Adding Images

Discussion in 'Network Information, Suggestions and Feedback' started by frg7700, Jun 28, 2018.

  1. CL1

    CL1 116th LAA and 92nd (Loyals) LAA,Royal Artillery

    Im like that every night mate no worries
    gash hand, Tricky Dicky and Tony56 like this.
  2. Has the size of posted images been reduced again? Last image I posted was reduced to 768 pixels and is now almost unreadable.
    If so, this is going to be a problem when posting photos where detail is important or parts of documents and will defeat one of the most important purposes (in my view) of this forum... :huh:

    [Edit] I took a better look at the instructions when uploading an image:

    Upload a File (Max 48.8 MB):
    Accepted file types:zip, txt, pdf, png, jpg, jpeg, jpe, gif, kmz, kml, xlsx, xlsm, xltx, xls, xlt, xml, mp4, jfif
    Max image width:1,024 pixels
    Max image height:768 pixels

    I did reduce the largest dimension to 1,024 pixels before uploading but that was the height, which therefore became reduced to 768 px by the software. The result is not too good...

    I do not really see the point of accepting files up to 48.8 MB while reducing images to 1,024x768 even when they weight much much less than 2MB... Should we convert large images to pdf to keep them readable?
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2024
  3. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    Nothing changed in settings at all.
    The very large allowed filesize is because it avoids us (me) dealing with constant requests to resize images by the tech confused (a 500x500 image at 247mb one memorable example... o_O ). The software now just does all that for them on most images.
    It's 1024x768 as that allows for an 'average' across multiple user's screens from old to new, while giving a reasonable photographic 'screen' quality. I could maybe look at that, but would need a fair amount of testing to see how it resolves on-screen.& how much more server storage it eats up.
    It's possible submitted size doesn't matter (Can't remember), but the allowed size after conversion will always be set to the forum's load/page speed etc. benefit, I'm afraid

    There will likely always be some problems with detail in images.
    It's a grim compromise between 'enough', the original image quality, & absolutely hammering the server/storage.
    We're still a rather generous forum compared to many re. allowed images. The last big shift made a hell of a difference to the strain on the site, but I may indeed have another look.
    Might have a shufti at 2F's settings as I think they mimicked our space-saving move, and as that's set by the boss might give me an indication on more detailed setup.

    Might all be moot. :unsure:
    Might be more general changes due that could invalidate work done on the current iteration.
    So I'm unlikely to wade in yet, I'm afraid.

    Not sure.
    Always been clunky on here. No facility to display with a preview (I think) & often fail on upload.
    Might be another aspect subject to change/improvement eventually.
    If people started banging in images using the large allowed .pdf quota that could quickly become an issue.

    Apologies for some vagueness.
    Currently not certain how much change is actually worth working on... yet.
    gash hand and JimHerriot like this.
  4. Thank you vP for the in depth explanation. When possible I include links to the original hi-res image but such links tend to die over time. The interested viewer should therefore download them before they disappear from the cyberspace.

    I also tried uploading large images to third party image hosting sites, but the Botoph*cket fiasco has made me wary plus I have reached the limit for non-paying uploads.

    For images of text a way out would be for posters to select only the paragraph relevant to their post (many posters already do that), but this loses the context and makes misinterpretation more likely.

    I guess there no perfect solution so I'll try and adjust, until the new software and hopefully gigantic, or rather exantic, storage capacities become effective. :D
    von Poop likes this.

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