The Beginning Of World War 2

Discussion in 'Sub-forum: The build-Up - 1933-1940' started by danie1, Aug 20, 2005.

  1. danie1

    danie1 Junior Member

    Let talk about the beginning of world war 2. If you want to tåll me what you think about it...WRITE!!!
  2. spidge


    Welcome to the forum Danie1.

    "Beroe" has had many conquerors over it's 8,000 year history.

    Look forward to further posts.
  3. adamcotton

    adamcotton Senior Member

    Gosh - that's a complex subject!

    WW2 had its origins in the ending of WW1, with the victorious allies holding Germany morally and financially responsible for the whole bloody conflict. The burden placed on Germany by War Reparations payments, runaway inflation, the shaky foundations of the weimar Republic - all sowed the seed of the next war. Germans grew bitter and resentful (the nation was already close to revolution at the end of WW1), and like most disaffected peoples, sought to lay the blame somewhere. An Austrian who wanted to be German provided it: he made the Jews a scapegoat, and united the gentile majority against the Jewish minority (incidentally making a racial, rather than religous, distinction). It was inevitable that Hitler wanted to win back German'y pride and self respect, and re-claim lands that had been taken from them at the end of WW1 - including the Sudetenland, politically incoroprated into Chechoslovakia in 1919.
  4. sapper

    sapper WW2 Veteran WW2 Veteran

    I recall it very clearly, The society women that flocked to see that Mr Hitler, The right wing newspapers that admired his tactics. The Establishment from this Country, that were only too glad to be seen with the evil *******.

    I recall the Prime Minster waving a bit of paper saying, "we have peace in our time" the poor deluded idiots, that thought they could pacify a ravenous mad dog!

    The Tory MPs that got up in parliament complaining bitterly that we should not bomb the German arms factories, the reason? "They are private property"

    Oh yes! I remember. the failure to arm. the failure to come to terms with the gathering storm, even when the black ominous clouds of coming war spread across Europe. Meanwhile the nation, led by idiots, buried its collective head in the sand, and hoped that it would all go away.

    Sudetenland. Danzig. the Fifth column. The persecution of the Jews. the glorification of the great Munich gatherings. the screaming and gesturing of maniac bent on war, the screaming adulation of the "Whole" of the German population! Sieg Hiel!

    The "Class system" in this Country, was working overtime. That may cause you to ask, what does he mean? An example that will quickly make anyone understand is;
    Bournemourth Gardens had a notice on the entrance, "No Service Men allowed in the gardens" It lowered the tone of the place to see common service men in uniform in the gardens....Joking? Not a bit of it, and that was the atmosphere that was abroad in this Country.

    I can go on for hours about those times. came the war..All that was swept away never to return, though they have tried, and still do...

    What did amuse me about the Germans later in the war, was Goebells at a Nazi gathering screeching "Do you want total war" All those present leapt to their feet screaming..... YA! YA Heil Hitler, ecstatic with the idea of visiting "tiotal war on its enemies" Yet when we obliged them with "Total War" they so desired,they complained we were inhuman....Tough Laddie! Tough!
    Our bill likes this.
  5. bigd

    bigd Junior Member

    Originally posted by sapper@Aug 22 2005, 04:55 AM

    I recall it very clearly, The society women that flocked to see that Mr Hitler, The right wing newspapers that admired his tactics. The Establishment from this Country, that were only too glad to be seen with the evil *******.

    I recall the Prime Minster waving a bit of paper saying, "we have peace in our time" the poor deluded idiots, that thought they could pacify a ravenous mad dog!

    The Tory MPs that got up in parliament complaining bitterly that we should not bomb the German arms factories, the reason? "They are private property"

    Oh yes! I remember. the failure to arm. the failure to come to terms with the gathering storm, even when the black ominous clouds of coming war spread across Europe. Meanwhile the nation, led by idiots, buried its collective head in the sand, and hoped that it would all go away.

    Sudetenland. Danzig. the Fifth column. The persecution of the Jews. the glorification of the great Munich gatherings. the screaming and gesturing of maniac bent on war, the screaming adulation of the "Whole" of the German population! Sieg Hiel!

    The "Class system" in this Country, was working overtime. That may cause you to ask, what does he mean? An example that will quickly make anyone understand is;
    Bournemourth Gardens had a notice on the entrance, "No Service Men allowed in the gardens" It lowered the tone of the place to see common service men in uniform in the gardens....Joking? Not a bit of it, and that was the atmosphere that was abroad in this Country.

    I can go on for hours about those times. came the war..All that was swept away never to return, though they have tried, and still do...

