Army Number: 2695233 Rank: Serjeant Name: Patrick Gilchrist COX, MM Unit: 1 Scots Guards London Gazette : 7 December 1944 The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the following awards in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in Italy: — The Military Medal. No. 2695233 Corporal Patrick Gilchrist Cox, Scots . Guards (Dundee).
The National Archives | DocumentsOnline | Image Details Name Cox, Patrick Gilchrist Rank: Corporal Service No: 2695233 Regiment: 1 Battalion Scots Guards Theatre of Combat or Operation: Italy Award: Military Medal Date of Announcement in London Gazette: 07 December 1944 Date 1944 Catalogue reference WO 373/8 24th Guards Brigade, 6th S.A. Armoured Division, 13 Corps 2695233 Corporal Patrick Gilchrist COX, 1st Battalion SCOTS GUARDS On 22nd June / 23rd June 1944, at SARTEANO, the Battalion was engaged in an attack on the ridge in front of and commanding the town. A platoon of 'C' Company was given the task of attacking and destroying German positions in the area of a house on the left of the ridge. This house overlooked a large part of the Battalion objectives and a further general movement forward was impossible until the German positions in the vicinity had been neutralised. The platoon worked their way forward to the house which they occupied after some close fighting. One enemy L.M.G. post behind the house remained and, although the house itself was in our hands, it was impossible to consolidate until the post was destroyed. Corporal COX, a Section Commander in the platoon, crawled out and after a short time, in which he showed great skill and daring, he got to within five yards of the enemy and flung hand grenades into the German position, thus destroying the post and causing the Germans in the vicinity to withdraw. The platoon was then able to occupy the feature which gave observation over the entire village. Had it not been for the initiative, skill and calm courage of this N.C.O. the advance of the Battalion would have been considerably delayed. Later in the same day he became a casualty, being wounded in the head and eyes. This N.C.O. has served with the Battalion ever since it came overseas. He is consistently cheerful and his behaviour under fire and in battle has been at all times of the highest order. Granted an Immediate M.M.
OFFICERS AND MEN OF 24 GUARDS BRIGADE RECEIVE DECORATIONS FOR GALLANTRY © IWM NA 18957 Object description Original wartime caption: Sgt. Patrick Gilchrist Cox, 1st Btn. Scots Guards, of Dundee Scotland. He received the ribbon of the M.M. for gallantry when as a Corporal in charge of a section, he crawled under fire to within five yards of an enemy machine gun nest, and threw hand grenades until the post was wiped out. The action took place at SARTEANO.