As requested by a certain member whose name escapes me. Details from The Battle Honours Of The Second World War 1939-1945 and Korea 1950-1953. N&M Press. All the information below is compiled from Official Records at Kew. If anyone knows of a WW2 Guards Honour that is missing please let me know and I will amend the list.
In April 1940, in an attempt to forstall a German occupation of Norway, two Anglo-French expeditions were sent to that country. The first, in central Norway, entailed two main landings, in the Namsos area north of Trondheim, and in the Andalsnes area south of Trondheim. The second expedition, compromising Franco-Polish troops, landed in the Narvik area, while British forces were deployed further south in the Mosjoen-Mo-Bodo area to hold off enemy forces advancing from the south. The Campaign of 1940 was over by the end of May. In the closing days of 1941, a raid at Vaagso was responsible for the addition of that year to the Theatre Honour. The Theatre Honour of 'Norway, 1940' was selected to be borne of the Colours of: Irish Guards. Scots Guards. 24th Guards Brigade was the British formation involved in these Engagements (Stein being the other) in this area, where a withdrawal was again being conducted in the face of enemy attacks. STEIN 17th May to 18th May, 1940 Stein has been awarded to the Scots Guards ===== POTHUS 25th to 26th May, 1940 Pothus has been awarded to the Irish Guards. All information is sourced from the following book: The Battle Honours Of The Second World War 1939-1945 and Korea 1950-1953. N&M Press.
After eight months of operational inactivity, the British Expeditionary Force in France advanced, in May, 1940, to the line of the River Dyle in Belgium to meet the oncoming German Armies. The main attack of the latter was made on the 12th May, against the French some 25 miles to the south of the British flank, with the result that the Channel coast was reached by 23rd May, the lines of communication of the BEF, having been out by 21st May. The main body of the BEF began to withdraw on the night of 16th/17th May, to be evacuated eventually from Dunkirk by 3rd June. Parts of two divisions which had been cut off, with L of C troops and other divisions landed in France continued to fight south of the Somme until 18th June, when the 1940 Campaign ended. Raiding operations against the coast of France in 1942 account for the addition of this year to the Theatre Honour. British forces landed in France again in the assault of Normandy on the 6th June, 1944, and by May, 1945, their victorious armies stood on the banks of the Elbe and the shores of the Baltic and North Sea. 'North-West Europe, 1940, '44-45,' was selected for emblazonment by the: Coldstream Guards And has also been awarded to the: Grenadier Guards Welsh Guards 'North-West Europe, 1944-45,' was emblazoned by the: Scots Guards Irish Guards ===== DYLE 10th to 16th May, 1940 This was the opening action of the campaign in Belgium. I Corps (1st,2nd and 48th Division) and II Corps (3rd and 4th Divisions) held an area from Wavre to the ferry north of Louvain. Enemy probing attacks were made and repelled until midnight 15th/16th May, when withdrawal took place. Awarded to the: Grenadier Guards Coldstream Guards ===== DEFENCE OF ARRAS 19th to 24th May, 1940 This engagement commemorates the stand by various formations and units under the command of Major-General R L Petre, in which some severe fighting occurred. The Honour is borne on the Colours of the: Welsh Guards ===== BOULOGNE, 1940 22nd to 25th May, 1940 This action commemorates the defence of the town by the Irish Guards and Welsh Guards, who bear the Honour on their Colours. ===== ST. OMER LA BASSEE 23rd to 29th May, 1940 In this battle, the bigger of the two recorded for the 1940 campaign, some bitter fighting occurred over a widespread area. The success of the ultimate evacuation from Dunkirk largely depended on the fighting both in this and the Battle of the Ypres-Comines Canal. The Honour was awarded to the: Welsh Guards ===== DUNKIRK, 1940 26th May to 3rd June, 1940 The period covering this action denotes the period of embarkation during which 338,226 troops were evacuated. The Honour has been restricted to those units which actually held and fought on the perimeter during this time, and thus accounts for the absence of many names of regiments who were present but whose fighting in the campaign was already over. The Honour was accepted for emblazonment by the: Grenadier Guards Coldstream Guards ===== BOURGUEBUS RIDGE 18th to 23rd July, 1944 I,VIII and II Canadian Corps took part in this battle, which covered the attack by VIII Corps (three Armoured Divisions) in Operation Goodwood, and the fighting by I Corps and II Corps Canadian Corps on the flanks of the main thrust, as also the subsequent operations by the Canadians on the right in Operation Atlantic. The Honour was awarded to the: Welsh Guards ===== CAGNY 18th to 19th July, 1944 This was an VIII Corps subsidary section. Guards Armoured Division, 7th and 11th Armoured Division, and 51st Division (less 152nd Brigade) took part in this thrust east of the River Orne. The Honour was awarded to the: Grenadier Guards Coldstream Guards Irish Guards Welsh Guards ===== MONT PINCON 30th July to 9th August, 1944 VIII, XII and XXX Corps took part in this battle. It covered the operations leading up to the capture of Mont Pincon, following the American break-out in the west. The Honour was emblazoned by the: Grenadier Guards Coldstream Guards Welsh Guards Irish Guards and has also been awarded to the: Scots Guards ===== QUARRY HILL 30th July to 2nd August, 1944 In this subsidary engagement, 15th Division with 6th Guards Tank Brigade under command secured Quarry Hill (Point 309 to the west of the Boisdu Homme) with 4/Tank Coldstream Guards, Glasgow Highlanders, and 7/Seaforth. The position was held firmly during ensueing days. The Honour is borne on the Colours of the: Scots Guards and has also been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards ===== ESTRY 6th to 12th August, 1944 15th Division, with 6th Guards Tank Brigade, launched attacks, in the engagement, towards Lassy, Point 208, and Estry, which met with stubborn resistance. Fighting for Estry was fierce, and elsewhere no progress was made. The Honour has been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards Scots Guards ===== BRUSSELS 3rd September, 1944 In this engagement, Guards Armoured Division set off from Douai early on 3rd September, overcome resistance at Pont A Marq, Leuse and Hal, and liberated Brussels that evening - a sharp thrust of 70 miles. The Honour is borne on the Standards and Colours of the: Welsh Guards ===== HECHTEL 7th to 12th September, 1944 This engagement covered the bitter defence of the village, against the Welsh Guards Group of Guards Armoured Division, by German SS and Parachute troops, 500 of whom were taken prisoner, and also sharp fighting nearby at Helchteren. The Honour is borne on the Colours and Appointments of the: Welsh Guards ===== HEPPEN 8th to 9th September, 1944 In this engagement, the Coldstream Guards Group of Guards Armoured Division fought all day to reach Heppen, finally capturing it on the 9th, and breaking up a German counter-attack. The Honour has been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards ===== NEDERRIJN 17th to 27th September, 1944 This battle, in which VIII, XII, XXX and I Airborne Corps took part, was fought to obtain a springboard beyond the Rhine from which to attack the Rhur. A carpet of airborne troops was laid across the waterways on the axis chosen, up which ground forces advanced at speed, while further ground forces widened the corridor. Opposition was stronger than was expected, and weather was worse; these imposed delays. A bridgehead was gained over the Waal, but the north bank of the Nederrijn could not be held. The Honour was awarded to the: Coldstream Guards Welsh Guards ===== NIJMEGEN 19th to 20th September, 1944 Guards Armoured Division fought this subsidiary engagement, with 82nd Airborne Division. The Germans defence of the town was very stubborn. Finally, the Americans made a very gallant daylight assault crossing just west of the town, and the Grenadier Guards successfully rushed the bridge. The Honour is borne on the Colours of the: Grenadier Guards Irish Guards ====== AAM 1st to 4th October, 1944 43rd Division, with 5th Guards Armoured Brigade, 69th Brigade and 6/HLI knew this engagement better as the fighting on 'the island'. The Germans made a determined effort to break through the Nijmegen bridgehead on 1st and 2nd October. Some positions at Aam were overrun, but the attacks were held and the position restored by counter-attacks. The Honour was awarded to the: Irish Guards ===== VENRAIJ 12th to 18th October, 1944 This was an VIII Corps action, in which 3rd Division, 6th Guards Tank Brigade and 11th Armoured Division took part. The operations were the preliminaries to the clearance of the west bank on the River Maas. The Honour was awarded to the: Coldstream Guards ===== ASTEN and MEIJEL 27th October to 5th November, 1944 15th Division and 7th US Armoured Division, under VIII Corps, fought this engagement in which a series of German armoured attacks forced back the Americans, who were holding a wide front. 