Is this story factual? “Finally, in June 1947, the Stern Gang launched a letter-bomb campaign in Britain, consisting of 21 bombs in total, which targeted every prominent member of the cabinet. The two waves of bombs were posted from an underground cell in Italy. Some of those in the first wave reached their targets, but they did not result in any casualties. Sir Stafford Cripps was only saved by the quick thinking of his secretary, who became suspicious of a package whose contents seemed to fizz, and placed it in a bucket of water. The deputy leader of the Conservative Party, Sir Anthony Eden, carried a letter bomb around with him for a whole day in his briefcase, thinking it was a Whitehall circular that could wait till the evening to be read, and only realized what it was when he was warned by the police of the planned attack, on information provided by MI5.” How Zionist Extremism Became British Spies’ Biggest Enemy There is no reference to documents or testimony from Cripps and Eden.
EKB, The cited article was written / published on 1 January 2014, HMG files were often publicly accessible that day and I understand some historians, even journalists got in earlier. This 2014 article by Calder Walton refers to: From: How Zionist Extremism Became British Spies’ Biggest Enemy Note the 'secret files' cited when followed state: The author is Calder Walton. From: Coat bomb and explosive prosthesis: British intel files reveal how the Zionist Stern Gang terrorized London
"Is this story factual?" The June '47 bombing campaign; Yes. Circumstances of how individual recipients of the devices reacted/dealt with them; Buried within KV series files somewhere (and possibly memoirs). Over the years I've never been able to track down the technical report into the devices (understandably). Likely limited distribution and subsequent filing, and since heavily redacted/disappeared, for obvious reasons, methinks. Some of the responsible cell or similar (never caught) likely did for Roy Farran's young brother, Francis. Kind regards, always remember, never forget, Jim. Search results: Stern Gang | The National Archives Murder of Francis Rex Farran by parcel bomb posted by terrorist organisation at Codsall,... | The National Archives