9th Lancer - Tanks and other Vehicles... Types of Tanks used by the Regiment Regimental-Histories_1936-1945 Bright_364.jpg - The Royal Lancers Museum at Derby Work in Progress ;-) WWII Tank and Vehicle Names V7 as at 1st July 2022 -- x -- Markings and Insignia for Armour in the BEF -- x -- M4A2(75) in combat
9th Lancer tanks, names and numbers... Names Blackcock (?) Eagle - T5797 Finsbury Line - T45128 Fox Fury (?) Fury II Hellzashoot'n Kestrel - T5169 Mallard - T5798 Victorious - T15314 Numbers T5148 T5169 KESTREL T5177 T5178 T5794 T5795 T5797 EAGLE T5798 MALLARD T7235 T9156 T15301 T15314 VICTORIOUS T44520 - (?) T45128 - FINSBURY LINE --- x --- THE BRITISH ARMY IN THE UNITED KINGDOM 1939-45 IWM : H303 MARK V. CRUISER TANKS IWM H12398 : T15301 MARK V. CRUISER TANKS IWM H12401 THE BRITISH ARMY IN THE UNITED KINGDOM 1939-45 IWM H12395 : Object description - Covenanter tanks of 9th Queen's Royal Lancers on manoeuvres at Tidworth, 1 August 1941. 9th Lancers, HQ Squadron, "VICTORIOUS" - T15314 E18971 THE CAMPAIGN IN NORTH AFRICA 1940-1943 NA1811 BATTLE OF THE GABES GAP NA1812 THE BRITISH ARMY IN TUNISIA 1943 NA1813 BATTLE OF THE GABES GAP NA1814 BATTLE OF THE GABES GAP --- x --- --- x --- x --- --- x --- x --- x --- --- x --- x --- x ---