Rourke's Drift Tour Guide up there?
I've no real issues* with Muller, Hoare, et. al. Of the opinion that some people are made for war & cannot walk away from it once engaged. Also that young men, mired in recent conflict with little to return home to, are an 'interesting' category. Also that the world is a messy & complex place. Sometimes mad bastards have a role, for good or ill. (Crazy that Hoare only died five years ago, at 100. ) Anyway. Lari/Larry Törni/Thorne. An SS veteran who joined a somewhat different 'Indochine' war... DFC, Bronze Star, two purple hearts... And a Mannerheim Cross. Always that slightly blurred line between 'Mercenary' & 'Useful professional soldier with a complex history' ... *Some 'issues', obviously, but outweighed by wider factors.