Any place for Chivalry in WW2?

Discussion in 'General' started by dbf, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. Wills

    Wills Very Senior Member

  2. NickFenton

    NickFenton Well-Known Member

    Frank Taylor wrote in his book "Barbed wire and footlights" having described many acts of hardship that he had already suffered.
    Whilst at Stalag Luft 6, Heydekrug "an incident occurred which to us heralded the end of the 'age of Chivalry' and the era of the so-called 'Gentlemans war'."
    "One morning after roll-call and just before we were dismissed, the Commandant, an infrequent visitor to our compound, stepped forward, and in a voice trembling with emotion said:"
    "British prisoners, it is my duty to inform you that a few days ago seventy-six officers broke out of Stalag Luft III."
    "We looked at each other in amazement - seventy -six? Bloody marvelous!"
    "But fifty of them........ Never returned to camp, they were ..............shot and killed ........... , after recapture""After recapture?"
    "There was complete silence."
    "No one moved."
    "It was unnerving".
    "Finally after an interminable pause, the Commandant managed to pull himself together and continued but his voice, rising to a high pitch was harsh with the effort"
    "On behalf - of the Armed Forces of the Third Reich - I wish to apologise for this atrocity - and assure you all that - execution was not, l repeat not carried out by an order from a military command ....... That is all Gentlemen, dismiss"

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