508th PIR: Looking for unit journals, reports, etc (Market Garden)

Discussion in 'US Units' started by DirkJ, Dec 12, 2024.

  1. DirkJ

    DirkJ Member

    I am trying to get a more detailed overview of the battles around Beek (east of Nijmegen) during Market Garden (17-25 september 1944).

    Several authors (like P. Nordyke and R.G. Poulussen) have listed in their bibliography primary sources like units journals, reports, etc. Unfortunately I cannot find these documents for 508th PIR (or its battalions) within any archive.

    Perhaps a member of this forum has seen/read the unit journals, reports, etc, for 508th PIR? Who can advise me where to find these documents?
  2. Temujin

    Temujin Member

  3. Temujin

    Temujin Member

  4. Temujin

    Temujin Member

    As a heads up, while searching for information and ww2 documents for the 508th PIR, I have noticed that they used the following to identify the unit on these types of documents


    I have used this to search for documents on line and it will give you more “hits” on info
  5. Temujin

    Temujin Member

    And, while using FOLD3.COM (this is a subscription based service) you can find records of individual units, for example I found a MACR that describes an aircraft loss, the crew and the passengers. I’ve done screen shots on two pages below. So you can find more detailed info, but not sure if that is what you’re looking for.


  6. Temujin

    Temujin Member

    AGF report No. 440 -- combat lessons of 82nd Airborne Division.
    World War II Operational Documents

    Graphic history of the 82nd Airborne Division: Operation "Market", Holland, 1944.
    World War II Operational Documents

    82nd Airborne Division: Operation Market: historical data.
    World War II Operational Documents

    Role of air support in Operation Market.
    World War II Operational Documents

    Field Order No.11, 82nd Airborne Division, 13 September 1944.
    World War II Operational Documents

    Operations in Holland, September-November 1944.
    World War II Operational Documents

    Report of airborne phase (17-27 Sept., 44) Operation "Market", XVIII Corps
    World War II Operational Documents

    Memos - Operation Market (Holland) - 82d Airborne Division.
    World War II Operational Documents

    Statistical study based on reports of division personnel on parachute landings of 82d A/B Division troops in Operation "Market" 17 September 1944.

    Map showing parachute landings 82d Airborne Division Operation Market.
    World War II Operational Documents

    Map showing glider landings 82d Airborne Division Operation Market.
    World War II Operational Documents

    82nd D-Day paradrop by 50th and 52nd Wings for Operation 'Market'.
    World War II Operational Documents

    82nd D+1 Day glider release by 50th and 52nd Wings for Operation 'Market'.
    World War II Operational Documents

    Last edited: Dec 14, 2024
  7. DirkJ

    DirkJ Member

    Thanks for your help. Much appreciated!

    I have seen your listed documents too. Unfortunately I cannot find any original war diary (US 'unit journals') or report ('S1'-, 'S2-', 'S3-' nor 'daily') for 508 PIR or its battalions in the period 17-25 september 1944.
  8. Bedee

    Bedee Well-Known Member

    Have a look at Fort Moore center of excellence here, lots of documents including G-2 reports.
    Get also in touch with the Groesbeek Airborne friends, they have a lot of knowledge of this area.

    Hope you will share a post later about the situation that time in Beek.
  9. DirkJ

    DirkJ Member

    Thanks a lot for this useful link. I just had a look and found several relevant unit journals and reports of 82nd Division, 504 PIR and 505 PIR. I am still continuing my search for these documents of 508 PIR.

    I will share several posts later about the battles around Voxhil, Wyler, Devil's Hill, Thornsche Molen and Beek.
  10. DirkJ

    DirkJ Member

    I just sent an email to info@groesbeekairbornevrienden.nl for help. Authors like P. Nordyke and R.G. Poulussen mention these documents for 508 PIR in their bibliography so they should be available somewhere ...
  11. Elizabeth J Bates

    Elizabeth J Bates New Member

    By strange coincidence I am typing up my Grandfathers WWII manuscript for Nijmegen Bridge (operation market garden). Its very detailed starting at the 18th of September 1944. Whilst he was in 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards it may be of interest to you?
  12. DirkJ

    DirkJ Member

    Thanks for your reply, Elizabeth. The fighting around the Nijmegen bridges is not the focus of my research. But I am sure many members of WW2talk will be very interested to hear his story!

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