Foreign Legion In Vietnam

Discussion in 'Vietnam' started by strangelove, Aug 27, 2004.

  1. OpanaPointer

    OpanaPointer Pearl Harbor Myth Buster

  2. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    I've no real issues* with Muller, Hoare, et. al.
    Of the opinion that some people are made for war & cannot walk away from it once engaged.
    Also that young men, mired in recent conflict with little to return home to, are an 'interesting' category.
    Also that the world is a messy & complex place. Sometimes mad bastards have a role, for good or ill.
    (Crazy that Hoare only died five years ago, at 100. )

    Lari/Larry Törni/Thorne.
    An SS veteran who joined a somewhat different 'Indochine' war...
    DFC, Bronze Star, two purple hearts... And a Mannerheim Cross.


    Always that slightly blurred line between 'Mercenary' & 'Useful professional soldier with a complex history' ...

    *Some 'issues', obviously, but outweighed by wider factors.
    JimHerriot likes this.

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