Memorial to Battle of the Marne, 1914 , Mondemont.

Discussion in 'Prewar' started by Owen, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    Went here last week.
    Had my copy of The Marne by Georges Blond so was able to read on the battle whilst stood on the spot.
    The chateau was a French HQ which was then captured by the Germans & then retaken by French Colonial troops.
    I'll add more detail on the battle around the Mondement chateau at a later date.






  2. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

  3. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    These plaques are in the churchyard next to the memorial.





  4. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    French Cemetery down the road at Soizy aux Bois.




  5. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique

    Good photos, Owen. The Mondemont memorial is pretty impressive; been a while since I was there. Just up the road is the 'Phantoms' memorial, very much on a grand scale as well:

  6. Paul Reed

    Paul Reed Ubique


    CROONAERT Ipsissimus

    Excellent shots, thanks for posting them. Nice to see a little of the lesser known/visited Western front battlefields. I always think there's certainly a different "feel" to these places and that they convey history far better than some of the more "Disneyland" sites... a nice refreshing change.



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