15cwt Compressor from 584 Field Company RE.
    57 men from 584 Field Company RE.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 8 crew from 280 Pioneer Company.
    5 3ton tipping with 10 crew from 486 Company RASC.

    Serial 3547 is an LCTIII carrying
    11 3ton tipping with 21 crew from 486 Company RASC.
    1 15cwt 4 X 4 personnel with 3 crew from Headquarters 22 Armoured Brigade.
    51 men from 584 Field Company RE.
    23 men from Civil Affairs Staff.

    Twelve LST2s arrive and are ready to start disembarking at H+19½ hours.

    Serial 3750 is an LST2 carrying
    8 Cromwell from 1 Royal Tank Regiment.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 1 Royal Tank Regiment.
    40 men from 1 Royal Tank Regiment.
    1 Jeep from 4 County of London Yeomanry.
    1 15cwt Water from 4 County of London Yeomanry.
    1 15cwt WT from 4 County of London Yeomanry.
    9 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 4 County of London Yeomanry.
    3 Scout Car from 4 County of London Yeomanry.
    1 15cwt GS from 4 County of London Yeomanry.
    2 15cwt Halftracked from 4 County of London Yeomanry.
    46 men from 4 County of London Yeomanry.
    8 Cromwell with 40 crew from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    1 ACV from Headquarters 22 Armoured Brigade.
    1 Jeep from Headquarters 22 Armoured Brigade.
    1 15cwt Water from Headquarters 22 Armoured Brigade.
    1 15cwt WT from Headquarters 22 Armoured Brigade.
    1 15cwt 4 X 4 Personnel from Headquarters 22 Armoured Brigade.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from Headquarters 22 Armoured Brigade.
    2 Scout car from Headquarters 22 Armoured Brigade.
    37 men from Headquarters 22 Armoured Brigade.
    1 Jeep with 4 crew from Headquarters 7 Armoured Division.
    2 Jeeps 42 men from two Base Signals Detachments RN.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 42 men from two Base Signals Detachments RN.
    42 men from two Base Signals Detachments RN.
    2 Jeeps with 8 crew from L/T Section, Mulberry RN.
    12 3ton with 22 crew from 1631 Bailey Platoon, 128 Bridging Company RASC.
    4 3ton 4 X 2 with 12 crew from 435 General Transport Company RASC.
    149 men from 269 Pioneer Company. For King Beach.

    Serial 3751 is an LST2 carrying
    4 25pdr SP guns with 26 crew from 5 Royal Horse Artillery RA.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from 4 County of London Yeomanry.
    3 Scout cars from 4 County of London Yeomanry.
    8 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 4 County of London Yeomanry.
    2 15cwt Halftrack from 4 County of London Yeomanry.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 Stores from 4 County of London Yeomanry.
    48 men from 4 County of London Yeomanry.
    1 ACV from Headquarters 22 Armoured Brigade.
    3 3ton 4 X 4 GS from Headquarters 22 Armoured Brigade.
    1 Ambulance 4 stretcher from Headquarters 22 Armoured Brigade.
    1 Scout car from Headquarters 22 Armoured Brigade.
    1 LCV from Headquarters 22 Armoured Brigade.
    33 men from Headquarters 22 Armoured Brigade.
    1 ARV from 1 Royal Tank Regiment.
    11 Cromwell from 1 Royal Tank Regiment.
    2 Tanks CS from 1 Royal Tank Regiment.
    65 men from 1 Royal Tank Regiment.
    1 Sherman OP with 6 crew from 5 Royal Horse Artillery RA.
    7 Carriers Universal with 32 crew from 103 Anti Tank Regiment RA.
    2 Jeeps 42 men from two Base Signals Detachments RN.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 42 men from two Base Signals Detachments RN.
    42 men from two Base Signals Detachments RN.
    1 30cwt with 5 crew from L/T Section, Mulberry RN.
    1 Jeep from 23 Wireless Section.
    4 3ton 4 X 4, Wireless and Cipher, from 23 Wireless Section.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS towing a 1ton trailer from 23 Wireless Section.
    26 men from 23 Wireless Section.
    4 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 7 crew from Bailey Platoon, 128 Bridging Company RASC.
    112 men from 269 Pioneer Company. For King Beach.

    Serial 3752 is an LST2 carrying
    4 25pdr SP Sexton from 5 Royal Horse Artillery RA.
    1 Sherman OP from 5 Royal Horse Artillery RA.
    31 men from 5 Royal Horse Artillery RA.
    2 Jeeps from 4 County of London Yeomanry.
    2 Halftracks from 4 County of London Yeomanry.
    10 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 4 County of London Yeomanry.
    3 Scout Cars from 4 County of London Yeomanry.
    1 15cwt WT from 4 County of London Yeomanry.
    2 15cwt GS from 4 County of London Yeomanry.
    1 Ambulance 4 stretcher from 4 County of London Yeomanry.
    62 men from 4 County of London Yeomanry.
    2 Jeeps from Headquarters 22 Armoured Brigade.
    1 Halftrack from Headquarters 22 Armoured Brigade.
    1 15cwt 4 X 4 Personnel from Headquarters 22 Armoured Brigade.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from Headquarters 22 Armoured Brigade.
    1 Scout Car from Headquarters 22 Armoured Brigade.
    23 men from Headquarters 22 Armoured Brigade.
    1 Tractor, Breakdown, Ward la France
    2 Tanks AA from 1 Royal Tank Regiment.
    11 Stuarts from 1 Royal Tank Regiment.
    4 Cromwell from 1 Royal Tank Regiment.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 1 Royal Tank Regiment.
    85 men from 1 Royal Tank Regiment.
    4 3ton 6 X 4 Searchlight from 356 Searchlight Battery RA.
    1 15cwt from 356 Searchlight Battery RA.
    52 men from 356 Searchlight Battery RA.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 Wireless and Cipher with 8 crew from 36 Cipher section.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS and 25 men from DR Section.
    6 3 ton 4 X 4 GS Bailey Platoon, 128 Bridge Company RASC.
    1 Car 2 seater 4 X 2 Bailey Platoon, 128 Bridge Company RASC.
    13 men from Bailey Platoon, 128 Bridge Company RASC.
    97 men from 92 Pioneer Company. For King Beach.

