Information wanted on Major Johann Hinkel

Discussion in 'Searching for Someone & Military Genealogy' started by TImobeanie, Sep 10, 2024.

  1. TImobeanie

    TImobeanie Active Member

    I am trying to find out any information on a Major Johann Hinkel who was a soldier in WW2 in the 10th Company 3rd Battallion Inf Reg 583 of the 319th Inf Division.

    He was born on 4 May 1896 in Seckbach, Stadtkreis Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany He died in an accident in my island of Guernsey on 28 March 1943 in Sark (the islands were occupied by German Forces) and his grave is in our cemetery.

    Ideally, I would also like a photo of him if this was possible.

    Thank you
    Lindele likes this.
  2. Lindele

    Lindele formerly HA96

    I try to find him on the German Internet or in seckbach for information & picture

    TImobeanie, 4jonboy and JimHerriot like this.
  3. CL1

    CL1 116th LAA and 92nd (Loyals) LAA,Royal Artillery

  4. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Prime suspect possibly within one of photos here:

    Bundesarchiv - Bilddatenbank

    Worth giving Bundesarchiv a shout maybe?

    "Major Johann Hinkel, the new commander had 13,107 mines laid"

    "The German commandant was killed in March when he stepped on a mine"

    Reap as ye shall sew. How very apt.

    If you come up with a definite photo of the chap please let me know as I'd like one for my dartboard.

    Always remember, never forget,


    P.S. "A four year old was also killed when she walked into a minefield."
    TImobeanie likes this.
  5. CL1

    CL1 116th LAA and 92nd (Loyals) LAA,Royal Artillery

  6. riter

    riter Well-Known Member

    The shoulder straps on that officer appear to be that of a leutnant. Can someone increase the size b/c the strap cords look straight and not woven (like that of a senior officer).
    TImobeanie and JimHerriot like this.
  7. Lindele

    Lindele formerly HA96

    Following my initial search, I found a publisher called Johann Hinkel Verlag nearby his place of birth and I sent them an Email.:pipe:
    TImobeanie and JimHerriot like this.
  8. TImobeanie

    TImobeanie Active Member

    Thank you Stefan :)
    JimHerriot likes this.
  9. TImobeanie

    TImobeanie Active Member


    Yes I know all this as I do guided walks in Sark and at fort george cemetery where he is buried ……. Big thing mixssing is a photo of Hinkel …….. :). thank you
    JimHerriot likes this.
  10. TImobeanie

    TImobeanie Active Member

    JimHerriot likes this.
  11. TImobeanie

    TImobeanie Active Member

    They are well known photos in Sark and I have seen most of them (the quality of these originals are much better though!) ….. that officer’s face is known but no one knows who he is ….. there were quite a few officers in Sark and who came over from Guernsey as guests and they all visited the Dame of Sark
    JimHerriot likes this.
  12. TImobeanie

    TImobeanie Active Member

    Thank you very much Stefan! I saw from an ancestry website that there are a lot of Hinkels in that area of his birth …… he must have a number of surviving relations :)
    Lindele and JimHerriot like this.
  13. Lindele

    Lindele formerly HA96

    Yes indeed. I will continue checking.
    TImobeanie and JimHerriot like this.
  14. TImobeanie

    TImobeanie Active Member

    Thank you :)
    JimHerriot likes this.
  15. Lindele

    Lindele formerly HA96

    I am getting closer to some civil servants of Johann Hinkel's home town.
    His Publishing Company does not exist any more.

    For an answer by any family members it may take at least until next week.:pipe:
    JimHerriot and TImobeanie like this.
  16. TImobeanie

    TImobeanie Active Member

    Thank you very much Stefan :). This is exciting …. But I will not get my hopes up at this stage. I am sure he has surviving relatives … we just have to find them! :)
    JimHerriot likes this.
  17. Lindele

    Lindele formerly HA96

    There are no relatives in Budenheim, but there are many people by the name of Hinkel around the world.
    But also in Echzell, only 1 km away.
    I will call some of them. Keep your fingers crossed.
    JimHerriot likes this.
  18. Lindele

    Lindele formerly HA96

    Hi all,
    I am getting closer.
    A member of the local council of Seckbach answered my request and would get back to me in about a week or so.
    Question: was it really a German mine?
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2024
    TImobeanie and JimHerriot like this.
  19. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    99.9% certain it would be a German mine Stefan.

    Kind regards, still searching (but no longer for mines), always,


    P.S. Still looking for more detail regarding Hinkel's death.


    Hog's Back (aka Hogsback) in background (Basalt line of approach).


    Immediate post-war clearance aftermath.

    TImobeanie likes this.
  20. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    The circumstances of the accident, as recorded by Julia Tremayne of Sark.

    Source cover and extract from page 121.

    Kind regards, always,


    P.S. No photo certainty yet; still looking.


    Lindele and TImobeanie like this.

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