703 RASC Transport Company, April 1945 location

Discussion in 'RASC' started by Philip Reinders, Jan 27, 2018.

  1. Philip Reinders

    Philip Reinders Very Senior Member

    Was the Company in Germany by then?
  2. Aixman

    Aixman War Establishment addict Patron

    WO 33-2240 - 21 Army Group, Operational Order of Battle - 15-05-1945 - lists 703 Company RASC (Armoured Divisional Troop Carrying) under 8th Corps (serial 4110).
    Hope that helps.
  3. Philip Reinders

    Philip Reinders Very Senior Member

    Thnks I got all the WO numbers that I need, thats not the problem, I just want to known, if and where they were by then.
  4. Historic Steve

    Historic Steve Researching 21 Army Group/BAOR post VE day

    On VE day they were under command CRASC 11 Armd Div and disbanded Nov 45
  5. Bluebell Minor

    Bluebell Minor Junior Member

    As some will know Historic Steve and I are members of a small team of amateur military military enthusiasts researching and recording the transition of 21 Army Group (including Allied Forces under command) into the more familiar BAOR.. I have a particular interest in the Hamburg area and Schleswig Holstein (the immediate post VE Day 8 and 12 Corps areas).

    My research is ongoing but may I amplify Steve and Aixman's postings

    According to my working notes
    a. Deputy Director Supply and Transport Headquarters 8 Corps (DDST HQ 8 Corps) asset survey dated 7th May 45 (ie immediately before VE Day) lists 703 Company as under command CRASC HQ 11 Armoured Division as Divisional Troops in a Troop Carrying role.
    b. The war Diary for CRASC 11 Armoured Division for VE Day shows his HQ to be colocated with other Service Commanders in the village of Schwarzenbek (east of Hamburg/north of the River Elbe) presumably awaiting orders for the entire Division to move north of the Kiel Canal in accordance with OPERATION ECLIPSE plans.His subordinate RASC Companies must have been spread north of here to west of Lubeck in order to provide effective support to their individual dependencies.
    c. HQ RASC Operation Order 11 dated 12 May 45 includes the planned move of HQ RASC and 703 Company to the village of Bollingstedt (just to the north of the town Schleswig)
    d. A second DDST HQ 8 Corps asset survey dated 24th May 45 indicates there was no change to the 703 Company status as being under command CRASC 11 Armoured Division as a Divisional Troops asset in the Troop Carrying role.
    e CRASC 11 Division clearly reorgansed his assets to reflect the new occupation rather than operational tasks.
    By 8th June he had moved to Schleswig to create a Railhead at the town station but there is no mention of 703 Company.
    f. A third DDST HQ 8 Corps asset survey dated 16th June 45 outlines a major reorganisation of his third line transport assets (including the creation of RASC Columns) following the disbandment of 12 HQ Corps and the move south from Hamburg to the Rhineland of 53 Welsh Division. No mention of 703 Company or any other RASC subunits under command the remaining three Divisional CRASC.
    g. The final mention I have of 703 Company is a CRASC 11 Armoured Division LOCSTAT dated 10th July 45 showing the unit to be based in Flensburg (possibly the former Luftwaffe airfield to the west of the town) still in the Troop Carrying role.

    Hope this is of interest to some
    Historic Steve likes this.

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