15th Division were brought back from Tilburg and took over the Americans left sector. They attacked the next day, and so did the Germans who, however, withdrew slowly after two days of hard fighting. 'Meijel' has been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards ===== VENLO POCKET 14th November to 3rd December, 1944 In this action, XII Corps (51st Division, 53rd Division, 7th Armoured Division, 49th Division) and VIII Corps (15th Division, 11th Armoured Division, 3rd Division) took part. The nemy was cleared out of his last holding west of Maas, till finally only Blerick was left, when 44th Brigade, in a well organised and heavily supported attack, rapidly reduced the town. The Honour was awarded to the: Scots Guards ===== ROER 16th to 31st January, 1945 This was a XII Corps engagement, involving 7th Armoured Division, 43rd Division, 52nd Division, 6th Guards Tank Brigade, and 1st Commando Brigade. The clearance of this area brought 21st Army Group to the Roer-Maas Line, with only the Rhineland between them and the Rhine. In places the Germans fought fiercely, but some of their forces were not of high quality. The Honour was awarded to the: Coldstream Guards ===== RHINELAND 8th February to 10th March, 1945 Between the Maas and the Rhine lay the last German stronghold barring the 21st Army Group from the Rhur. A concerted attack from north and south was prevented by the Germans flooding the Roer Valley. So First Canadian Army, attacking from the north, had all the enemy reinforcements thrown in against it. Then, as the flood subsided, Ninth US Army mad a fast advance from the south. The two armies linked up, the last pocket of Germans was eliminated, and only the Rhine separated the Allied Armies from the Ruhr. In this battle, XXX Corps and II Canadian Corps fought under First Canadian Army, and the following formations were involved: 51st Division, 53rd Division, 15th Division, 2nd Canadian Division, 3rd Canadian Division, 43rd Division, Guards Armoured Division, 52nd Division, 4th Canadian Armoured Division, 11th Armoured Division, 3rd Division, 1st Commando Brigade, Independent Armoured Brigades, and regiments of 79th Armoured Division. The Honour has been Emblazoned by the: Coldstream Guards Scots Guards Irish Guards and has also been awarded to the: Welsh Guards ===== REICHSWALD 8th to 13th February, 1945 In this subsidiary action, XXX Corps broke into Reichswald on a four-divisional front (51st Division, 15th Division, and 2nd Canadian Division). They rolled up the first felt of enemy defences, drove the Germans out of the forest, and secured the low ground east of the Maas up and including the Gennep-Hekkens road. The Honour was awarded to the: Grenadier Guards Coldstream Guards Scots Guards ===== CLEVE 9th to 11th February, 1945 In this subsidiary engagement, 15th Division seized the Materborn feature but could not capture Cleve. 129th Brigade (43rd Division), advancing by night through Cleve towards Goch, met enemy armoured reinforcements arriving. Fierce fighting developed into which 214th Brigade (43rd Division) entered. Meanwhile, 15th Division pressed forward on the left, and the Germans were driven back. The Honour was awarded to the: Coldstream Guards Scots Guards ===== MOYLAND and MOYLAND WOOD 14th to 21st February, 1945 In this subsidiary engagement, 46th Brigade and 10/HLI fought their way forward, against very stiff resistance, from Cleve almost to Moyland, and captured the high ground to the east by 16th February. 3rd Canadian Division with S/Tank S G attacked on their right, and opned the main road through Moyland. The Honour of 'Moyland' has been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards Scots Guards ===== HOCHWALD 26th February to 4th March, 1945 This was a II Canadian Corps subsidiary actio, in which 11th Armoured Division, 214th Brigade (43rd Division), 3rd Canadian Division and Guards Armoured Division played a part. 4th Canadian Armoured Division made the thrust into the Hochwald defences. After fierce fighting the Canadians were unable to exploit, but the other thrusts in the forests north and south of the railway slowly drove the enemy back. The Honour was awarded to the: Coldstream Guards