80th anniversary of Lion Box at the NMA

Discussion in 'All Anniversaries' started by lionboxer, Mar 15, 2024.

  1. lionboxer

    lionboxer Member

    A heads-up for those wishing to attend a Remembrance Service for the 80th anniversary of the battle at Lion Box Kanglatongbi at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire.
    It will be held at the Burma Star Memorial at 1.00pm on Sunday 7th April 2024 and will be the first time this action has been commemorated in the UK. It is also the first time anywhere that a Roll of Honour will be called for the hundred+ British and Indian troops killed there. The service will be led by the Reverend Dr Andrew Sangster, a military historian and author. In attendance will be serving soldiers and Standard Bearers to represent those units that were involved. A piper and a bugler will provide the musical accompaniment and families of those who fought will take part in the ceremony including the families of two Military Cross recipients.
    Owen, JimHerriot, bamboo43 and 2 others like this.
  2. lionboxer

    lionboxer Member

    Just bumping this up to the top!
    JimHerriot likes this.
  3. lionboxer

    lionboxer Member

    Last bump-up. If anyone goes then please say hello to me. I will be the blue-arsed fly jumping about!!
  4. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    Please post some photos of the event, if you get chance to take some.

    Good luck & hope it all goes well.
  5. bamboo43

    bamboo43 Very Senior Member

    Good luck and hope the weather is kind to you all.
  6. lionboxer

    lionboxer Member

    Just a couple of pics of our very successful event. The weather stayed dry though very blustery and over a hundred people attended. Very poignant and emotional as the 105 names of the British and Indian dead were called out. A powerful address from Rev’d Sangster and prayers from other faith leaders set the tone followed by readings from families of those who fought at Lion Box Kanglatongbi.
    A lot of work was put in to the organising but it all came to fruition on the day. I think those Lions we remembered would be satisfied with our efforts.

    Attached Files:

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