Exclusive veteran accounts of Wadi Akarit, Tunisia. 70th Anniversary

Discussion in 'North Africa & the Med' started by paulcheall, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. paulcheall

    paulcheall Son of a Green Howard

    With the 70th anniversary of the battle of Wadi Akarit, Tunisia, on 6 April 2013, I am pleased to announce some new pages on my web site which depict the dramatic story which unfolded on this battlefield to bring Allied victory.
    Wadi Akarit was in my view World War Two's own Charge of the Light Brigade! It was the conflict which led to the Nazis being kicked out of Africa and I've been able to post up a detailed account of the battle from the soldier, Sergeant Brian Moss, who filled in the crucial anti-tank ditch which barred the Allied troops access to the hills. Brian's memoirs have not been published before and are kindly provided by his son, Mike, who lives in Canada - Mike is interested in getting the full memoir published if anyone is out there. Brian's memoir is well worth a read, as well as another passage from my Dad's memoir and Wilf Shaw's account of part of the battle. Three soldiers' memories coming together 70 years later which together make fascinating reading.

    Attached Files:

  2. 4jonboy

    4jonboy Daughter of a 56 Recce Patron

    Hi Paul
    Thank you for posting up Brian Moss's story on your website.
    Keep up the good work-I am sure Wilf will be very interested to read it too.

  3. paulcheall

    paulcheall Son of a Green Howard

    Hi Paul
    Thank you for posting up Brian Moss's story on your website.
    Keep up the good work-I am sure Wilf will be very interested to read it too.

    Thanks lesley - so pleased you saw it. Yes I have copied Wilf in a few days ago but not heard from him. I hope he is OK, but he often takes a while to reply. Make sure you take in the wider extent of his memoirs I've posted up as there is a lot more beside Wadi.
    Best wishes
  4. TTH

    TTH Senior Member

    Thanks for the news, Paul. Akarit is certainly an under-appreciated battle.
    And give Wilf all our best when you hear from him, I think we're very fortunate to have an old 6th GH man on our forum.
  5. 4jonboy

    4jonboy Daughter of a 56 Recce Patron

    Wilf rang me the other night-he is fit and well but is having problems with his internet connection at the moment, he is trying to get it fixed.

  6. paulcheall

    paulcheall Son of a Green Howard

    Thanks for the news, Paul. Akarit is certainly an under-appreciated battle.
    And give Wilf all our best when you hear from him, I think we're very fortunate to have an old 6th GH man on our forum.
    Will do TTH - many thanks!

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