Scots Guards Irish Guards ===== RHINE 23rd March to 1st April, 1945 In this battle,21st Army Group employed Second Army, First Canadian Army, and Ninth US Army. The battle covered the assualt crossing by 15th and 51st Divisions, and 1st Commando Brigade, during the 23rd/24th March, followed by 6th Airborne Division on the 24th; the subsequent enlargement of the bridgehead, including the capture of crossings over the River Ijssel, preparatory to the break-out; the latter including the operations by the 15th, 51st, 52nd, and 6th Airborne Divisions, together with 1st Commando Brigade; and also the advances by 7th Armoured Division to Broken, 53rd Division to Bocholt, 3rd Division to beyond Werth, 53rd Division beyond Anholt to Varsseveld and Silvolde, and by 3rd Canadian Division to Emmerich and Hoch Elten. The Honour was emblazoned by the: Grenadier Guards and was also awarded to the: Coldstream Guards Scots Guards Irish Guards ===== LINGEN 2nd to 5th April, 1945 Guards Armoured Division and 3rd Division (Less 8th Brigade), were involved in this engagement, which began with the wild night drive of the Scots-Welsh Guards Group. They just failed to seize a bridge over the Ems in Lingen. The fighting continued with the Coldstream Guards Group's capture intact of the bridge at Altenlingen, where Capt. Ian Liddell won the VC. Then 3rd Division crossed here, assaulted over the Dortmund-Ems Canal, took the towns defences from the rear, and cleared it in hard fighting. The Honour was awarded to the: Coldstream Guards Scots Guards Welsh Guards ===== BENTHEIM 2nd to 3rd April, 1945 In this engagement, the Irish Guards Group of Guards Armoured Division ran into tough opposition at Gilderhaus. After attacking and clearing this opposition, the Grenadier Group passed through them to fight their way into Bentheim. The Honour has been awarded to the: Irish Guards ===== UELZEN 14th to 18th April, 1945 This engagement was fought by 15th Division. A dawn attack by 10/HLI on tanks nearly broke into the town. A strong German counter-attack on the Division was beaten off, when the town was cleared. The Honour was awarded to the: Coldstream Guards Scots Guards All information is sourced from the following book: The Battle Honours Of The Second World War 1939-1945 and Korea 1950-1953. N&M Press.
The campaign opened with the entry of Italy into the war at a time when it appeared that British and French fortunes were lost. It covered the initial advance of Italian forces into Egypt, and their overwhelming defeat and subsequent rout by the Western Desert Force until Lieut.-General Sir Richard O'Connor in the winter of 1940-41; the advance and first withdrawal from Agedabia, and the long defence of Tobruk in 1941; the first offensive by Eighth Army in Operation Crusader in the winter of 1941-42; the second withdrawal from Agedabia, the loss of Tobruk, and the stand on the Alamein Line; the decisive victory at El Alamein in October, 1942, turning point of the war, and the landings in Algeria in that winter by First Army; and the final triumphs in Tripolitania and Tunisia in the spring of 1943. The Honour 'North Africa, 1940-43' has been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards The Honour 'North Africa, 1941-43' is borne on the Standards, Guidons, Colours and Appointments of the: Scots Guards The Honour 'North Africa, 1942-43' has been awarded to the: Grenadier Guards The Honour 'North Africa, 1943' was emblazoned by the: Irish Guards and has also been awarded to the: Welsh Guards ===== EGYPTIAN FRONTIER, 1940 12th June to 12th September, 1940 This action covers the initial period of domination of the frontier area by our light forces, when constant brushes occurred with the enemy, in which losses were inflicted on him. The Honour has been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards ===== SIDI BARRANI 8th to 11th December, 1940 This was the first battle in the campaign of North Africa. 7th Armoured Division, 4th Indian Division and the Maruth Garrison, under General O'Connor's direction, gained a brilliant victory, capturing 38,300 prisoners, 237 guns and 73 tanks, and annihilating eight Italian Divisions. The Honour is borne on the Colours of the: Coldstream Guards ===== HALFAYA, 1941 15th to 27th May 7th Armoured Brigade, 7th Support Group, 22nd Guards Brigade and 4/RTR were involved in this engagement, during which Halfaya Pass was recaptured and subsequently lost. The Honour has been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards Scots Guards ===== SIDI SULEIMAN 15th to 17th June, 1941 This action was known as Operation Battleaxe, and had the relief of Tobruk as its object. It was unsuccessful and resulted in the loss of 96 tanks. 