    Serial 3753 is an LST2 carrying
    4 25pdr SP Sexton from 5 Royal Horse Artillery RA.
    1 Sherman OP from 5 Royal Horse Artillery RA.
    31 men from 5 Royal Horse Artillery RA.
    2 Cromwell from Headquarters 7 Armoured Division.
    1 Jeep from Headquarters 7 Armoured Division.
    1 15cwt from Headquarters 7 Armoured Division.
    5 Scout Cars from Headquarters 7 Armoured Division.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from Headquarters 7 Armoured Division.
    1 Armoured car from Headquarters 7 Armoured Division.
    1 15cwt WT from Headquarters 7 Armoured Division.
    41 men from Headquarters 7 Armoured Division.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 4 crew from 1 Royal Tank Regiment.
    4 Cromwell from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    2 Jeep from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    2 Halftrack from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    3 Scout Cars from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    8 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    1 15cwt Water from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    1 15cwt WT from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    60 men from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    1 Tractor LAA from 395/120 LAA Battery.
    3 40mm SP, Morris, from 395/120 LAA Battery.
    35 men from 395/120 LAA Battery.
    2 3ton 4 X 2 GS from 24 Telephone Operating Company.
    1 Car 2 seater 4 X 2 from 24 Telephone Operating Company.
    39 men from 24 Telephone Operating Company.
    4 Carrier, Loyd, towing 4 6pdr AT guns with 36 men from 102 AT Regiment.
    6 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 10 men from Bailey Platoon, 128 Bridge Company RASC.
    1 Bulldozer D8 from 25 Beach Recovery Section REME.
    2 Trailer 20 ton from 25 Beach Recovery Section REME.
    2 Tractor Breakdown from 25 Beach Recovery Section REME.
    2 ARV from 25 Beach Recovery Section REME.
    15 men from 25 Beach Recovery Section REME.
    128 men from 92 Pioneer Company. For King Beach.

    Serial 3754 is an LST2 carrying
    4 25pdr SP Sexton from 5 Royal Horse Artillery RA.
    1 Sherman OP from 5 Royal Horse Artillery RA.
    31 men from 5 Royal Horse Artillery RA.
    1 Cromwell from Headquarters 7 Armoured Division.
    1 Jeep from Headquarters 7 Armoured Division.
    1 15cwt WT from Headquarters 7 Armoured Division.
    1 15cwt 4 X 4 personnel from Headquarters 7 Armoured Division.
    2 Scout Car from Headquarters 7 Armoured Division.
    1 Car 4 seater from Headquarters 7 Armoured Division.
    20 men from Headquarters 7 Armoured Division.
    13 Cromwell from 1 Royal Tank Regiment.
    2 Tanks CS from 1 Royal Tank Regiment.
    1 ARV from 1 Royal Tank Regiment.
    76 men from 1 Royal Tank Regiment.
    2 Jeeps from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    3 Halftracks from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    3 Scout Cars from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    1 15cwt from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    9 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 Stores from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    44 men from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    4 3 ton 6 X 4 Searchlight from 356 Searchlight Battery RA.
    1 15cwt GS from 356 Searchlight Battery RA.
    1 Jeep from 356 Searchlight Battery RA.
    55 men from 356 Searchlight Battery RA.
    3 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 5 crew from Bailey Platoon, 128 Bridge Company RASC.
    8 Carrier Loyd towing 8 6pdr AT guns with 74 men from 102 AT Regiment RA.
    36 men from 92 Pioneer Company. For King Beach.
    59 men from 1052 Port Maintenance Company RE.

    Serial 3755 is an LST2 carrying
    4 25pdr SP Sexton from 5 Royal Horse Artillery RA.
    1 Sherman OP from 5 Royal Horse Artillery RA.
    3 Jeeps from 5 Royal Horse Artillery RA.
    1 15cwt WT from 5 Royal Horse Artillery RA.
    42 men from 5 Royal Horse Artillery RA.
    2 Cromwell from Headquarters 7 Armoured Division.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from Headquarters 7 Armoured Division.
    1 15cwt 4 X 4 personnel from Headquarters 7 Armoured Division.
    14 men from Headquarters 7 Armoured Division.
    11 Cromwell from 1 Royal Tank Regiment.
    2 Tanks CS from 1 Royal Tank Regiment.
    1 ARV from 1 Royal Tank Regiment.
    66 men from 1 Royal Tank Regiment.
    2 Halftracks from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    3 Scout Cars from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    1 15cwt from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 Personnel from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    1 Ambulance 4 stretcher from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    9 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 Stores from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    44 men from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    3 40mm SP from 395/120 LAA Regiment RA.
    1 Tractor LAA from 395/120 LAA Regiment RA.
    1 Jeep from 395/120 LAA Regiment RA.
    39 men from 395/120 LAA Regiment RA.
    4 Carrier Loyd towing 4 6pdr AT guns with 36 men from 102 AT Regiment RA.
    6 3ton 4 X 2 GS with 17 crew from 435 GT Company RASC
    112 men from 1052 Port Maintenance Company RE.

    Serial 3756 is an LST2 carrying
    8 Cromwell with 36 crew from 1 Royal Tank Regiment.
    2 Cromwell from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    2 Tank CS from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    20 men from 5 Royal Tank Regiment.
    4 15cwt 4 X 4 GS from 49 Construction Section.
    4 15cwt Pole carrying Trailer from 49 Construction Section.
    8 3ton 4 X 2 GS from 49 Construction Section.
    64 men from 49 Construction Section.
    10 3ton 4 X 2 GS from 435 GT Company RASC.
    2 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from 435 GT Company RASC.
    32 men from 435 GT Company RASC.
    1 Bulldozer D8 with 3 crew from 25 Beach Recovery Section REME.
    143 men from (?) Pioneer Company.
    2 Tractor Class II from 78 Road Construction Company RE. For King Beach.
    2 Trailer, 8 wheeled, low loading, from 78 Road Construction Company RE. For King Beach.
    2 Tractor 4 X 4 Medium from 78 Road Construction Company RE. For King Beach.
    31 men from 78 Road Construction Company RE. For King Beach.
    6 3ton 4 X 4 GS and 30 men from 73 AT Regiment RA.
    2 Jeeps and 15 men from 92 Pioneer Company. For King Beach.
    1 15cwt Office from 24 Airfield Construction Group. For King Beach.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 24 Airfield Construction Group. For King Beach.
    2 1ton trailers from 24 Airfield Construction Group. For King Beach.
    26 men from 24 Airfield Construction Group. For King Beach.

    Serial 3757 is a LST2 carrying
    1 Jeep from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    1 3ton 4 X 2 GS from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    7 Tractor HAA from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    1 Generator Trailer from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer Radar AA No3, MkII from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer Radar AA No1, MkII Rx from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer Radar AA No1, MkII Tx from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    4 X 3.7” AA guns from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    126 men from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    4 25pdr SP Sexton from 5 Royal Horse Artillery RA.
    1 Sherman OP from 5 Royal Horse Artillery RA.
    31 men from 5 Royal Horse Artillery RA.
    4 M10 3” SP AT with 18 crew from 102 Anti Tank Regiment RA.
    2 Jeep from 435 GT Company RASC.
    14 3ton 4 X 2 GS from 435 GT Company RASC.
    34 men from 435 GT Company RASC.
    1 15cwt Water from 584 Field Company RE.
    2 3ton Winch from 584 Field Company RE.
    10 men from 584 Field Company RE.
    2 Tractor D8 from 25 Beach Recovery Section REME.
    2 Trailer 20 ton from 25 Beach Recovery Section REME.
    2 Tractor Breakdown from 25 Beach Recovery Section REME.
    1 DUKW from 25 Beach Recovery Section REME.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 25 Beach Recovery Section REME.
    18 men from 25 Beach Recovery Section REME.
    143 men from (?) Pioneer Company.

