The excellent posting this on Twatter made me think how we don't really have a thread for modern BFG-equipped tracked things. Not interested in 'We SHouLD HaVE BougHT X!' type nonsense, unless you happen to be a serving Tankie or Military scientist, but seems worth having a place to share modern tankishness that might be of interest. (And... I constantly realise how cack I am at what's what re. modern gear) Some spooky-looking stuff going on with autonomous things in Russia etc... Anyway: From Mr Hawkes. (Follow him on Twatter, if you hover on that hellsite. He's the British Defence Journalism Armoured things science-talking-guy) Bit of Abrams marketing from period that eventually lead to Challenger 2: (I find it really interesting how they sell the indigenous production/export case. The old argument about what are defence budgets actually for...)
The Carmel
Janes Tanks and Combat Vehicles Recognition Guide by Dell - issuu All searchable i.e. m1A2 in search box, lower rhs.
Big revelation for me was that modern tanks are no more reliable or durable than WW2 tanks. If anything, they are even less so. Which kind of tells me that 50 to 80 ton objects are just not meant to travel at 25-40 mph. In purely engineering terms, tanks are a terrible idea and really shouldn't exist. The only reason to build them is if you absolutely think you need to have them.
The Leopard 2 was considered an excellent tank - until it came to a reality check in Syria... Then it became clear that the ammunition stored in the front area was not a particularly smart idea. Rheinmetall has now increased the combat value of the first Leo to 2A7+, but this does not change the fundamental weakness of the previous ammunition storage. A successor is not expected before 2030. And this is likely to become quite grotesque unless certain regulations are changed: Among other things, the Workplace Regulations apply to Bundeswehr vehicles, which stipulate, for example, that the climate conditions inside the vehicle must be so good that even heavily pregnant female soldiers can still be transported on combat missions, "in order to rule out amniotic fluid damage to the unborn foetus"..... The fact that pregnant women are not allowed to take part in combat missions has obviously not bothered anyone in the Ministry of Defence so far..... I am really curious to see what the new German tank will look like
Fascinating really, isn't it. Tankies still seem to spend a lot of time track-bashing, dealing with knackered engines etc. etc. Peculiar regs & political interference in design. Posturing. 'Our machine/industry/support/export is clearly superior.' 'Nothing's ever penetrated this tank' - - something penetrates the tank - - 'silence'. All kind of 'familiar', really. Mr Hawkes posted another pleasing thing this morning: Reminded again of the magnificent 'Hairy Mary' engine in SA, c.1900. Still just people operating war machines, isn't it. Looked up Saab's Barracuda camo, as mentioned. One aspect of which reminded me of another theme from earlier ages...
Apparently KMW demonstrates a subtle sense of maintaining tradition: the latest variant of the Leopard 2 is called A7V honi soit qui mal y pense
I wonder where the tank will go (even been talk of iron men troops for the past few years) along with the military drone swarms. Anyway back on track ( ha ha) Where does the tank go from here?
Been there; done that... ....on the deck of my FV432. How's that for an OP Party! Any thread on modern war needs to consider wider weaponry than just clank clank I'm a bloody tank.. Anyway difference between a porcupine and a tank?
Steady! You'll be inundated with responses from the black bereted chaps of an unsavoury nature concerning swarfega, vent tubes, and that well known roman ballista artillier of antiquity; Dropus Shortus! Kind regards, always, Jim.
Rheinmetall's 130mm kidney crusher The extent to which this is compatible with the current noise protection guidelines for pregnant female soldiers is certainly still subject to detailed examination.....
Gosh when I served iron triangle was a shoulder flash and an FTX. In fact Ex Iron Triangle 1988 it was the last FTX I took part in as a soldier. Brilliant exercise as I was an escort to the party of observers from NATO, the WP and neutrals. 5 star hotel - free booze....
Constant theme on browsing modern stuff is the Tankette seems to be returning as an unmanned idea. Serbia's Robot Tanklet Can Ride Helicopters Into Battle I shall be quite annoyed if 'tanklet' sticks over the traditional nomenclature... The Belarusskis even have a Praying Mantis. (Doubtless soon to be used against the civilian population. ) Though... from the sketchy web coverage & nature of footage, I start to wonder if it's actually a real thing at all. Not seen it doing this yet, though. Which is sort of disappointing.
meanwhile in the basement bar of the hotel near Hildesheim I was the escort to the Irish delegation listening to the band of the Royal Irish Rangers playing the soldiers song and, perhaps my memory is playing tricks I recall the Sash my Father wore on request... Perhaps it was more alcoholic. The cold war - more bottles than battles.
Not sure you'll find a better summary of what's going on with Rheinmettal & the Challenger update than Mr Hawkes's thread here:
Great to see this subject getting some attention. I've always preferred the modern, especially at shows. They're faster, louder, 'rumblier', very impressive when you're up close...