4th and 7th Armoured Brigades, with 11th Indian Infantry Brigade (4th Indian Division) and 22nd Guards Brigade took part. The Honour has been awarded to the: Scots Guards ===== TOBRUK, 1941 18th November to 10th December Known as Operation Crusader, this battle, which began under the command of General Sir Alan Cunningham and endedunder command of General Sir Neil Ritchie (as he became later), was remarkable for a vigorous counter-attack by the enemy commander, Rommel, which initially disrupted the plans of the attacking Eighth Army. Dogged fighting overcame the German-Italian resistance, and with the defeat of the enemy Tobruk was relieved by 10th December. The British Forces included XIII Corps (2nd New Zealand Division, 4th Indian Division, 2nd South African Division), XXX Corps (7th Armoured Division and 1st South African Division) and Tobruk Garrison, which broke out from the fortress to take part in the battle (70th Division, Polish Brigade, and 32nd Army Tank Brigade). The Honour is borne on the Colours of the: Coldstream Guards ===== MSUS 25th January, 1942 This engagement consisted mainly in the clash of small British columns with advancing enemy forces. The Honour has been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards ===== GAZALA 26th May to 21st June, 1942 In this battle, the Eighth Army, holding the Gazala Line, was attacked by German-Italian forces under Rommel, and after very severe fighting and fluctuating fortunes was forced to withdraw to the frontier defences. 1st and 7th Armoured Division, 1st and 32nd Army Tank Brigades, 50th Division, 5th and 10th Indian Divisions, and 1st and 2nd South African Divisions took part. The Honour is borne on the Guidons and Colours of the: Scots Guards ===== KNIGHTSBRIDGE 6th to 7th June and 11th to 13th June, 1942 This subsidiary engagement primarily concerned the successful defence of the Knightsbridge 'Box' by the 201st Guards Brigade, until the latter was withdrawn. The Honour was awarded to the: Coldstream Guards Scots Guards ===== TOBRUK, 1942 20th to 21st June The surrender of Tobruk took place in this subsidiary action. But some gallant regimental history was made in an otherwise sad record. The honour is borne on the Colours and Appointments of the: Coldstream Guards ===== DEFENCE OF ALAMEIN LINE 1st to 27th July, 1942 The fighting in this battle was heavy and continuous. General Sir Claude Auchinleck, Commander-in-Chief, Middle East, took personal command of Eighth Army, and not only halted Rommel's Army but bu persistent attacks forced the enemy onto the defensive. By the end of the month, though both sides were exhausted, the initiative had passed to the British. The Honour has been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards Scots Guards ===== MEDENINE 6th March, 1943 This battle took place during the pursuit by Eighth Army after the capture of Tripoli. Before it was possible to mount an attack on the Mareth Line, the enemy launched an unsuccessful offensive against the southern flank. The Honour is borne on the Colours of the: Scots Guards and has also been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards ===== TADJERA KHIR 6th March, 1943 This subsidiary action was the repulse of the enemy on the front of 201st Guards Brigade. The Honour has been awarded to the: Scots Guards ===== MARETH 16th to 23rd March, 1943 In this battle a frontal attack made by XXX Corps was only partially successful, and there was severe fighting. The Honour is borne on the Colours of the: Grenadier Guards and has also been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards ===== LONGSTOP HILL, 1942 23rd to 25th December In this action, 1st Guards Brigade, after heavy fighting, failed to capture this feature during the renewed advance to Tunis. This Honour has been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards ===== SBIBA 19th to 22nd February, 1943 In this subsidiary action, 1st Guards Brigade and attached troops successfully halted the German drive northwards. The Honour has been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards ===== STEAMROLLER FARM 26th February to 1st March, 1943 In this engagement, the enemy's advance via Tally Ho Corner and El Aroussa, was repulsed with heavy loss. The Honour was awarded to the: Coldstream