    Serial 3758 is an LST2 carrying
    8 Tender 3ton from 1 Construction Section 6 Air Formation Signals. For Group Control Centre.
    4 Tender 15cwt from 1 Construction Section 6 Air Formation Signals. For Group Control Centre.
    4 15cwt Van from 1 Construction Section 6 Air Formation Signals. For Group Control Centre.
    64 men from 1 Construction Section 6 Air Formation Signals. For Group Control Centre.
    1 Tender Signal Type 130 from ‘K’ MSU Special. For Group Main Headquarters.
    1 Tender 30cwt from ‘K’ MSU Special. For Group Main Headquarters.
    6 men from ‘K’ MSU Special. For Group Main Headquarters.
    5 3ton 4 X 2 with 17 crew from 435 GT Company RASC.
    1 DUKW from 24 Beach Recovery Section REME.
    3 Matador Tractors from 24 Beach Recovery Section REME.
    7 men from 24 Beach Recovery Section REME.
    4 3ton 4 X 4 with 8 crew from 536 GT Company RASC.
    189 men from (?) Pioneer Company.
    2 Humber Utility with 6 crew from 85 Group Base Air Staff. Advanced Party.
    1 Tender 30cwt from 85 Group ‘Y’ Section.
    1 Tender Signals Type 123 from 85 Group ‘Y’ Section.
    1 Tender Signals Type 367A from 85 Group ‘Y’ Section.
    1 Tender Signals Type 115 from 85 Group ‘Y’ Section.
    1 Tender Signals Type 316 from 85 Group ‘Y’ Section.
    33 men from 85 Group ‘Y’ Section.
    1 3ton 4 X 2 Binned from LAD, 16 Airfield Construction Group.
    1 3ton 6 X 4 Breakdown from LAD, 16 Airfield Construction Group.
    12 men from LAD, 16 Airfield Construction Group.
    2 3ton 4 X 4 Tipping from 693 Road Construction Group.
    2 Tractor Class II from 693 Road Construction Group.
    9 men from 693 Road Construction Group.
    4 M10 3” SP AT guns with 18 crew from 102 AT Regiment RA.
    3 Tractor Class II from 75 Road Construction Company.
    2 RB 10 Excavators from 75 Road Construction Company.
    12 men from 75 Road Construction Company.
    7 DUKW (including 2 on davits) with 22 crew from 633 GT Company RASC.

    Serial 3759 is an LST2 carrying
    2 Tender 3ton from Special Extra Unit for 85 Group GCC.
    2 Tender Signals Type 131 from Special Extra Unit for 85 Group GCC.
    30 men from Special Extra Unit for 85 Group GCC.
    1 Tender Signals Type 383 with 2 crew from 530 MSU Type J for FDP.
    1 Tender 30cwt with 2 crew from 530 MSU Type J for FDP.
    1 15cwt Van with 2 crew from 102 MARU ‘A’ echelon.
    2 3ton Crossley from Provost and Security Unit ‘E’ Echelon.
    9 15cwt from Provost and Security Unit ‘E’ Echelon.
    7 Jeep from Provost and Security Unit ‘E’ Echelon.
    3 Humber Utility from Provost and Security Unit ‘E’ Echelon.
    1 Tender, Water, from Provost and Security Unit ‘E’ Echelon.
    73 men from Provost and Security Unit ‘E’ Echelon.
    2 RB10 Excavators with 2 crew from 78 Road Construction Company.
    3 3ton 4 X 4 with 6 crew from 2 Hertfordshire Regiment.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS and 83 men from (?) Pioneer Company.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS with 2 crew from 107 Beach Section RAF.
    1 15cwt Water with 1 crew from 89 Field Company RE.
    11 DUKW (2 on Davits) with 34 crew from 633 GT Company RASC.
    2 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from Light Mobile Section RN.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from Light Mobile Section RN.
    1 Trailer from Light Mobile Section RN.
    11 men from Light Mobile Section RN.
    4 8cwt with 16 crew from two Local Duplex Sections RN.
    1 Jeep from Landing Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    1 30cwt 4 X 2 GS from Landing Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    1 DUKW from Landing Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    1 D8 Tractor without blade from Landing Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    1 Trailer Pump, Dennis, from Landing Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    1 Trailer, Welding, from Landing Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    1 Le Tourneau Crane from Landing Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    22 men from Landing Craft Recovery Unit RN.
    1 15cwt Water from 583 Field Company RE.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 Winch from 583 Field Company RE.
    ? men from 583 Field Company RE.
    7 3ton 4 X 2 GS with 20 crew from 435 GT Company RASC.
    68 men from 149 Field Ambulance RAMC.
    1 3ton 4 X 2 GS with 14 men from GR Detachment.

    Serial 3760 is an LST2 carrying
    1 Jeep from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    1 3ton 4 X 2 GS from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    7 Tractor HAA from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    4 3.7” AA guns from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer Generator from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer Radar AA No3, MkII from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer Radar AA No1, MkII Rx from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer Radar AA No1, MkII Tx from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    126 men from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    1 Jeep from 320/93 LAA Regiment RA.
    1 Tractor LAA from 320/93 LAA Regiment RA.
    3 20mm SP Crusader from 320/93 LAA Regiment RA.
    3 20mm guns from 320/93 LAA Regiment RA.
    73 men from 320/93 LAA Regiment RA.
    2 Tractor 4 X 4 Medium from 78 Road Construction Company RE.
    3 Tractor Class II from 78 Road Construction Company RE.
    2 Motor Grader from 78 Road Construction Company RE.
    2 Scraper 8 yard from 78 Road Construction Company RE.
    2 Trailer, 8 wheel, low loading from 78 Road Construction Company RE.
    60 men from 78 Road Construction Company RE.
    2 DUKW on davits with 6 crew from 633 GT Company RASC.
    4 Jeeps with ? crew from 2 Hertfordshire Regiment.
    1 Coles Crane with 2 crew from 44 Electrical and Mechanical Section 623 Field Park Company RE.
    1 Coles Crane wit 2 crew from 74 ME Crane Section RE.
    3 Tender 3ton from 483 GCC ‘A’ Echelon.
    1 Tender Signals Type 131 from 483 GCC ‘A’ Echelon.
    1 Tender Signals Type 130 from 483 GCC ‘A’ Echelon.
    1 Tender Signals Type 100 from 483 GCC ‘A’ Echelon.
    1 Tender Signals Type 105 from 483 GCC ‘A’ Echelon.
    1 Tender Signals Type 140 from 483 GCC ‘A’ Echelon.
    1 Tender Signals Type 372 from 483 GCC ‘A’ Echelon.
    1 Tender Signals Type 382 from 483 GCC ‘A’ Echelon.
    2 Tender Signals Type 358 from 483 GCC ‘A’ Echelon.
    1 Jeep from 483 GCC ‘A’ Echelon.
    72 men from 483 GCC ‘A’ Echelon.
    1 Tender Signals Type 430 from 6092 LWS for GCC.
    1 Tender 3ton from 6092 LWS for GCC.
    12 men from 6092 LWS for GCC.
    2 Tender 3ton from 5053 FDP for GCC.
    1 Tender Signals Type 131 from 5053 FDP for GCC.
    1 Water Tender from 5053 FDP for GCC.
    1 Jeep from 5053 FDP for GCC.
    1 Tender Signals Type 150 from 5053 FDP for GCC.
    1 Tender Signals Type 456 from 5053 FDP for GCC.
    33 men from 5053 FDP for GCC.
    2 3ton 4 X 2 GS with 7 crew for 435 GT Company RASC.

