Irish Guards: Medal Rolls, General Service Medal, Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948

Discussion in 'The Brigade of Guards' started by dbf, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    GSM, Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948

    1. 2723539 O TANSEY, 1 Irish Guards
    2. 2726716 Guardsman F TARPEY 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    3. 14471715 D TATE, 1 Irish Guards
    4. 2724812 E TAYLOR, 1 Irish Guards
    5. 2723596 G TAYLOR, 1 Irish Guards
    6. 2726421 Bandsman J TAYLOR 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    7. 2720187 M TEAHAN, 1 Irish Guards
    8. 2726604 Guardsman A THOMAS 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    9. 2726279 Guardsman F THOMAS 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    10. 2727967 K THOMAS, 1 Irish Guards
    11. 1525072 Bandsman W THOMAS 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    12. 2726547 Guardsman C THOMPSON 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    13. 2717701 D W THOMPSON, MiD, Irish Guards
    14. 2612530 J THOMPSON, 1 Irish Guards
    15. 2726191 Guardsman J THOMPSON 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    16. 2718006 J THORNBURY, Irish Guards
    17. 278682 Charles Barton TOTTENHAM, MC, 2 Irish Guards
    18. 354962 P J TRAFFORD 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    19. 2724755 T TRANTER, 1 Irish Guards
    20. 2723640 M TRAYNOR, 1 Irish Guards
    21. 2726357 Lance Corporal V TRINDER 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    22. 5950683 Bandsman H TROTMAN 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    23. 2726059 Lance Serjeant W TRUSSEL In Palestine Lance Serjeant 1st Bn 6 Aug 1947 to 14 Jan 1948 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    24. 2724301 A TURNBULL, 1 Irish Guards
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2024
  2. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Last edited: Jun 5, 2024
  3. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Last edited: Jun 5, 2024
  4. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    GSM, Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948, WO 100/526

    1. 447031 Serjeant B WAITE, 1 Irish Guards
    2. WAKEFIELD F Guardsman, Lance Corporal 2726313 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    3. 2724635 K WALKDEN, 1 Irish Guards
    4. 2724494 C T WALLACE, 1 Irish Guards
    5. WALSH G Lance Corporal, Lance Serjeant 2725824 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    6. WALSH M 2726564 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    7. 2719654 B WALTON, 1 Irish Guards
    8. 2720005 R WALTON, 1 Irish Guards
    9. 6887438 Robert George WALTON, BEM, Irish Guards
    10. 2717237 L WARD, 1 Irish Guards
    11. 2716606 M WARD, Irish Guards
    12. WARD R Guardsman 2726570 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    13. WARING J Lance Corporal, Lance Serjeant 2725340 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    14. WARREN L 2725745 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    15. 2718480 Serjeant William Rankin WATTON, 1 Irish Guards WATTON W Warrant Officer Class II, Drill Serjeant 2718480 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    16. 2718953 G WATTS, 1 Irish Guards
    17. WATTS G Lance Corporal 316121 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    18. 2716178 A WEBB, 1 Irish Guards
    19. 2724232 G WELLS, 1 Irish Guards
    20. WESTON V Guardsman 2726527 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    21. 247103 Mark Barrett Haydon WHITE, Irish Guards
    22. 247103 Mark Barrett Haydon WHITE, Irish Guards
    23. WHITE W Guardsman 2726563 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    24. 354981 (2725115) Edward Clifford WHITLEY, Irish Guards
    25. 2717835 Barnard Frederick John WILD, Irish Guards
    26. 2724987 L WILKINS, 1 Irish Guards
    27. WILKINSON R Guardsman 2726151 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    28. 75191 George Henry WILLCOCKS, MVO, MBE, ARCM, Irish Guards
    29. WILLIAMS J Lance Corporal 2726508 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    30. WILLIAMS P Guardsman 2726593 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    31. 2724970 W WILLIAMS, 1 Irish Guards
    32. WILLIAMSON W Guardsman 2726767 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    33. 2719336 J WILSON, 1 Irish Guards
    34. 6082754 A WINTER, 1 Irish Guards
    35. WOOD J Guardsman 2726713 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    36. WOOD A Guardsman 2726714 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    37. WOOD C Guardsman 2726061 In Palestine Guardsman 27 Feb 1947 to 14 Jan 1948 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    38. WOOD S Guardsman 2725296 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    39. 2721051 R C WOODHAM, Irish Guards
    40. WOODS J Guardsman 2726655 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    41. WOULFE R Guardsman 2726707 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    42. WRAFTER M Serjeant 2724732 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    43. WRIGHT A Guardsman 2725639 22298745 In Palestine Guardsman 1st Bn 10 Mar 1947 to I Jan 1948 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    44. WRIGHT A J Serjeant, Lieutenant 2725399 P/418470 In Palestine Guardsman 10 Mar 1947 to 27 Dec 1947 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    45. WRIGHT J Guardsman 2726457 1st Bn. Irish Guards Palestine Clasp 1945 - 1948 WO 100/526
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2024

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