
25th Dragoons Ranchi, India. October 1943

The 25th Dragoons in October 1943 before they took part in The Battle of The Admin Box in February 1944, which stopped the Japanese advance into India. Lt Eric Miles is second row, third from the right.

25th Dragoons Ranchi, India. October 1943
richardmiles, Apr 25, 2014
    • Bernard85
      good day richardmiles,april 25th dragoons ranchi india,oct.1943.a fine bunch of men,hero's all regards bernard85,
    • richardmiles
      Bryan Perrett, in his book, "Tank tracks to Rangoon", says of the 25th Dragoons,"they will always be remembered by anyone who fought in the Arakan as having been a major factor in smashing the myth of Japanese invincibility".

      In another book by the same author,"Last Stand! Famous Battles Against the Odds", The Battle of the Admin Box was one of the selected thirteen actions, alongside such notable ones from Little Big Horn, Rourke's Drift and Arnhem Bridge that deserve a chapter in history. Though few have even heard of the Admin Box. The history of the 5th Indian Division comments: "The debt owed to those tanks (of the 25th Dragoons) and their crews cannot be over-emphasized. It was their accurate,high velocity, close-range blasting which put our infantry back whenever the Japanese penetrated our defences or captured any vital position." The 25th deserve more mention. Disbanded in 1947 and largely forgotten, they deserve more recognition for the part they played in the first crucial defeat of the Japanese, who were poised to invade India.
      Sjpix likes this.
    • wiggy001
      I know this picture was posted a few years ago but does anyone have any more information about this picture, especially who is in it? Reason for asking is that my grandfather was part of the 25th Dragoons in Burma and I believe he may be in this picture.

      Many thanks in advance
      Sjpix likes this.
    • richardmiles
      Could be the officers and NCO's of the Regiment. I'm told that they are of A and B Squadrons.
      Sjpix likes this.
    • Sjpix
      richardmiles This photo was checked over in Nov 2018 by 2 folk at the Koheima Museum.... both agreed the men in the picture were officers/NCO's.... we know Sqd A and Sqd B are represented.
    • richardmiles
      Sjpix Many thanks.Eric Miles as 2nd Lt. joined the 25th Dragoons, based in Ranchi in September 1943 and during November 1943 the regiment moved to the Arakan front in Burma, joining the offensive of January-February 1944 with the Fifth and Seventh Indian Divisions, commanded by General Messervy.
    • Lynnette Broughton
      Hi I am the niece of the late Captain George Winter who fell in action in Burma serving in tbe 25th Dragoons. Looking at the photo I think my uncle is on the far left in tbe front row. It would be marvellous if this could be confirmed. My brother has George's war medals and it includes a bravery medal when we believe his rank was Colour Sergeant. If anyone can supply any further information on our uncle that would be marvellous. We know his memorial headstone is in the war graves cemetery in Burma.
    • richardmiles
      Lynnette Broughton, Captain Edward George Winter,HQ Squadron. Age 36 Technical Adjutant was fatally wounded in The Admin Box and died in the MDS on the 15th February 1944.His nickname was "Pidgey" Winter."An excellent chap who can ill be spared," said Colonel Frink; "The salt of the earth,"said Major Ley. He is buried at Taukkyan War Cemetery outside Yangon.(Rangoon). Is this your uncle? If so, would like to see a photo of him to compare. I think it is highly likely that if he is the same man, he is in the photo.Regards Richard
    • Lynnette Broughton
      richardmiles wow that is amazing and my brothers and I did know George is buried at the cemetery in Taukkyan. So that must be him in the photo. We had never seen that photo before; I doubt our late father, who was the only surviving son of 3 brothers, saw the photo back in the day. The youngest brother was killed in action 15/09/44 in Italy. This photo is an exciting find for us. we always had George's photo and brother Len on our dining room wall as we grew up. They were always a big part of our family even though we never knew them. Thank you so much for this info. George had a bravery medal which is inscribed North West Frontier 1935 if you have any information on how he was awarded it and what this medal represents that would be even more amazing. Thank you so much, this is greatly appreciated.
    • Lynnette Broughton
      Hi Richard I am hoping you have received my comments/photos! Sorry cannot seem to "add" my photos on this thread.
    • richardmiles
      Lynnette Broughton Great news! Mary Cole, a stalwart member of our Facebook group, WW2 Burma Research, is in Rangoon today and I've asked her to visit George's grave and to pay our respects.
      A special message to Lynette. Amazing to find you are a relative of Capt Pidge. He was a close friend of my grandfather who was with him when he died. I can read you his letter to home telling of what happened to Capt Pidge Winters.
      Hi what was the name of your Grandfather/ Mine was RSM EW Manners later Major Manners
    • richardmiles
      NIGEL MANNERS I'm sure Lynette and her family will be so happy to see this precious and wonderful photo.Do you know about the dog and when this was taken as it looks like a setter.Lynette might not get alerts and it was only that I checked today on a whim, that I have seen this.I'm sure she would love to hear from you. I have been in contact with her by email.
    • richardmiles
      NIGEL MANNERS He was known as Captain Ernie Manners in the 25th Dragoons and is mentioned in "Some Letters from Burma, The story of the 25th Dragoons at War" by Tom Grounds.
    • richardmiles
      Nigel, Incidentally Lynette Broughton sent me a photo of George and we confirmed that he is indeed on the far left, bottom row, of the photo of the 25th Dragoons, said to be the officers and NCO's of A and B Squadron at Ranchi in October 1943. Can you identify your grandfather in the photo? Have you details of your grandfather's service? Perhaps he was a regular as he was promoted to Captain fairly quickly from RSM.
    • Lynnette Broughton
      NIGEL MANNERS I have posted a comment on here today (been a while so forgot how to do it!) but I did leave a message on your profile after Richard emailed me about the photos etc. My email address is
      Myself and my two brothers would love to see what your grandfather had to say about our Uncle as you say they were good friends. We have, since my finding this webpage, learnt so much about George and his life we had no idea of previously. Any information would be much appreciated. Many thanks for taking the time to post the photos, after 76 years its awesome to see them!
    • Scott Mitchell
      Hi there, Scott Mitchell from Canada here. I am trying to find any information on my Great UncleTrooper Archibald Mitchell who Died of Wounds in Burma on 8 Apr 1944. I would also be interested in finding a link to the Regimental Journal leading up to that time...Thanks
    • Ethan Gilfillan
      Hello, my Grand father served with the 25th Dragoons. I am quite certain he is in the front row of that group photo and third in from the left. His name is Richard Alfred Hart. All I know is he served 4 year’s in Indian and his British service numbers are : 322367. He served as a Gunnery instructor.
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