Here's a place to post what WW2 era pix you think that are cool and out of the ordinary if you will. Hopefully we will get a lot of good pix here. Shout it out if you notice the double entendre there.
This is more of a pic of a cool item, so technically it's a cool pic. I think. Gotta save the ta-tas. They probably prevented a lot of eye injuries as well.
Granted, not exactly WWII, but pretty close: British Universal Carrier next to German 251 half-track in French service in Indochina
The Universal Carrier in the photo is actually a US Ford Motor Co built Carrier, Universal T16 Mk I. Note the extended body and the full length sand shields. 13893 of these were built in the USA for supply to Britain under Lend Lease. Despite the numbers produced very few seem to have reached the front line by the end of the war but some survived in British service into the 1950s. Others, like this one, were supplied to foreign countries postwar.
Not colour, but this is one of my favorite pictures. IWM E14655. I assume it's posed, but what the heck - the image is just fantastic.