    Serial 3761 is an LST2 carrying
    1 Jeep from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    1 3ton 4 X 2 GS from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    1 3ton 4 X 4 GS from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    7 Tractor HAA from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    4 3.7” AA guns from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer Generator from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer Radar AA No3, MkII from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer Radar AA No1, MkII Rx from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    1 Trailer Radar AA No1, MkII Tx from 366/113 Heavy AA Regiment RA.
    4 Tractor 4 X 4 Medium from 75 Road Construction Company RE.
    2 Tractor Class II from 75 Road Construction Company RE.
    2 Motor Grader from 75 Road Construction Company RE.
    2 Scraper 8 yard from 75 Road Construction Company RE.
    4 Trailer, 8 wheel, 18ton, low loading from 75 Road Construction Company RE.
    81 men from 75 Road Construction Company RE.
    1 3ton 4 X 2 Binned from LAD, 24 Airfield Construction Group.
    1 3ton 6 X 4 Breakdown from LAD, 24 Airfield Construction Group.
    12 men from LAD, 24 Airfield Construction Group.
    3 Tender 3ton from 483 GCC ‘A’ Echelon.
    1 Tender Signals Type 131 from 483 GCC ‘A’ Echelon.
    1 Tender Signals Type 130 from 483 GCC ‘A’ Echelon.
    1 Tender Signals Type 150 from 483 GCC ‘A’ Echelon.
    1 Tender Signals Type 180 from 483 GCC ‘A’ Echelon.
    2 Tender Signals Type 382 from 483 GCC ‘A’ Echelon.
    2 Tender Signals Type 358 from 483 GCC ‘A’ Echelon.
    1 Jeep from 483 GCC ‘A’ Echelon.
    1 15cwt Van from 483 GCC ‘A’ Echelon.
    1 Tender, Water, from 483 GCC ‘A’ Echelon.
    58 men from 483 GCC ‘A’ Echelon.
    2 DUKW on davits with 6 crew from 633 GT Company RASC.
    53 men from 583 Field Company RE.
    3 Tender 3 ton from FDP for GCC
    1 Tender Signals Type 100 from FDP for GCC
    1 Tender Signals Type 456 from FDP for GCC
    1 Tender Signals Type 130 from FDP for GCC
    1 15cwt van from FDP for GCC
    33 men from FDP for GCC
    3 ton 4 X 2 GS from 435 GT Company RASC
    2 3ton 4 X 2 GS from Bomb Disposal Section RE.
    1 15cwt 4 X 2 GS from Bomb Disposal Section RE.
    28 men from Bomb Disposal Section RE.

    Fatboy Coxy likes this.
  7. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron

    Group L5.
    This was Convoy ETM1. It consisted of 12 Liberty Motor Transport Ships, six for Gold and six for Juno, plus nine LCI(L) for Queen. Escorts Garth, Maynell, Camellia, Charlock and one ML.

    These Motor Transport Ships loading at London and sailed from Southend at H-5 hours at 8 knots. They were scheduled to reach the K1 Buoy at 2330 D Day and the Lowering Point at 0800 on D+1.

    LCI(L) for Queen. MTS for Mike/Nan. MTS for Jig/King. LCI(L) for Queen.
    3114 3011 3762 3119
    3115 3012 3763 3120
    3116 3013 3764 3121
    3117 3014 3765 3122
    3118 3210 3766
    3211 3767

    The convoy should form single file when passing through the swept channel through the enemy minefield south of 50 degrees north. It may resume the above formation when clear of the minefield.

    Two Mulberry Control Ships, Fratton and Haslemere joined at EA3 Buoy at 2230. Five LST of Force S for Queen and the yacht Sister Anne joined at K1 Buoy at 2330. One LCI(L) joined from Portsmouth.

    HMS Haslemere, Fratton and Maynell had already made one crossing with Group 332 to Juno.

    SS Sambut, a Liberty Ship converted to MTS was struck by two 16” shells from German shore batteries at Calais. She was three miles off Dover with convoy ETM1 and loaded with vehicles and personnel. The vehicles had full fuel tanks and many of them were carrying ammunition and petrol in cans. Fire soon caught hold and spread. Two lifeboats were smashed but two lifeboats and twenty floats were available for the 562 troops and 63 crew. Troops had been issued with life jackets and ordered to wear them but not all had done so. A convoy escort picked up some survivors but could not remain long. Orders were that rescue work should be left to rescue craft. Four MLs from Dover arrived and were soon joined by tugs and small craft from Dover. 130 troops and 6 crew were lost.

    Fatboy Coxy likes this.
  8. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron

    Convoy ETP1.
    Convoy ETP1 (E-England, T-Thames, P-Personnel, No1) was a convoy of large personnel ships loading at Tilbury and sailing with escorts from Southend, and then on to the Solent area and across the Channel to France. It would have to pass through the Straits of Dover where it would be under observation from the French Coast and within range of the big Cross Channel guns of the enemy shore batteries. For a long period of time only coasters had run this gauntlet.

    The convoy successfully passed through the Straits at 1700 hours on D Day. Smoke screens had been laid by motor launches and aircraft and shore based radio counter measures were used. Thus although the enemy must have suspected a sizeable target they lacked the means of ranging on it. Anxiety had been increased when earlier in the day Sambar, a MT Liberty ship of convoy ETM1, had been shelled, burnt out and abandoned.

    An unfortunate confusion caused Neuralia to be overlooked and she failed to sail across the Channel as planned. She apparently remained at anchor in the Solent until the afternoon of D+5. No one on the far shore seems to have noticed her non arrival and the naval staff at Portsmouth did not notice her non departure.

    Batavier II. 1,573 tons Built 1920.
    Cameronia. 16,297 tons Built 1920. 2684 troops.
    Cheshire. 10,552 tons Built 1927.
    City of Canterbury. 8,331 tons Built 1922.
    Devonshire. 11,275 tons Built 1939. 1979 troops.
    Lancashire. 9,557 tons Built 1917.
    Leopoldville. 11,569 tons Built 1929. 2115 troops
    Neuralia. 9,182 tons Built 1912.
    New Bedford. 1,595 tons Built 1928.
    Worcestershire. 11,402 tons Built 1931. 2635 troops.

    4 ships load at King George V Docks D-1.
    5 ships load at Tilbury Landing Stage D Day.