Guards ===== FONDOUK 7th to 11th April, 1943 The operations in this battle, in which IX Corps and US forces took part, were intended to break through the Fondouk Pass and cut the enemy communications in the Kairouan area. The Honour is borne on the Guidons and Colours of the: Welsh Guards ===== DJEBEL EL RHORAB 9th April, 1943 1st Guards Brigade and 26th Armoured Brigade took part in this subsidiary action which captured this dominating feature. The Honour has been awarded to the: Welsh Guards ===== MEDJEZ PLAIN 23rd to 30th April, 1943 This battle, fought by V Corps was 1st, 4th and 78th Divisions and 25th Tank Brigade, became one with three independent thrusts. The Honour is borne on the Colours of the: Grenadier Guards and has also been awarded to the: Scots Guards Irish Guards ===== GRICH EL OUED 23rd April, 1943 24th Guards Brigade (1st Division) took part in the capture and exploitation of the feature in this subsidiary action. The Honour has been awarded to the: Scots Guards ===== DJEBEL BOU AOUKAZ, 1943, I 27th to 28th April, 1943 Heavy fighting in this subsidiary action, fought by 1st Division, ended with the failure of our assault on this position. The Honour is borne of the Colours of the: Scots Guards Irish Guards* ===== TUNIS 5th to 12th May, 1943 The last battle in North Africa, leading to the capture of the Tunisian Bridgehead and the liquidation of the enemy forces in North Africa, was fought by First Army with V and IX Corps and US forces, and included units passed from Eighth to First Army. 1st, 6th and 7th Armoured Divisions, 24th Tank Brigade, 3rd, 4th, 78th and 4th Indian Divisions, took part. The Honour is emblazoned by the: Coldstream Guards and has also been awarded to the: Welsh Guards ===== DJEBEL BOU AOUKAZ, 1943, II 5th to 6th May, 1943 3rd Brigade captured and held this feature, in this subsidiary action, prior to launching of the main attack by IX Corps. The Honour has been awarded to the: Irish Guards* *The Honour is without the I or II as the Irish Guards were at both actions. ===== HAMMAM LIF 8th to 9th May, 1943 In this subsidiary action, 26th Armoured and 1st Guards Brigades, after being initially held up, broke through and overcame enemy resistance. 2/Lothians supported by 17/21 Lancers moved along the beach. The Honour is emblazoned by the: Welsh Guards and has also been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards All information is sourced from the following book: The Battle Honours Of The Second World War 1939-1945 and Korea 1950-1953. N&M Press.
The campaign in Italy was remarkable for its contrasts in climate and terrain. It suffered to some extent from changing policies which, by withdrawing formations for employment elsewhere, precluded the commanders of the remaining Allied forces from achieving considerable successes which would otherwise have been within their grasp. Nevertheless, a great measure of success was achieved, and the German Armies in Italy were the first to surrender in Europe. More than thirty regiments were represented in the theatre throughout the campaign. The Honour 'Italy, 1943-45' is borne on the Colours of the: Coldstream Guards Scots Guards and has also been awarded to the : Grenadier Guards The Honour 'Italy, 1943-44' has also been awarded to the: Irish Guards The Honour 'Italy, 1944-45' has also been awarded to the: Welsh Guards ===== SALERNO 9th to 18th September, 1943 This battle was fought by Fifth US Army, having under command 7th Armoured Division, 23rd Armoured and the 2nd SS Brigades. A bridgehead was established in the face of heavy and constant counter attacks in which seven German divisions were involved. The capture of Naples followed on this operation, in which some 5,000 British casualties were sustained. The Honour is borne on the Colours of the: Grenadier Guards Coldstream Guards and has also been awarded to the: Scots Guards ===== BATTIPAGLIA 10th to 18th September, 1943 The Battipaglia 'Tobacco Factory' positions were vital to the enemy and to the Fifth Army. They were captured on the 10th September, in this subsidiary action, but recaptured by the Germans after severe fighting. After close and continuous fighting, the areas were finally captured on the 18th September. 