    What did amuse me about the Germans later in the war, was Goebells at a Nazi gathering screeching "Do you want total war" All those present leapt to their feet screaming..... YA! YA Heil Hitler, ecstatic with the idea of visiting "tiotal war on its enemies" Yet when we obliged them with "Total War" they so desired,they complained we were inhuman....Tough Laddie! Tough!
    [post=37909]Quoted post[/post]

    start of ww 2 can be summed up in three words "treaty of Versailles
  6. Kiwiwriter

    Kiwiwriter Very Senior Member

    The Treaty of Versailles is a good place to start World War II...certainly it originated there, but also with the 1918 Armistice.

    I also vote for the 1931 Japanese seizure of Manchuria.
  7. vailron

    vailron Senior Member

    have to agree the treaty of vesailles was the start of ww11. one can see how clemencau wanted to punish the germans, but all he achieved was the alienation of the french by the germans. wilsons 14 plan was a brilliant idea on paper, but totally unworkable in reality
  8. southern geordie

    southern geordie Junior Member

    My diplomatic response:-
    I'm with you Sapper! So long as you assure me that you are not going to fight anybody else in the near future. I'm old and Knckered with a medical grading of about Z.9. Despite that you have inspired my emotions.
  9. sapper

    sapper WW2 Veteran WW2 Veteran

    Dont worry old mate! my grading is the worst possible...I am classed as very severely war disabled, with officially exceptional severe injuries. So when I hear the "do gooders spouting" I can still get my one fingered typing going at full blast.

    My generation in many ways look back and wonder... What would the youngsters do if they were put in the place of us 19 year old lads?

    I wonder?
  10. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

  11. Kyt

    Kyt Very Senior Member

    Sapper, the politicians wondered the same thing in the 1930s - one of the reasons for appeasement was that they didn't think that the younger generations would fight after hearing all the stories about the trenches etc. (especially the French governement).

    You guys proved them wrong, and I think the current generation may do the same if the situation arose again. Boys can become men very quickly when pushed into a corner.
  12. Kitty

    Kitty Very Senior Member

    And girls can fight as well. I'd fight if needs be.

    For me WW2 began with the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. It all boils down to land in the end. WW1 was never finished in 1918, it ended in August 1945.
  13. Stephen

    Stephen Member

    The reason Hitler was able to win power was the depression which started in the USA in 1929 and spread hiting Germany particuarly hard. Other factors were no doubt important but a look at voting figures between 1919 and 1933 show that without the depression Hitler would never have come to power.
  14. Wills

    Wills Very Senior Member

  15. Ron Goldstein

    Ron Goldstein WW2 Veteran WW2 Veteran

    This was how my war began:

    1st September 1939

    It was a Friday afternoon and the family were gathered in sombre mood in the kitchen of our house in Boreham Street in the East End of London. The main talking point was the German invasion of Poland and the imminence of war in Europe.

    I had celebrated my 16th birthday only a few weeks earlier, on the 16th of August, to be precise and I listened with feelings of excitement as the elder members of the family discussed the likely outcome of the urgent Governmental meetings taking place in Whitehall at that moment.

    “It has to be war now ” one of the boys said.

    “They’ll start calling up all the men” said one of the girls.

    The conversation flagged for a moment as if everyone was weighing up the consequences of what had just been said, there were, after all, five men in the family , Lou, Jack, Mossy, Mick and myself and then of course there were our sisters husbands and boy friends, also of military age.

    Mum spoke.

    “Well” she said, as if seizing some consolation, “at least Ronnie won’t have to go”

    Some three and a half years later, in April 1943, the troopship S.S.Frankonia anchored in the harbour of Algiers and prepared to discharged its cargo of fresh troops, reinforcements for the First Army in North Africa.

    Amongst the last of the troops to disembark that day were a draft of wireless operators including one Goldstein.R., Army No.14300260, in other words the same young man who’s mother had once said of him “At least Ronnie won’t have to go”

    It was to be a long and terrible war and by the time it was all over one of the boys had perished whilst serving in Bomber Command in the RAF and life was never to be the same.

  16. elser

    elser Member

    I like the poem by w.h Auden "September 1st 1939" i tried to post a video of the reading but I dont know how to. Well Im not really poetic but I always remember this one, it was written on that date also.
  17. ethan

    ethan Member

    Disagree. To blame it all on Versailles is to ignore Hitler and Fascism and anti-semitism.
  18. Ron Goldstein

    Ron Goldstein WW2 Veteran WW2 Veteran

  19. elser

    elser Member

    Thats is it… thanks a lot :)
  20. Ramiles

    Ramiles Researching 9th Lancers, 24th L and SRY

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