Avatars - What is the significance of yours?

Discussion in 'Network Information, Suggestions and Feedback' started by spidge, Aug 28, 2006.

  1. RRTB

    RRTB 145 Fd Regt (Berkshire Yeomanry) RA

    Mine is the "White Horse" in Berkshire. This was adopted as the insignia for the Berkshire Yeomanry with which my Dad served in WW2, first with 145 Fd Regt (Berkshire Yeomanry) RA and subsequently 178 Fd Regt Berkshire Yeomanry RA when he and the remaining members of 145 regt were sent to Java. He arrived there in Dec 1945 and was there for the next 6-8 months if memory serves me.
    CL1 likes this.
  2. Derek Barton

    Derek Barton Senior Member

    Mine, I think is obvious, the badge of the Royal Regiment of Artillery. Why? It was worn by both my Dad and my Uncle during WW2 and by myself from 1962 to 1981 and again from 1988 to 1991 when I joined the Home Service Force attached to 103 Regt RA(TA).
  3. Tricky Dicky

    Tricky Dicky Don'tre member

    I like bananas

    51highland and 17thDYRCH like this.
  4. Gil Wilner

    Gil Wilner Member

    Mine is CMP portee 6pdr, of Jewish fighting brigade, in which my late father served in Italy during ww2. It was ofvthe very few things he shared, that he was a driver of the portee.
    4jonboy and Owen like this.
  5. OpanaPointer

    OpanaPointer Pearl Harbor Myth Buster

    Opana Point radar installation.
  6. Son of LAC

    Son of LAC Active Member

    As a relative newcomer, I feel the need to fit in here. When in Rome, and all that. Mine is a Hawker Hurricane flying upside down.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2022
  7. Dave55

    Dave55 Atlanta, USA Patron

    Not a Sopwith Pup?
  8. Uncle Target

    Uncle Target Mist over Dartmoor

    My last one seems to have disappeared from this thread.
    This one will be permanent as its me aged 15 on Dartmoor 1963.
    It took a lot of enhancing.
    Hopefully it will be here long after I've gone but don''t rush me!
    Just starting to feel comfortable here.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2023
    Deacs, 4jonboy and 51highland like this.
  9. CommanderChuff

    CommanderChuff Senior Member

    I met my wife-to -be on an internet dating site. Her bio was brief and her photo of poor quality. Her name fell down my shortlist of candidates. But she liked my bio which included some time in the Navy and a statement of being good in an emergency. After a short chase she caught up with me and after twenty years are married and together in every way. It turns out that she had recently sold her business and purchased a very big sailing yacht and really needed somebody to skipper it for her. Her father was at Dunkirk, North Africa and Italy in the RHA, whilst my interest is the Overlord Operation. We started re-enacting when I found a uniform of the right size in Portsmouth and we won a prize at Blenheim Palace for the best dressed 1940's couple. In the image we are at the Severn Valley Railway saying goodbye before I retuned to my ship. All good fun and very much in respect to those who went to war and served the nation.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2023
    4jonboy and Owen like this.
  10. 4jonboy

    4jonboy Daughter of a 56 Recce Patron

    Great avatar. I must admit that you look very handsome in that uniform :blush:.

  11. Jonathan Ball

    Jonathan Ball It's a way of life.

    John Grayburn VC with a pint.
  12. Red Jim

    Red Jim Well-Known Member

    Mine has nothing to do with WW2. It's a photo of me with the Premier League trophy, the FA Cup and the European Cup taken in May 1999 not long after the greatest night of my life when I was present in the Nou Camp stadium Barcelona to see Manchester United become the first English football team to win the Treble.
    Owen likes this.

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