56th Division, with 23rd Armoured Brigade, and 131st Lorried Infantry Brigade of 7th Armoured Division, were involved. The Honour has been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards Scots Guards ===== CAPPEZANO 24th to 25th September, 1943 In this subsidiary engagement, 201st Guards Brigade (56th Division) captured a strong position after heavy fighting, to enable the Division to advance. The Honour has been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards ===== VOLTURNO CROSSING 12th to 25th October, 1943 In this battle, fought by VI US Corps and X Corps under command of Fifth US Army, five German divisions opposed six Allied divisions. The first crossings were only partially successful, but after heavy fighting the enemy was forced to withdraw, thus opening the way for the attack on the 'Winter Line.' The Honour has been awarded to the: Grenadier Guards Coldstream Guards Scots Guards ===== ROCCHETTA E CROCE 22nd to 23rd October, 1943 This subsidiary engagement involved 201st Guards Brigade in the capture of dominating high ground on th eline of advance. The honour has been awarded to the: Scots Guards ===== MONTE CAMINO 5th November to 9th December, 1943 A hard and sustained struggle for this great mountain mass, which was an important outpost of the 'Winter Line,' constituted this battle, in which the advantages of the ground lay with the enemy. X Corps fought under command of Fifth US Army. The Honour is Borne on the Colours of the: Grenadier Guards Scots Guards and has also been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards ===== CALABRITTO 5th November to 6th December, 1943 In this subsidiary action, 201st Guards Brigade, 168th and 139th Brigades were successively involved in severe fighting in this area. The Honour has been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards ===== GARIGLIANO CROSSING 17th to 31st January, 1944 In this battle, X Corps established a bridgehead against a heavy opposition, but failed to advance from it. The Corps sustained over 4,000 casualties. The Honour has been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards ===== MONTE ORNITO 2nd to 20th February, 1944 In this hard fought action, 2nd SS Brigade attacked on 2nd February, and captured Monte Ornito. 5/Hampshires and 1st Guards Brigade both subsequently occupied and held this important position against heavy and sustained counter-attacks. Over 750 British casualties were suffered. The Honour is borne on the Colours of the: Coldstrean Guards Welsh Guards ===== ANZIO 22nd January to 22nd May, 1944 In this battle, under the command of VI US Corps, 1st, 56th and 5th Divisions, with 2nd SS, 18th and 24th Guards Brigades, took part in the assualt landing, establishment, and holding of the Anzio Bridgehead. Had all gone well initially, the German forces facing the main Allied armies to the south would have been trapped. The fighting was severe, and casualties high. The Honour is borne on the Colours of the: Grenadier Guards Scots Guards Irish Guards ===== APRILIA 24th to 26th January, 1944 In this subsidiary engagement, in which 24th Guards Brigade took part, the objective which included the 'Tobacco Factory' was captured after heavy fighting and held against counter-attacks by enemy tanks and infantry. The Honour has been awarded to the: Irish Guards ===== CAMPOLEONE 24th to 31st January, 1944 1st Division, with 24th Guards and 3rd Brigade, and 46/RTR, extended the western flank of the bridgehead in this subsidiary action. The Honour has been awarded to the: Scots Guards ===== CARROCETO 7th to 10th February, 1944 This subsidiary action included the fiercest fighting during the Battle of Anzio. More than twenty-one German infantry battalions attempted to break through, but completely failed to do so. There were heavy losses on both sides. Our own troops were 24th Guards,2nd, 3rd and 168th Brigade, with 46/RTR. The Honour has been awarded to the: Scots Guards Irish Guards ===== LIRI VALLEY Typo 18 or 19th to 30th May, 1944 In this battle, XIII Corps and I Canadian Corps drove the enemy northwards from Cassino. The Honour has been awarded to the: Welsh Guards ===== MONTE PICCOLO 26th to 28th May, 1944 1st Guards, and 26th Armoured Brigades, were involved in this subsidiary action in which this dominating position captured and held. The Honour is borne on the Colours of the: Welsh Guards and has also been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards ===== CAPTURE OF PERUGIA 18th to 29th June, 1944 1st Guards, 26th Armoured, and 61st Brigades were involved in this action, under 6th Armoured Division. It resulted in the capture of an area which was a serious threat to the Trasimene Line. The Honour has been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards Welsh