ChatGPT: something to play with over Christmas

Discussion in 'The Lounge Bar' started by SteveDee, Dec 23, 2022.

  1. Don Juan

    Don Juan Well-Known Member

    I have to say that I think the term "Artificial Intelligence" is a misleading one, when what this technology should really be called is "Algorhythmic Iteration" or something like that. We need to come up with a better term for what this phenomenon is and start using that instead.
  2. Charley Fortnum

    Charley Fortnum Dreaming of Red Eagles


    High-Speed Multi-Source Plagiarism.
  3. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    Nailed it.
    JimHerriot likes this.
  4. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    Something called Copilot has appeared on Windows.
    Bottom right button.
    It made a Tiger-34 very quickly :unsure:
    Bit weird.
    Do not really like AI 'art', but can't resist having a play.

    JimHerriot and Owen like this.
  5. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    "100 tanks in a heap, please"

    It appears to have become deeply confused.
    Tigers were not mentioned.
    The SU-Tiger is quite pleasing.


    High Wood, Redd, 4jonboy and 3 others like this.
  6. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    But did the AI consider ULEZ?

    "Yea, go for it; it is beyond my capacity to consider fines"

    Hang on. Would AI ever consider anything beyond it's capacity? :)

    Kind regards, tuppenny return to Chelsea Barracks please, always,


    P.S. "And what do you mean? What's a no-fly zone? Hang on, I'll look it up."
    von Poop likes this.
  7. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    More strange.
    Why does everything have to be so damned enthusiastic?
    Apparently a visual that encapsulates us is a bit of ASCII formatting. Probably fair enough. :unsure:
    Though 'If you dare' made me smile.

    Screenshot 2024-04-01 145746.png
  8. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    I asked for a Churchill tank.
    It appears to have little concept of anything other than Tiger-ish tanks.
    Or text...
    Or scale...
    No. I have no idea why it added the flowers.

    I may be having a few vodkas while waiting for a newly plastered wall to dry.
    Hopefully for all concerned, I shall become bored with the new toy soon.

    OIG3 (2).jpg OIG3 (1).jpg OIG3.WfgXiFlTfdEEDqM.jpg OIG3.jpg OIG2 (2).jpg OIG2 (1).jpg OIG2.jpg
    High Wood, JimHerriot and Owen like this.
  9. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    I asked it do draw some Wessex Wyverns in dpm camo. I got this.

    Screenshot 2024-04-01 152710.png

    and a moose with a L7A1 GPMG

    Screenshot 2024-04-01 154203.png
    JimHerriot and von Poop like this.
  10. Ramiles

    Ramiles Researching 9th Lancers, 24th L and SRY


    Edit - lol. And there's a chap filming them as well ;-)

    Last edited: Apr 3, 2024
    High Wood, JimHerriot, Redd and 2 others like this.
  11. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    More moose related shite I got it to draw.
    I've got a thing about Japan at the mo.

    Attached Files:

  12. Ramiles

    Ramiles Researching 9th Lancers, 24th L and SRY

  13. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    I just properly laughed.


    I see AI text and think of Esperanto. :unsure:
    Give it time, I'm sure they'll sort.

    (And who, exactly, are 'they' ... Immense cultural power growing in the AI-training nerds. All sorts of things from Amazon review summaries to soshul meeja 'trending' sidebars now dripping in it.)
    JimHerriot and Ramiles like this.
  14. Ramiles

    Ramiles Researching 9th Lancers, 24th L and SRY

    I keep thinking that there really ought to be some very simple way to literally force it to put the text that you actually want to see on to images - some of the ways that I have seen suggested - like telling it to put the "words" or "title" on - only barely work - but I guess programmes like photoshop can easily adjust them to amend and correct text subsequently.

    You can see though the way things are heading. If you produce enough of them as variations on a theme and keep plugging away at things that might work they can start to really look like something. Currently though they work best as "jokes" or April fools... I think ;-)

    --- x ---

    Edit - as a "pencil drawing" - "The Notinghansshire Yeomamry"


    --- x ---

    Edit2 - as a newspaper cartoon -The Sherhoods...

    Last edited: Apr 20, 2024
    JimHerriot and von Poop like this.
  15. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin


    Yeah. A few niggles to iron out in this brave new world of cocky search engines masquerading as intelligent.

    JimHerriot, Redd, Owen and 2 others like this.
  16. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

  17. Chris C

    Chris C Canadian

    That's like the modern version of the 18th century chess cabinet!
    JimHerriot likes this.
  18. 8RB

    8RB Well-Known Member

    Another result of using of AI? Must say, I was in doubt whether to put it here, or in the caption competition, or in the jokes thread...
  19. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    Fascinating phenomenon.
    People are identifying 'badly behaving' companies, state actors & assorted propagandists using dubious AI to run their soshul meeja accounts with a kind of 'ignore previous instructions' command and other little query cues.

    The Russki FSB may have forgotten to pay their full ChatGP subs...

    Screenshot 2024-06-22 at 18-29-28 Russian bot falls pre[...].png

    Sefton Delmer it ain't, but give it time...
    JimHerriot likes this.
  20. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Attached Files:

    von Poop likes this.

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