Name for 17/21st Lancers tank of 6th Armoured Division Italy 1943

Discussion in 'RAC & RTR' started by John Bonnewell, Nov 16, 2021.

  1. John Bonnewell

    John Bonnewell New Member

    I am looking for name suggestion for my Sherman tank model. It’s markings are that of 17/21st Lancers of 6th Armoured Division in Italy 1943. Can anyone h
  2. Uncle Target

    Uncle Target Mist over Dartmoor

    Lets get the ball rolling with a Command Decision: Thala (Battle 0f Kasserine Pass which the 17/21st helped to turn)

    And the next one: Mary
    The second name of the wife of the Commanding Officer Lt. Col Hull
    (Traditional & use of second name was common)
    She was Antoinette Mary Labouchere de Rougement a bit of job for a sign writer.

    Any other suggestions to vote on?
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2021
  3. AB64

    AB64 Senior Member

  4. Kevin Shannon

    Kevin Shannon Junior Member

    The 17th/21st only landed at Naples on 14 March 1944. There are very few available photos of their Shermans in Italy and sadly, I can't find a single visible name on turret, sides or glacis plate. I've also checked various personal diaries and accounts but no tank names mentioned for Italy. Their tanks in North Africa were certainly named- although I can only find two references to actual tank names in personal accounts. For one of these, a Valentine named 'Apple Sammy', I have a very good photo, but can't see the name painted on it. The Regiment weren't at all happy about us painting names on armour during my time with the Regiment and checking through all my photos of the Regiment's armour from India in 1938 right through to the end in 1993, the only vehicles with visible names were the Scorpions in Belize and some of the BATUS Chieftains. It's not impossible that this policy against visible names was a continuation of an earlier one. If you want to PM me your e-mail address I'll let you have a copy of the 4 photos I can guarantee are 17th/21st in Italy.
    minden1759, 4jonboy and Owen like this.
  5. minden1759

    minden1759 Senior Member

    The wonderful Bob Desourdis has built a 1/6th scale model of the 17/21L Sherman tank that Lt Michael Wayne commanded to push the Amazon Bridge into place on the morning of 13 May 44 at Cassino.

    He very kindly donated it to the Hotel Rocca in Cassino. It is superb and the attention to detail is immense.

    I will ask him if the Sherman had a name. He is a stickler for accuracy.


  6. John Bonnewell

    John Bonnewell New Member

    Just looking at a book called ‘Hells Riders’
    It’s about the Lancers in the Charge of The Light Brigade.
    ‘Hells Riders’ sounds a good name.
  7. minden1759

    minden1759 Senior Member

    Bob Desourdis has confirmed that 17/21L did not name their tanks.


    Kevin Shannon likes this.
  8. Ru Johnson

    Ru Johnson New Member

    Hello I am inquiring about my great grandfathers ww2 service . I know he served with the 11th battalion HLI , they then converted into the 156th reg RAC, I then think he was part of the 17/21 lancers. Hi Name is Alexander Wilson . He was an officer who left the service at the rank of major. If you could point me in the right direction or have Any information from your archives that would be much appreciated .
  9. Kevin Shannon

    Kevin Shannon Junior Member

    I've only got James Clifford Wilson in my 17/21L database. Best bet might be to contact the Royal Lancers & Notts Yeomanry Museum at Thoresby Hall, who will be able to give you a definitive answer.
  10. Ru Johnson

    Ru Johnson New Member

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