    Fatboy Coxy likes this.
  9. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron


    Troops and vehicles to load at Tilbury moved to Marshalling Area ‘S’. This contained eight sub areas, numbered 1 to 8, four of which seem to have been referred to as Warley Barracks Area, around Warley Barracks, Brentwood. This contained sub areas S5 to S8 and catered for units moving from further north. Sub areas S1 to S4 were nearer to Tilbury and catered for units moving from the Southend area. Once troops were in the Marshalling Area it was sealed and civilian traffic controlled until the troops were embarked.

    The roads in Marshalling Area ‘S’ were designated for operational traffic (that to be loaded), and administrative traffic. In general the roads moving directly south to Tilbury were reserved for operational traffic while those on the flanks were for administrative traffic. Some were used for both. Some east west roads were reserved as vehicle parks with vehicles awaiting loading parked on both sides.

    Apart from the camps in each sub area there was an infrastructure of supply points, recovery units, traffic control points etc.

    Loading at Tilbury for Force L.
    Loading at Tilbury Landing Stage.
    12 LCI(L) with 2400 personnel. Loading in 8 hours. D-2.
    Tilbury had a landing stage for ferries. There was a railway station as well as good road access.

    Loading at Tilbury Dock Hards.
    50 LCT with 2750 personnel and 550 vehicles.
    25 LST with 7500 personnel and 1500 vehicles.
    Taking 48 hours to load. D-3 (20 LST) and D-2.

    In total 12650 personnel and 2050 vehicles were loaded for Force L.

    Loading Timetable Force ‘L’.
    Briefing in Marshalling Area ‘S’.
    0600. Marshalling of vehicles and personnel begins in the Marshalling Area ‘S’.
    2100. Marshalling complete.
    0600. Embarkation of personnel begins.
    Loading of LSTs at LST hards at Main Dock, West Branch Dock and Centre Branch Dock.
    Loading of LCTs at LCT hards at Main Dock.
    1800. Loading complete and ships sail to Final Assembly.
    0600. Sail. Briefing of marching personnel in Warley Barracks Area begins.

    Loading for Follow Up.
    Twenty Five Motor Transport Ships of Convoys ETM1 and ETM2 and five Personnel Ships of Convoy ETP1 will load a total of 23,500 personnel and 3375 vehicles.

    Loading timetable.
    0600. Marshalling of vehicles for 18 Motor Transport Ships begins in the Warley Barracks Area.
    2100. Marshalling complete.
    0800. MT loading for 18 Motor Transport Ships begins. Drivers accompany vehicles to loading berths. A Small maintenance party remains on board and the balance of the drivers return to the Warley Barracks Area. Loading takes place at Main Dock, East Branch Dock, Centre Branch Dock and West Branch Dock.
    2000. Loading complete and ships sail to anchorage.
    0900. Briefing of units in Warley Barracks Area begins.
    2100. Briefing complete.
    0600. Move of units from Southend Area to Marshalling Area ‘S’ begins for seven Motor Transport Ships and one and a half Personnel Ships.
    0900. Marshalling of units in Warley Barracks Area begins.
    1100. Move from Southend Area to Marshalling Area ‘S’ complete.
    1900. Briefing of units complete.
    2200. Marshalling complete.
    0800. Loading of seven Motor Transport Ships begins. Vehicle parties remain on board. Loading at Main Dock, East Branch Dock, Centre Branch Dock and West Branch Dock.
    1100. Embarkation of vehicle parties from Warley Barracks Area begins to thirteen Motor Transport Ships at Tilbury Landing Stage.
    0600. Embarkation of marching personnel begins.
    2835 from Marshalling Area ‘S’.
    7290 from Warley Barracks Area.
    0800. Loading of 16 MT Coasters begins.
    1900.Embarkation of all personnel complete. Last sailing to Final Assembly.
    D Day.
    0600. Sail.

    Tilbury Docks.jpg

    Area S.jpg

    Fatboy Coxy likes this.
  10. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron

    Tilbury Preloaded Motor Transport Ships.
    Convoy ETM2.
    This list dated 10th May 1944.
    25 MT Ships to sail with Convoy ETM2. (Second (2) Motor Transport (M) Convoy leaving England (E) from the Thames (T).

    First Flight.
    These nine ships will complete loading of vehicles and then proceed to anchorages in the river. Drivers of vehicles will deliver vehicles to the loading berth and then return to the marshalling area. A small maintenance party will remain on board. Personnel will be embarked by tender in the river later.
    John E Ward. MT31 Main Dock Berth 31 Liberty
    Fort Dearborn MT36 Main Dock Berth 31A Fort
    Fort Kaskaskia MT37 Main Dock Berth 32 Fort
    Henry Austin MT20 Main Dock Berth 33 Liberty
    William A Jones MT21 Main Dock Berth 34 Liberty
    Fort Crevecoeur MT35 East Branch Berth 20 Fort
    William Phips MT16 East Branch Berth 22 Liberty
    Fort Biloxi MT33 Centre Branch Berth 13 Fort
    Lee S Overman MT15 West Branch Berth 5 Liberty Mined and lost off Le Havre

    Second Flight.
    These nine ships will complete loading of vehicles and then proceed to anchorages at Gravesend, Greenhithe and Hope. Drivers of vehicles will deliver vehicles to the loading berth and then return to the marshalling area. A small maintenance party will remain on board. Personnel will be embarked by tender in the river later.
    Robert Henri MT30 Main Dock Berth 32 Liberty
    Ignatius Donnelly MT23 Main Dock Berth 33 Liberty
    George Wythe MT24 Main Dock Berth 34 Liberty
    Robert Lancing MT28 East Branch Berth 18 Liberty
    William Carson MT29 East Branch Berth 19 Liberty
    William M Marcy MT26 Centre Branch Berth 14 Liberty
    Park Benjamin MT17 Centre Branch Berth 15 Park
    Charles W Eliot MT25 West Branch Berth 6 Liberty
    John A Sutter MT22 West Branch Berth 7 Liberty

    Third Flight
    These seven ships will remain at the loading berth until the personnel embark on ‘Y’ Day.
    Fort Wallace MT34 Main Dock Berth 32 Fort
    Matthew T Goldsboro MT17 East Branch Berth 18 Liberty
    John E Sweet MT19 East Branch Berth 20 Liberty
    Cyrus H K Curtis MT18 East Branch Berth 23 Liberty
    Fort St.Croix MT32 Centre Branch Berth 12 Fort
    Hannibal Hamlin MT13 Centre Branch Berth 13 Liberty
    Will Rogers MT27 Centre Branch Berth 15 Liberty

    First Flight will commence loading at 0800 on 25th May and complete loading pm 26th May.
    Second Flight will commence loading at 0800 on 27th May and complete loading pm 28th May.
    Third Flight will commence loading at 1300 on 30th May and complete loading midday 1st June.
    There is a note: ‘Put back all actual loading times 96 hours.’

    Ships will each normally carry 540 personnel. Certain ships will be nominated to carry 600 personnel.

    These three flights will sail from Southend in convoy ETM2.

