incident 3 September 1944 - 3rd royal tank regiment at Wijnhuize, Belgium

Discussion in 'RAC & RTR' started by Dirk Van Melkebeke, Jan 3, 2025.

  1. in the war diary of the 3th royal Tank regiment, they mention a incident on the 3 of september 1944. Can anbyidy give me more information on what exactly happened over there? 290560 is the crossroad N42-N464 in Sint-Lievene-esse (Wijnhuize)

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  2. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    In the vicinity? With The 8th Rifle Brigade chaps.

    "3 September 1944 – Crossing into Belgium, Carvin to Ninove

    ‘Shortly after midnight the bridge defended by 12 Platoon’, at Bauvin, ‘was attacked by a large force of Germans. Before they came in to the attack they had mortared 12 Platoon’s position, and one mortar bomb caused the death of Michael Anderson and Sergt. Macauley…’1 ‘…Cpl. Shutz… took over command of the Platoon and acted with great coolness and courage. A few Germans succeeded in crossing the bridge and the situation became difficult… Dawn arrived and a troop of 3rd Royal Tank Regiment’s tanks arrived on the scene and did some very useful work in restoring the situation.’1 ‘On the outskirts of Hulloch… 20 Platoon [E Coy] fought a little battle on their own against four 75mm. guns and some infantry. The column had halted and the Platoon found itself at a cross road. They had been having an easy time and received a rude shock when three armoured piercing shells shot across their front. Cpl. Sparks took a patrol forward and came back with a sniper’s bullet in his rifle butt, but nothing to report. The Company Commander joined us just as we spotted the flashes of the guns and he called for artillery support… and two of the guns put out of action. In the meantime Rfn. Marshall directed machine gun fire on the position and both sides of the road, and later the other guns were found unattended with two lorries laden with kit and several dead Germans lying around.’10 For H Company the ‘…next day – the fifth anniversary of the start of the war – found us on the move again fairly in the morning, and after passing through Carvin and bypassing Lille to the south, we crossed the Franco-Belgium border near Baisieux at 1100 hrs. Half an hour later we were in Tournai where we split up into two forces – each going for a bridge over the canal. One of the bridges was still smouldering, as the Germans had set it alight, and a Belgian patriot had extinguished it. Cpl. Vicary had a good shoot when some surprised Germans started to drive along the canal in the opposite bank to him, and after hitting several of them, an A Squadron tank finished the truck itself off with a round of H.E., while it was still making about 30 m.p.h. down the road.’12 ‘We moved a long way that day through Renaix, Nederbrakel, Ophasselt and Ninove, stopping just level with Brussels"

    Courtesy of the excellent website:

    D-Day to VE-Day - 8th Rifle Brigade

    Kind regards, always,


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