Guards ===== TRASIMENE LINE 20th to 30th June, 1944 This battle involved the destruction of a strong German line which protected the Gothic Line. This battle was hard fought, and involved much close quarter fighting by the troops of XIII Corps (6th South African Armoured Division, with 24th Guards Brigade under command, 4th Division, with 10th, 12th, 28th, and 1st Canadian Armoured Brigades under command, and 78th Division, with 11th, 36th, 38th Infantry and 9th Armoured Brigades). The Honour was awarded to the: Scots Guards ===== AREZZO 4th to 17th July, 1944 This battle was fought by XIII Corps: 6th Armoured Division (26th Armoured, 1st Guards and 61st Brigades), 6th South African Armoured Division (with 24th Guards Brigade under command), 4th Division (10th, 12th, 28th Brigades), 2nd New Zealand Division, and 'Sackforce' (improvised force consisting of Kings Dragoon Guards, 1/King's Royal Rifle Corps, and 1/Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders). The scene of the battle was an important outpost of the Gothic Line, and its capture gave Eighth Army a firm base for futher advances. The Honour has been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards Welsh Guards ===== ADVANCE TO FLORENCE 17th July to 10th August, 1944 In this battle, XIII Corpshad to fight continuously against strong rearguard positions in the valley of the Middle Arno, and in the Chianti Hills to the west of it. The successful conclusion of these operations placed the Allied forces in a position to attack the Gothic Line. 6th Armoured, 6th South African Armoured, 4th, 78th, 2nd New Zealand and 8th Indian Divisions, and 25th Tank and 1st Canadian Armoured Brigades took part. The Honour has been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards Scots Guards Welsh Guards ===== MONTE SAN MICHELE 18th to 20th July, 1944 In this subsidiary action, 6th South African Armoured division captured the mountain position after sharp fighting. The Honour has been awarded to the: Scots Guards ===== MONTE DOMINI 21th to 24th July, 1944 After attacks by 24th Guards Brigade, supported by South African tanks, for two days which only achieved partial success, the position was captured on the 23rd July in face of strong opposition in this subsidiary enagagement. The Honour has been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards ===== GOTHIC LINE 25th August to 22nd September, 1944 In this battle, the Gothic Line was pierced and broken except in the small coastal sector on the US front. Heavy casualties, bad weather, and lack of reinforcements combined to prevent full exploitation after the line had been destroyed. Under Command of Eighth Army: 1 Canadian Corps - 1st Canadian Division, 5th Canadian Armoured Division, 21st Army Tank Brigade and Household Cavalry Regiment. V Corps - 46 Division, 4th Indian Division, 56th Division, 25th Tank Brigade and 6/RTR. X Corps - 10th Indian Division, and 9th Armoured Brigade. II Polish Corp - with 7/Hussars under command. Under Command of Fifth US Army: XIII Corps - 6th Armoured Division, 1st Division, 8th Indian Division, and 1st Canadian Armoured Brigade. Under command of IV US Corps. 6th South African Armoured Division The Honour was emblazoned by the: Grenadier Guards and was also awarded to the: Welsh Guards ===== BATTAGLIA 2nd to 12th October, 1944 1st Guards Brigade, in this engagement, held this mountain position against strong counter-attacks. The Honour is borne on the Colours of the: Welsh Guards and has also been awarded to the: Grenadier Guards ===== CATARELTO RIDGE 28th September to 3rd October, 1944 In this engagement, 24th Guards Brigade (6th South African Armoured Division) captured the ridge after hard fighting at a cost of over 130 casualties. This enabled the Division to continue its operations towards Bologna. The Honour has been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards Scots Guards ===== ARGENTA GAP 13th to 21st April, 1945 This was a V Corps battle, 6th Armoured Division, 56th and 78th Divisions, 2nd Commando Brigade, 21st Tank Brigade, 2nd Armoured Brigade, elements of 25th Armoured Brigade, and the Cremona Group, took part. The sector, strongly held by the enemy, blocked the advance of Eighth Army to the valley of the Po. The position was destroyed after fierce fighting. The Honour has been awarded to the: Coldstream Guards Scots Guards All information is sourced from the following book: The Battle Honours Of The Second World War 1939-1945 and Korea 1950-1953. N&M Press.