    Fatboy Coxy likes this.
  11. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron

    London Docks.
    London Docks were extremely busy but found capacity to embark considerable numbers of personnel and vehicles for Normandy. The area to the north east was used for Marshalling Area ‘T’ which was well served by rail, both freight and passenger, and road. The dock areas themselves could provide accommodation for considerable numbers of troops and for the necessary administrative and supply services.

    18,960 personnel and 2,740 vehicles were loaded onto twelve MT Ships, thirty two MT Coasters and four Personnel Ships.

    0900. Marshalling of vehicles for 12 MT Ships begins in the Marshalling Area.
    2100. Marshalling complete.
    0800. MT loading for 12 MT Ships begins. Drivers accompany vehicles to loading berths. A Small maintenance party remains on board and the balance of the drivers return to the Marshalling Area.
    Five berths were used at Royal Victoria Dock, three berths at Royal Albert Dock and four berths at South West India Dock.
    2000. Loading complete and ships remain at berth.
    0800. Briefing of units in Marshalling Area begins.
    2200. Briefing complete.
    0900. Marshalling of units in Marshalling Area begins.
    2100. Marshalling complete.
    0800. MT loading of 16 MT Coasters begins. Vehicle parties remain on board. On completion of loading ships lock out and sail to Final Assembly. (Lock out simply means leaving the docks via the lock).
    2000. Loading of 16 MT Coasters and locking out complete.
    0600. Embarkation of marching personnel begins.
    0800. Loading of 16 MT Coasters begins.
    Seven berths at Royal Albert Dock were used, five berths at King George V Dock, two berths at South West India Dock and two berths at Millwall Inner Dock.
    1900.Embarkation of all personnel and vehicles complete.
    2200. Complete at Final Assembly.
    D Day.
    0600. Sail.

    London Docks.jpg

    Area T.jpg

    Fatboy Coxy likes this.
  12. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron

    Harwich and Felixstowe..

    Disappointingly little has been found about the Marshalling Areas and Loading tables for Felixstowe and Harwich.

    Loading at Felixstowe Hards.
    22 LST with 6,600 personnel and 1320 vehicles. D-2.
    Loading at Felixstowe Harbour.
    4 LCI(L) with 800 personnel. D-2.

    Loading at Dovercourt Hards, Harwich.
    8 LST for Group L2.
    16 LCT(3) for Group L3.
    12 LST and 30 LCT(3) for Group L4.

    22 Armoured Brigade of 7 Armoured Division moved from its camps round Brandon in Suffolk, not far from Lakenheath, to Marshalling Areas round Ipswich. The various serials were then called forward to Harwich. The Geography of the area was somewhat difficult. The broad estuaries which make the area a sheltered haven for shipping made long detours necessary by road. The low lying land, lack of roads and settlements made it difficult to find sites for camps and vehicle parks between Ipswich and Harwich.

    Felixstowe had somewhat easier access but was still limited to a single road between Ipswich and the port. There was however space for a brigade, or equivalent, plus vehicle parks in and around Felixstowe.

  13. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron


    Coasters were preloaded and moored ready to cross the Channel. There are two documents, one 9th May and one superseding it on 24th May. The former has more detail while the latter may be presumed to be correct, although further changes may have been made. There were also 25 coasters in reserve waiting to fill gaps in the programme or load as soon as there was space at the berths. Some were used as replacements as hand written amendments show.

    There were three types of load, General Cargo, Cased Petrol and Ammunition. These were not mixed, each type being loaded and moored at separate locations. Petrol and Ammunition coasters were smaller than General Cargo coasters, presumably for safety reasons.

    The lists below give the following information.
    Serial Number.
    Tonnage that can be carried.
    MT. Indicates coasters known to be fitted to carry Motor Transport.

    Royal Albert Docks.
    Twenty coasters loaded with General Cargo starting 12 May. When loaded they were sent to Lay By Berths in various London Docks.
    Eight of these are US Standard N3-S Type.
    1018. William Howland. 259’. 2500tons. N3.
    992. Waldo Hill. 259’. 2500tons. N3.
    429. Gurden Gates. 259’. 2555tons. N3.
    161. Charles H Salter. 259’ 2555tons. N3.
    233. Cyrus Sears. 259’. 2555tons. N3.
    92. Benjamin Sherburn. 259’. 2555tons. N3.
    965. Tulley Crosby. 260’. 2490tons. N3.
    1019. William Homan. 260’. 2500tons. N3.
    222. Cresco. 244’. 1720tons
    413. Granfoss. 265’. 2425tons.
    199. Cordale. 280’. 3250tons.
    137. Brynhild. 295’. 3000tons.
    1048. Zelo. 314’. 3000tons.
    778. Ringen. 236’. 1800tons.
    856. Slemish. 258’. 1720tons. Fitted for MT.
    601. Lysland. 244’. 1640tons. Fitted for MT.
    1017. William H Daniels. 257’. 2450tons. Fitted for MT.
    412. Granby. 255’. 3050tons.
    711. Oxford. 264’. 2500tons. Fitted for MT.
    986. Vilk. 276’. 2330tons. Fitted for MT.

    King George V Docks.
    20 Coasters were loaded with General Cargo and Cased Petrol. Ten carried General Cargo and ten carried Cased Petrol only. When loaded they were sent to Lay By Berths in the Docks or along the River Thames.

    Cased Petrol.
    883. Spirality. 173’. 642tons.
    11. Alacrity. 177’. 606tons.
    910. Submity. 172’. 607tons.
    138. Bucklaw. 180’. 548tons.
    276. Durward. 180’. 470tons.
    863. Sodality. 198’. 1100tons.
    821. Sandhill. 192’. 800tons.
    160. Channel Queen. 176’. 650tons.
    302. Empire Bank. 150’. 390tons.
    809. Saint Beden. 163’. 429tons.

    General Cargo. All of these are listed as being fitted to carry Motor Transport.
    867. Soborg. 280’. 2950tons. Fitted for MT.
    317. Empire Heath. 268’. 2630tons. Fitted for MT.
    328. Empire Nutfield. 247’. 2020tons. Fitted for MT.
    1026. Winona. 252’. 2650tons. Fitted for MT.
    387. Garesfield. 298’. 3000tons. Fitted for MT.
    207. Corsea. 320’. 3850tons. Fitted for MT.
    327. Empire Ness. 330’. 4000tons. Fitted for MT.
    324. Empire Lagoon. 268’. 2580tons. Fitted for MT.
    841. Sherwood. 260’. 2150tons. Fitted for MT.
    326. Empire Lough. 320’. 3900tons. Fitted for MT.

    Millwall Docks.
    Ten coasters were preloaded with General Cargo at Millwall Docks. When loaded they were moored at stand by berths at the docks or along the Thames.
    635. Melito. 220’. 1050 tons. Fitted for MT.
    943. Thyra III. 212’. 1050tons. Fitted for MT.
    402. Glendenning. 270’. 2230tons. Fitted for MT.
    940. Thornaby. 227’. 1400tons. Fitted for MT.
    475. Isac. 272’. 2900tons. Fitted for MT.
    107. Blacktoft. 235’. 1280tons.
    692. Olev. 245’. 1830tons. Fitted for MT.
    631. Maurice Rose. 258’. 2090tons.
    377. Foreland. 274’. 2400tons.
    335. Empire Rider. 198’. 870tons.

