Canadian Veterans Fight Back

Discussion in 'Canadian' started by canuck, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. canuck

    canuck Closed Account

  2. Tom Canning

    Tom Canning WW2 Veteran WW2 Veteran

    To my thinking - this is a nonsense stirred up by Tom Mulcair who just has to fight the Government as they try to cut costs with an overwhelming civil

    service - this is Not Mulcairs way as he want everyone to work for Governments - no different from any other Socialist…..fact is that while the Offices to be shut down

    will increase the unemployment to some extent - are the Offices doing an 100% job for anyone...

    Here in Agassiz we don't have a DVA office as there are - at last count only 4 WW2 Veterans - 6 Korea Veterans and less than ten other Veterans -

    but what we DO have are telephones and an 800 number - same as all other Veterans all across Canada.

    At anytime I have needed to call them - they respond very quickly to solve any problem I have - AND they mail out the answer within three working days -

    I don't find any need to drive the 150 miles round trip to Vancouver anymore than those guys bitching about the Office in Saskatoon et al as I am quite sure they

    KNOW how to use a telephone same as any 6 year old… so it's bunch of old BS and the media is allover it as they too want this Government out…and God help us

    all if either Trudeau or Mulcair get the job...

  3. Tom Canning

    Tom Canning WW2 Veteran WW2 Veteran


    I am reminded of my friend who was Chief of the Land Titles Office in Calgary - who one day received a missive from Ottawa telling hi that his staff should NOT

    look out of their office windows before lunch…this intrigued him and he called for an explanation….SIX months later he had another missive with the explanation -

    that if he allowed his Staff to lookout the windows before lunch….they would have nothing to do in the afternoons...

  4. colinhotham

    colinhotham Senior Member

    Keep fighting them Tom, veterans here feel the same about government attitudes. They need to be reminded of the loyalty of ex members of the armed forces and what we expect of them today. The phrase "lest we forget" sometimes rings hollow!

  5. Rav4

    Rav4 Senior Member

    We sure will have problems if either Trudeau or Mulcair get in. Seems to me you hit the nail on the head!
  6. canuck

    canuck Closed Account

    I can't disagree with your political sentiments, however, if it was indeed a union funded escapade then Fantino played right into their hands. Given the massive waste and overspending in the federal civil service, you do have to ask why they chose to take on Veterans Affairs? The facts always get lost.
  7. Tom Canning

    Tom Canning WW2 Veteran WW2 Veteran


    As is well known Fantino isn't the brightest star in the firmament - so he decided to cut the DVA and the cost to his budget - mainly to make himself look good - but it came back to bite him...

    The protests are still BS though...

  8. canuck

    canuck Closed Account

    Yes and yes. His reputation has never really recovered, deservedly so, from the Indian debacle in Caledonia.
  9. 17thDYRCH

    17thDYRCH Senior Member

    Tom, Canuck,

    Either way you look at it the Conservatives have lost their touch. Lots of damning issues from the Fantino affair along with the MOD cutting injured veterans out of the ranks to disallow future pension claims.
    If Trudeau or commie Mulclair take the 2015 election, we are in big doo doo.

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