    Fatboy Coxy likes this.
  14. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron


    Tilbury and Purfleet.

    Tilbury Main Docks.
    38 Coasters were loaded with Ammunition. When loaded they were sent to Lay By Berths at Quays, Wharves, Piers and Jetties along the Thames.
    173. City of Charleroi. 198’. 1040tons.
    403. Glengainf. 203’. 990tons.
    642. Monkstone. 200’. 915tons.
    430. Gwenthills. 204’. 1070tons.
    558. Tres. 212’. 1050tons.
    922. Teeswood. 198’. 1000tons.
    804. Runnelstone. 195’. 950tons.
    1036. Yewtree. 203’. 870tons.

    General Stores. All fitted to carry MT.
    771. Regfos. 250’. 2050tons. Fitted for MT.
    166. Chelwood. 316’. 3770tons. Fitted for MT.
    202. Corglen. 316’. 4000tons. Fitted for MT.
    560. Lambtonian. 312’. 3760tons. Fitted for MT.
    657. Mr Therm. 318’. 4350tons. Fitted for MT.

    Tilbury Military Docks. Preloaded Coasters.
    15 Coasters were loaded with Ammunition by military stevedores. When loaded they were sent to Lay By Berths at Quays, Wharves, Piers and Jetties along the Thames.
    880. Spes. 232’. 1580tons.
    492. Jernland. 243’. 1670tons. Fitted for MT.
    530. Kul. 230’. 1580tons.
    767. Redcar. 251’. 2000tons. Fitted for MT.
    33. Anticosti. 257’. 2780tons. Fitted for MT.
    531. Knowlton. 258’. 2250tons. Fitted for MT.
    521. Keynor. 260’. 2220tons. Fitted for MT.
    281. Eastwood. 250’. 2090tons.
    769. Reias. 227’. 1630tons.

    Purfleet Wharfe.
    19 Coasters were loaded with Petrol by Military stevedores. When loaded they were sent to Lay By Berths at Jetties and Wharves along the River Thames, or moored in the Thames.
    426. Guernsey Queen. 177’. 650tons.
    93. Benquela. 191’. 540tons.
    832. Sedukity. 162’. 500tons.
    50. Ashanti. 185’. 560tons.
    843. Signality. 163’. 550tons.
    396. Glamis. 173’. 553tons.
    836. Serenity. 162’. 590tons.

    Tilbury and Purfleet Pre Loader Moorings.
    Once loaded they were moored in ones and twos at a large number of wharves, jetties and quays along the Thames as follows.
    Greenhithe. Stone Court Jetty. 2 coasters.
    Greenhithe. Empire Paper Mills. 1 coaster.
    Greenhithe. Plaster Products Jetty. 1 coaster.
    Belvedere. Burt Boultons Quay. 2 coasters.
    Littlebrook Power Station, Lower Jetty. 2 coasters.
    Woolwich. Christies Jetty. 2 coasters.
    Thurrock Tunnel Jetty. 3 coasters.
    Thurrock. Chalk and Whiting Jetty. 2 coasters.
    Thameshaven Anchorage. 3 coasters.
    Erith. Doultons Jetty. 2 coasters.
    Erith Oil Works. 1 coaster.
    Erith. Corys Jetty. 2 coasters
    Erith. British Plaster Mills Jetty. 2 coasters.
    Swanscombe. Bell Wharfe Quay. 3 coasters.
    Swanscombe. Bell Wharfe Jetty. 1 coaster.
    Silvertown. Ohlendorffs Wharfe. 2 coasters.
    Dagenham. Williams Jetty. 2 coasters.
    Dagenham. Thunderer Jetty. 1 coaster.
    Dagenham. Fords Jetty. 3 coasters.
    Purfleet. Harrisons Jetty. 2 coasters.
    Purfleet. Corys Jetty. 1 coaster.
    Charlton Durham Wharfe. 2 coasters.
    Barking. Guano Jetty. 2 coasters.
    Barking. Jetty. 2 coasters.
    Beckton No2 Pier. 2 coasters.
    Northfleet. Bowaters Quay. 2 coasters.
    Northfleet. Bevans Jetty. 2 coasters.
    Grays Thurrock. Hedleys Jetty. 1 coaster.
    Gravesend. Imperial Paper Mills Jetty. 1 coaster.
    Coryton. Corys Jetty. 1 coaster.
    Canvey Island LCOW Jetty. 1 coaster.
    Shellhaven. Shell Mex Jetty. 1 coaster.

    This is interesting not only because of the number of coasters being moored but also for the great number and variety of river side moorings and industrial concerns.

    Grimsby Docks.
    12 Coasters were loaded with General Cargo by civilian stevedores, supplemented by military stevedores as necessary.
    These six coasters appear to be the remainder of the US Standard N3-S Type. All are 259’ and have 1116tons capacity available.
    524. Kimball Harlow.
    505. Josiah P Cressey.
    510. Justin Deane.
    652. Moses Gay.
    775. Richard Bearse.
    996. Watson Ferris.

    515. Kalev. 261’. 1090tons.
    433. Halo. 285’. 1447tons.
    891. Saint Enegat. 285’. 1300tons.
    415. Graslin. 290’. 1394tons.
    338. Empire Strait. 311’. 1949tons.
    334. Empire Sedge. 319’. 1948tons.
    397. Glanton. 315’. 1973tons

    Many of the above coasters were to embark personnel at Spithead before crossing the Channel. These included 22 from Tilbury Docks , 4 from Tilbury Military Jetty, 10 from King George V Docks and 3 from Purfleet. These have not been identified but were probably Dock Operating personnel for unloading coasters on the far shore.

    Fatboy Coxy likes this.
  15. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron


    South Coast ports and harbours.
    Many of the coasters listed here were small and lacked the range to make the voyage from more distant ports.

    Five coasters loaded with ammunition at Littlehampton.
    112. Bonawe. 142’. 340tons.
    1049. Zuiderhaven. 137’. 290tons.
    451. Herbert W Walker. 135’. 290tons.
    665. Naviedale. 140’. 285tons.
    708. Oosterhaven. 131’. ?

    Ten coasters loaded ammunition at Newhaven.
    108. Blackwater. 186’. 690tons.
    177. Clara Monks. 176’. 550tons.
    119. Brackenfield. 176’. 685tons.
    830. Seaville. 196’. 690tons.
    59. Asteria. 172’. 630tons.
    851. Skelwith Force. 164’. 630tons.
    133. Broomfield. 174’. 650tons.
    270. Dungrange. 180’. 680tons.
    69. Avanville. 190’. 740tons.
    134. Broomlands. 164’. 630tons.

    Ten coasters loaded with cased petrol at Poole. These were largely Dutch coasters. Only Northgate, Cairngorm and Apricity were British.
    977. Van Brakel. 155’. 450tons.
    685. Northgate. 150’. 480tons.
    146. Cairngorm. 146’. 146tons.
    349. Evertsen. 154’. 474tons.
    663. Nato. 160’. 450tons.
    1050 Zuidland. 159’. 553tons.
    38. Apricity. 144’. 440tons.
    122. Brem. 161’. 446tons.
    1006. Westland. 159’. 560tons.
    1044. Zeeland. 159’. 600tons.

    As might be expected Southampton, being big and near to Normandy, loaded the greatest number of coasters.
    The records show that twenty coasters loaded ammunition at Southampton although the list shows only eighteen.
    1032. Yewglen. 175’. 610tons.
    786. Rockleaze. 161’. 430tons.
    873. Southport. 173’. 580tons.
    988. Vliestroot. 181’. 725tons.
    391. Gem. 175’. 580tons.
    231. Cushenden. 191’. 560tons.
    994. Wallace Rose. 175’. 650tons.
    342. Enid Mary. 175’. 610tons.
    274. Dunvegan Head. 180’. 600tons.
    643. Moelfre Rose. 175’. 630tons.
    194. Coral. 181’. 620tons.
    384. Galacum. 165’. 618tons.
    546. Kyle Queen. 183’. 674tons.
    898. Stanley Force. 171’. 630tons.
    547. Kyle Gorm. 182’. 688tons.
    292. Eillan Hill. 195’. 740tons.
    544. Kyle Castle. 207’. 800tons.
    723. Pebble. 175’. 670tons.

    Twenty nine coasters loaded general cargo at Southampton.
    561. Larchfield. 147’. 380tons.
    87. Belford. 135’. 340tons.
    284. Edenside. 135’. 300tons.
    675. Njord. 150’. 350tons.
    86. Beeston. 158’. 390tons.
    497. Joffre Rose. 180’. 800tons.
    1007. Weston. 158’. 390tons.
    625. Marsworth. 132’. 380tons.
    100. Berryden. 168’. 500tons.
    1004. Westdale. 150’. 370tons.
    647. Moorlands. 150’. 350tons.
    823. Sard. 147’. 400tons.
    295. Elidir. 160’. 355tons.
    1009. Wheatcrop. 168’. 425tons.
    265. Downshire. 157’. 330tons.
    787. Rockville. 150’. 485tons.
    125. Briarsfield. 142’. 410tons.
    85. Beechfield. 146’. 380tons.
    972. Ulster Hero. 158’. 280tons.
    951. Topaz. 170’. 650tons.
    686. Nugget. 176’. 460tons.
    495. J.F.V. 167’. 430tons.
    472. Ipswich Trader. 162’. 390tons.
    366. Fire Queen. 182’. 510tons.
    467. Hove. ?. 390tons.
    20. Alnwick. 171’. 580tons
    84. Beal. 171’. 580tons.
    399. Glen. 171’. 580tons.
    796. Rose Marie. 154’. 400tons.

    Twenty five coasters loaded cased petrol at Southampton.
    440. Hawarden Bridge. ?. 300tons.
    240. Dawlish. 131’. 260tons.
    895. Staleybridge. 138’. 295tons.
    221. Crescendo. 150’. 350tons.
    35. Antiquity. 129’. 270tons.
    283. Ebbrix. 131’. 275tons.
    594. Lowestoft Trader. 136’. 246tons.
    195. Coral Queen. 145’. 320tons.
    322. Empire Jonquil. 150’. 363tons.
    676. Nivernais. 161’. 380tons.
    46. Aridity. 132’. 280tons.
    3. Actinia. 142’. 382tons.
    748. Prase. 159’. 364tons.
    118. Boston Trader. 149’. 370tons.
    312. Empire Estuary. 135’. 314tons.
    807. Saint Angus. 151’. 382tons.
    56. Assiduity. 135’. 290tons.
    344. Erna. 150’. 385tons.
    815. Samere. 153’. 435tons.
    739. Polly M. 147’. 363tons.
    394. Gladonia. 141’. 370tons.
    152. Carrick Coast. 141’. 376tons.
    4. Activity. 140’. 360tons.
    961. Tromp. 155’. 425tons.
    612. Marcel. 190’. 540tons.

    Fatboy Coxy likes this.
  16. Simon A

    Simon A Active Member


    I'm amazed at the incredible amount of detail that you have compiled. Absolutely fascinating.

    I think that my Grandfather may have survived the SS Sambut attack and am trying to find evidence that he was aboard.

    He was in the 22nd Dragoons and from the Raymond Birt book I believe a Captain Hardstaff (Technical Officer) survived and Lance Sergeant Gibbs,L/Cpl Johnson and Trp Healey were killed.

    From another thread on Arrse Danny (The Jack) managed to find the following

    1st June 1944 : The Technical Officer and his batch of troops/vehicles were in “Camp T7” (East Ham) waiting to embark.

    10th June : The Quartermaster reported that the ship that the Tech Officer embarked on was hit by shell fire and set on fire near Dover.

    15th June : Captain Hardstaff returns to RHQ in Normandy and reports that one member of his staff was killed and two are missing.

    Do you have the loading tables for the SS Sambut for the 22nd Dragoons which might indicate the number of personnel and equipment. Its possible that he may have been part of Captain Hardstaff's group.

    His name was Corporal Wilkins.

    I plan on making a trip to the National Archive and would be extremely grateful if you could also give me some pointers as to where to look.


    Fatboy Coxy likes this.
  17. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron


    A difficult question. There were of course Loading tables and landing tables produced in vast quantities but few were kept. Those for the assault formations on D Day are available although the ones in the archives are early tables produced in March and April. There were changes made after that date. The tables for assault formations also vary in what was kept. Some list the vehicles and personnel carried on Motor Transport Ships and Motor Transport Coasters but I cannot see any with 22 Dragoons listed.

    Units had their own versions of Landing tables and these are sometimes attached to the War Diary as appendices. Some are very detailed and may list the vehicles and personnel to land in the days, and weeks, after D Day. These do often list personnel by name. Unfortunately they seldom list the ship and then only by a LTIN number which is difficult to link to a named ship. Since all Motor Transport ships had identical capacity it mattered little to planners which one was actually available.

    By finding enough snippets it may be possible to cross reference and correlate information. Good Luck.

    Fatboy Coxy likes this.
  18. Simon A

    Simon A Active Member

    Thanks Mike

    I have ordered the 22nd Dragoons War diaries so hopefully they may produce some more clues.

  19. Bart150

    Bart150 Member

    This seems like it should be a straightforward question but I can't easily find an answer: What time on June 6 was H hour?
  20. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron


    It is not straightforward and there is no single answer. H Hour was different for each beach to take account of the different times of high tide etc. It was also possible to change the time of H Hour for each beach if new information was received or naval forces were delayed. This is why there was an H Hour rather than a specific time.

    I do not have a readily available list of the different H Hours but can find them later if you wish.


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